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16–26 Jul 2022
US/Pacific timezone

H → µµ at a 3-TeV muon collider

18 Jul 2022, 19:00
2h 20m
211 South Ballroom (HUB)

211 South Ballroom



Alessandro Montella


Among the projects currently under study for the next generation of
particle accelerators, the muon collider represents a unique machine,
which has the capability to provide leptonic collisions at energies of
several TeV. The multi-TeV energy regime is as yet unexplored and holds
a huge physical potential that will enable a novel research programme
ranging from high precision measurements of known standard model
processes to high-sensitivity searches for phenomena beyond the standard
model. A multi-TeV muon collider will produce huge samples of Higgs
bosons that will allow a determination of the Higgs boson properties
with unprecedented precision, like its couplings to fermions and bosons
and its trilinear and quartic self-couplings.
This contribution will present a study, based on a detailed detector
simulation and a full-fledged muon reconstruction, of the muon collider
prospects for the H → μμ production, one of the rarest Higgs boson
processes that represents a gateway to the determination of the Higgs
boson coupling to the second generation leptons.

In-person or Virtual? In-person

Primary author


Massimo Casarsa (INFN Trieste) Vieri Candelise (University of Trieste and INFN Trieste)

Presentation materials