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15–19 Jul 2019
US/Eastern timezone

Fitting the strong coupling constant for soft-drop thrust

15 Jul 2019, 15:40
2213 B Chair : Deepak Kar

2213 B Chair : Deepak Kar

Jets/Substructure/Resummation Jets/Sub/Res


Vincent Theeuwes (University of Goettingen)


Over the years many different types of fits for the strong coupling constant have been performed. However one type of high precision result that currently significantly differs from the world average are results from event shapes at electron positron colliders. One possible source for the difference in these results could be the degeneracy between the fit of the strong coupling constant and non-perturbative parameters. In this talk I will explore the application of modern jet substructure techniques, specifically soft drop, in order to break the impact of the non-perturbative corrections on the fit of the strong coupling constant.

Primary author

Vincent Theeuwes (University of Goettingen)


Daniel Reichelt (University of Goettingen) Gregory Soyez (CEA Saclay) Dr Simone Marzani (Università di Genova & INFN Genova) Steffen Schumann (University of Goettingen)

Presentation materials