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15–19 Jul 2019
US/Eastern timezone

ResBos2: Status Update

16 Jul 2019, 15:15
2220 A Chair : Christine MClean

2220 A Chair : Christine MClean

Jets/Substructure/Resummation Jets/Sub/Res


Joshua Isaacson


I will discuss the current status of the ResBos 2 project. The focus will be on accuracy of the resummation calculation, and the comparison to LHC data for $p_T$, $\phi^*_\eta$, and the angular coefficients for Drell-Yan. In addition, details pertaining to the ongoing studies of the detailed theoretical uncertainties that arise from the resummation calculation in the measurement of the $W$ boson mass, along with the ratio of the $Z$ transverse momentum to the $W$ tranvserse momentum will be discussed.

Primary author

Joshua Isaacson

Presentation materials