Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

The FERMI(FNAL) network authorization method will be removed on Tuesday, Feb 4th at 5PM CST. See news for more details.

28 August 2011 to 2 September 2011
US/Central timezone
Slides available on Indico -- there are no formal proceedings

Instructions for Session Chairs

Thank you for agreeing to chair a session at SUSY11. If for some reason you cannot get to your session, Felix Yu is our Chair of Last Resort; in this case either contact Felix, Marcela, Joe, or call/text to (630) 890-8174.

1) Please consult the timetable for the time, room, and speakers of your session.

2) You will receive an email with a list of speakers emails. Please remind your speakers to upload their slides to Indico, if possible, at least a day in advance.

3) If all of your talks are uploaded, all you have to do is download them to your own laptop and run the session from your laptop. Please note that there won't be time to switch between laptops for each talk.

4) If a speaker has not uploaded, probably the easiest solution is to transfer the talk to your laptop using a thumbdrive.

5) All rooms will have standard LCD projectors (you may have to turn it on) and a laser pointer. You will have a timer that makes a "ding". You will have cards that say "5 min", "1 min", "0 min", and "Stop".

6) Please be ruthless on time. A 20 minute talk means 18 minutes + 2 min for questions. A 25 min talk means 20+5. A 30 min. talk means 25+5, etc.

7) Eventually we want to be sure that all talks are uploaded to Indico, so we have given you Indico permissions. First you need to have a FNAL Indico account; if you don't have one, go to the SUSY11 website and click the red Login tab to see how to get one. Once you can log in to Indico on SUSY11, you will see on the left main menu a tab "My sessions". Click on this to see links to your sessions.

8) Click on a session link. If it is a plenary session, you will see the list of talks. Click on the title of a talk, then "View Details", then "Add Material" if you want to upload slides.

9) If it is a parallel session, first click on "Filter" then "Rooms" then select only the room of your session. Now you see only the talks in your session and can proceed as in the item above.

10) Thanks and enjoy SUSY11!