Klaus Rabbertz
(ETP, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany)
The technique of interpolation grids as implemented in the APPLgrid or fastNLO
packages provides a fast and flexible way to reproduce the results of perturbative
QCD cross section calculations with any input PDF, choice of scales, or strong coupling
constant. Recent developments in the APPLfast interface between the NNLOJET QCD calculation with both packages are reported. As an example results using precision interpolation grids
for a number of jet production processes at HERA are presented and the strong coupling constant, alphas(MZ), is determined at next-to-next-to-leading order QCD from inclusive jet cross section data in electron-proton collisions.
The required NNLO interpolation grids shall be made publically available via the
ploughshare utility that is discussed as a standard source for the distribution
of such grids. Development versions of grids for QCD cross sections at the LHC
including jet production and Z production at high pT are available as well.
Primary author
Klaus Rabbertz
(ETP, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany)
Alexander Huss
(University of Freiburg)
Claire Gwenlan
Daniel Britzger
(MPI Physik, Munich, Germany)
Mark Sutton
(University of Sussex, UK)