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12–24 May 2020
US/Central timezone

Kirsty Duffy (FNAL)

Hi Young DUNE - my name is Kirsty Duffy, and I’m a postdoc at Fermilab. I work mostly on the gas TPC for the DUNE near detector. I’ve been serving as the YD rep on the Spokespersons Advisory Committee for the past year - I’ve really enjoyed representing you and I’m excited to run again. I think it’s really important to have young voices on the committee to represent our interests, which are often different from those of more senior members of the collaboration. I have previous experience representing younger collaboration members as a founder of T2K-Young and as one of your Young DUNE reps on the Code of Conduct committee, where I have worked with Sebastien to make sure that we put together a protocol for handling Code of Conduct violations that works for us (as younger collaboration members). I hope that I’ve managed to serve you well so far, and I’d look forward to representing you to the spokespeople - making sure that your voices are heard and reinforcing to the collaboration management how important it is to consider the viewpoints of us Young DUNE members in pretty much every issue that comes up!