15–19 Jul 2019
US/Eastern timezone

ATLAS results on Spectroscopy and Production in Heavy Flavour, including Onia

16 Jul 2019, 17:20
2213 B Chair : Pekka Sinervo

2213 B Chair : Pekka Sinervo


Dr WEIMIN SONG (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)


The associated production of vector boson with quarkonia is a key observable for understanding the quarkonium production mechanisms, including the separation of single and double parton scattering components. This talk will present the latest measurements from ATLAS on quarkonium production, including associated production. In addition, searches for, and measurements of exotic states are studied, and recent results from heavy flavour spectroscopy are reported.

Primary author

Dr WEIMIN SONG (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)

Presentation materials