Minutes and Action List of June8 2020 ArgonCube2x2 Installation Meeting
- Attendee: Angela, Anne, Clarence, Steve, Howard, Jim, Tom, Min Jung, Gary and Ting
- News and action task:
- On MINOS catwalk handrails replacement, Jim plans to order parts use original design drawings. We expect to start MINOS module removal in September. Handrails need to be installed before then. Jim to find the drawings when he gets chance to go to the office. He will also discuss the need of design review.
- Min Jung mentioned potential need to replace egress ladder on the east side at very downstream end if we decide to remove the crossover bridge there. This issue will be discussed again if current scope of ProtoDUNE-ND in MINOS hall gets expanded to include other DUNE dear detector component such as gas argon TPC,
- Zoom-only meeting is the new norms for us for at least this year so everyone is encouraged to get familiar with it.
- MINOS/MINERvA lift plan permit
- Jim's re-writing of the lifting procedure for the new FESHM requirement needs signals from PPD and ND heads
- Anglea is to show Jim the way for digital signature. Jim to finish the signatures and ask PPD head (Josh) to sign
- Ting will ask Steve Brice to sign
- Decommissioning restart
- Current plan is to restart the work next Monday June 15. We are waiting Lab and DOE's final approval. Ting will pass along news.
- All 5 members of Tom's crew will be on the list likely this Thursday (June 11) to return to work.
- 4 member of electronics disassembly team (Steve,Howard, Anne and Clarence) are to be added to Lab access list likely this Thursday.
- Steve and Howard are available
- Anne and Clarence have some limitation due to Neutrino 2020 conference preparation and being in organization team. The conference is from June 22 to July 2.
- We already have 2 ND electrical techs (Joe Harris and Skippy Brown) on the access list for ICARUS work. Ting will coordinate with Linda Bagby about schedule them for decommissioning.
- We are also working on adding 4 students to Lab access list. This will be unnamed list for flexibility. Detail to be worked out with ND management.
- We agreed on a tentative schedule for the next two weeks:
- The week of June 15 is reserved for MINERvA electronics disassembly starting module set #6
- The week after we start module removal and re-install. Monday and Tuesday (June 22 and 23) we reserve for Tom's crew. Wednesday-Friday (June 24-26) for electronics.
- We will communicate again (by email for example) late half of next week to adjust schedule
- Howard suggests to spend time to investigate the damages of the electronics stored in MSB mechanical room which had some water leaking issue
- We suggest to ask Joe and Skippy to take them to Lab F for further test
- This potentially will change our spare plan for ArgonCube test
- Steve mentioned that Cindy and Zako of ND OPS group have been doing weekly safety walk through.
- They did not report any damage to boxes we use for electronics. We should check the boxes out to see the need to order more boxes
- The LI rack seemed got wet during the heavy raining week. Water drains got clogged. Tom W and Tom O cleaned the drains couple of weeks ago.
- We should inspect the L1 rack and other two racks too.
- HA discussion:
- Steve took Jim's HA 2304 for MINOS work under covid-19, modified and posted as HA2320
- HA 2304 is posted in indico meeting page
- Steve and Jim need to consolidate the HA then sign it off this week. All team members need to read and sign it before restart.
- Angela pointed out that division head(s) need to sign off HA which deals the situation with people working closer than 6'.
- We think we can modify the electronics disassembly HA to avoid getting closer
- cable pulling is potential step.
- handling over things from people on lifter to people on catwalk or floor is another place
- Everyone is encouraged to look Clarence's description of the process and think of how we can change to maintain social distancing
- Steve comments that he has been thinking of this for a while. He will help Clarence to modify the procedures and HA to minimize the change for workers getting close.
- Howard suggest to have more tools to avoid sharing
- He will send a list to Ting so we can order them ASAP
- PPE and social distancing discussion:
- Face covering + gloves + safety glasses/goggle in addition to hardhat are required to work in MINOS hall
- face masks are available either from lab gate or MSB
- Howard comments on the safety glasses may not fit correctly. We will try out the ones from stock room and see other alternative
- Clarence comments the nitrile glove is easy to get teared. We order more for backup
- Angela suggests alternative N9696 Ninja Dipped:
- We will order some to try
- Tom comments the need to wear working gloves over the nitrile for mechanical work
- Angela agree that should be fine
- Safety glasses or face shields are best if people keep them and not sharing. Same apply to the hardhat
- Hand sanitizer stations are being installed in MINOS. Steve to check with Cindy on their status
- MINOS elevator is one-person-ride policy for now.
- This is required by Steve Brice.
- Ting will bring this up with Steve
- Call MCR first before going there for keys. Steve mentioned you should also the main door to enter the control room.
- Steve is looking for keys reserved for operation group. This is a nice way to minimize contact
- Summary of action task list:
- Jim to look original design file of MINOS catwalk
- Jim to get PPD signatures on lift permit, send it to Ting to get ND head signature
- Ting to pass along news of ND restart plan from Peter Wilson
- Ting to check Joe Harris and Skippy Brown's schedule next week
- Steve and Jim to finalize HA for MINOS works under convid-19.
- Clarence to look HA2320 to see potential modification to avoid workers getting closer than 6'
- Howard to give Ting a list of additional tools to order for electronics disassembly tasks
- Ting to order N9696 Ninja dipped gloves
- Ting to order more hardhat so people can keep them
- Steve to check with Cindy on hand sanitizer station
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