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28 August 2011 to 2 September 2011
US/Central timezone
Slides available on Indico -- there are no formal proceedings

LHC Implications of WIMP Dark Matter and Grand Unification

29 Aug 2011, 11:15
C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover

C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover


Ms Karoline Köpp (Florida State University)


Assuming that dark matter consists of an electroweak triplet and that the gauge couplings unify at a high scale, I will point out a robust phenomenological trends towards new colored states within LHC reach. Specially, these new colored particles are either collider stable or alternatively decay promptly to final states that include Higgses. I will show that both cases are promising for the LHC: Collider stable new states should be highly visible already for the early LHC and the prompt decay scenario features a strong new Higgs production channel that can be competitive with Standard Model Higgs production.

Presentation materials