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15–19 Jul 2019
US/Eastern timezone

NNLO QCD fits to extract PDFs from HERA inclusive and jet data

15 Jul 2019, 15:15
2220 A Chair : Stefano Carrazza

2220 A Chair : Stefano Carrazza

PDFs/alpha_S/Soft PDFs/Soft/Alpha_S I


Claire Gwenlan (Oxford)


NNLO predictions for jet production in Deep Inelastic Scattering have recently become available. These are used to extend the QCD HERAPDF2.0Jets fits, that were made to extract PDFs from inclusive HERA data and HERA jet data, from NLO to NNLO.  In addition new jet data sets have become available since the publication of HERAPDF2.0 and these are also considered.

Primary author

Claire Gwenlan (Oxford)

Presentation materials