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15–19 Jul 2019
US/Eastern timezone

Localized 4𝜎 and 5𝜎 Dijet Mass Excesses in ALEPH LEP2 Four-Jet Events

15 Jul 2019, 17:45
2213 B Chair : Falko Dulat

2213 B Chair : Falko Dulat

Higgs/EW/BSM Higgs/EW/BSM


Dr Jennifer Kile (none)


We investigate an excess observed in hadronic events in the archived LEP2 ALEPH data. The events are clustered into four jets and paired such that the mass difference between the two dijet systems is minimized. The excess occurs in the region M1+M2∼110 GeV; about half of the excess is concentrated in the region M1∼80 GeV, M2∼25 GeV, with a local significance between 4.7σ and 5.5σ, depending on assumptions about hadronization uncertainties. The other half of the events are in a broad excess near M1∼M2∼55 GeV; these display a local significance of 4.1−4.5σ. We investigate the effects of changing the SM QCD Monte Carlo sample, the jet-clustering algorithm, and the jet rescaling method, finding that the excess is remarkably robust under these changes, and we find no source of systematic uncertainty that can explain the excess. No analogue of the excess is seen at LEP1. We conclude that this excess should be investigated by the other LEP experiments and that QCD experts should study whether or not this effect can be reproduced by QCD Monte Carlo generators.

Primary authors

Dr Jennifer Kile (none) Dr Julian von Wimmersperg-Toeller (none)

Presentation materials