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Supersymmetry 2011 (SUSY11)



Batavia, Illinois USA
Joseph Lykken (Fermilab), Marcela Carena (Fermilab)
19th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions
Email the organizers:
    • 8:45 AM 10:45 AM
      Plenary Session 1: Ramsey Auditorium

      Ramsey Auditorium


      Batavia, Illinois USA
      Convener: Prof. Chris Quigg (Fermilab)
      • 8:45 AM
        Welcome 15m
      • 9:00 AM
        Why do SUSY in 2011? 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Hitoshi Murayama
      • 9:35 AM
        Recent theory developments: implications for low energy supersymmetry 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Michael Dine
      • 10:10 AM
        Dark matter and SUSY 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Aaron Pierce
    • 10:45 AM 11:15 AM
      coffee break 30m Wilson Hall Atrium

      Wilson Hall Atrium

    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 1: A - Collider pheno A: Wilson Hall 1 West

      A: Wilson Hall 1 West

      Convener: Dr Bogdan Dobrescu
      • 11:15 AM
        Kinematic Techniques for Missing Energy Events at Hadron Colliders 30m
        Events with missing transverse energies in hadron collisions are an important channel for searching new physics which contains a dark matter candidate, such as supersymmetry with R-parity conservation. Due to the missing information, reconstructing these events are challenging. I will discuss some recent developments of kinematic variables and techniques which are useful in discoveries and measurements of such new physics events.
        Speaker: Prof. Hsin-Chia Cheng (University of California, Davis)
      • 11:45 AM
        A New Way to Measure Spin at Hadron Colliders 25m
        I propose a new technique for determining the spin of new massive particles that might be discovered at the Large Hadron Collider. The method relies on pair-production of the new particles in a kinematic regime where the vector boson fusion production mechanism is enhanced. For this regime, I show that the distribution of the leading jets as a function of their relative azimuthal angle can be used to distinguish spin-0 from spin-1/2 particles. I argue that this method should be applicable in a wide range of new physics scenarios.
        Speaker: Dr Matthew Buckley (Fermilab)
      • 12:10 PM
        Resolving Combinatorical Ambiguities at Hadron Colliders with $MT_{2}$ 25m
        We present a method to resolve combinatorial issues in multi-particle final state at hadron colliders. The use of kinematic variables such as MT2 and invariant masses significantly reduces combinatorial ambiguities in signal but at a cost of losing statistics. We illustrate the idea with a pair of gluinos which leads to 4-jets + E̸ T signal, and apply the same idea to the t-tbar dilepton system to resolve two-fold ambiguity in finding the correct combination of a b-jet and a lepton. Our method provides much larger efficiency with similar purity compared to results in recent studies.
        Speaker: Dr Mathew McCaskey (University of Kansas)
      • 12:35 PM
        Spin and coupling determination of signals with missing energy at the LHC 25m
        Once new heavy particles are discovered at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), determination of the properties of these particles, such as masses, spins and couplings, is important to distinguish major scenarios of TeV scale new physics. However, new physics processes with missing energy in the final state are challenging to analyze at the LHC since they offer only few kinematical handles. In this talk, I will focus on the spin and coupling determination in production and decay of new heavy particles with missing energy in the final state. This class of processes is analyzed with minimal model assumptions by considering all the possible combinations of spin 0, 1/2 or 1 and couplings for the new particles. Also, a discrete symmetry is assumed to ensure the existence of stable neutral particles, which escape the detector. Some variables will be introduced for the spin and coupling determination. Concrete realizations within several example models such as supersymmetry or universal extra dimension models will be discussed.
        Speaker: Mr Chien-Yi Chen (Carnegie Mellon University)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 1: B - String pheno B: Curia II, Wilson Hall 2SW

      B: Curia II, Wilson Hall 2SW

      Convener: Prof. Mirjam Cvetic
      • 11:15 AM
        Quantum Compactifications 30m
        Speaker: Prof. Savdeep Sethi
      • 11:45 AM
        An Algorithmic Approach to String Phenomenology 25m
        In this talk I will present recent work on systematic approaches to realistic particle physics in string theory. Using new techniques in computational algebraic geometry we are able to scan literally hundreds of billions of string vacua. A detailed study of the corresponding physical theories with broadly desirable physical characteristics – such as anomaly-free theories, Standard Model particle spectra and consistent N = 1 supersymmetry -- can dramatically advance our understanding of particle physics in string theory. In addition, I will present 200 new smooth heterotic compactifications with exact MSSM spectra.
        Speaker: Dr Lara Anderson (University of Pennsylvania)
      • 12:10 PM
        U(1) symmetries and F-theory GUTs 25m
        Speaker: Dr Joe Marsano
      • 12:35 PM
        Stringy Quivers: Constraints on Chiral Matter and Systematic Phenomenological Searches 25m
        MSSM-like quiver gauge theories naturally arise in D-brane compactifications and make up a subset of the data necessary to fully specify a string vacuum of this type. In addition to requiring field theoretic anomaly cancellation, consistency of the string theory requires that the chiral spectrum of a quiver satisfy additional constraints not present in field theory, rendering many quivers with the exact MSSM spectrum inconsistent. For those consistent quivers with the MSSM spectrum, I present systematic studies of their non-perturbative effects and phenomenology including mass hierarchies, R-parity violation, new possibilities for neutrino mass, and solutions to the mu-problem. For those MSSM quivers which are inconsistent, I present a systematic analysis of possible chiral matter additions which would render them consistent and discuss implications for U(1)' symmetries.
        Speaker: Mr James Halverson (University of Pennsylvania)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 1: C - SUSY theory C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover

      C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover

      Convener: Dr Patrick Fox
      • 11:15 AM
        R-symmetry matching in supersymmetry breaking models 30m
        Low energy descriptions of metastable supersymmetry breaking models often possess an accidental R-symmetry. Viable phenomenological applications of this class of models require R-symmetry to be broken in the ground state. This can be achieved in O'Raifeartaigh-like models where some of the chiral superfields carry negative R-charges. In this paper we consider UV completions of this class of models and formulate necessary conditions that they must satisfy. We show that the R-symmetry of the IR description can be traced to an anomalous or anomaly-free R-symmetry of the UV theory and discuss several representative examples.
        Speaker: Dr Felix Yu
      • 11:45 AM
        More minimal MRSSM: R symmetry as lepton number, sneutrino as down type Higgs 25m
        I will talk about a new R symmetric SUSY model where the R symmetry is identified with one of the lepton number, and as consequence the sneutrino plays the role of the down type Higgs. This is possible as the sneutrino does not carry any lepton number, and therefore the sneutrino VEV is not constrained by the usual tight bounds from the neutrino mass. On the other hand, all the other SUSY partners carry a lepton number, and this leads to a quite interesting and distinctive phenomelogy at colliders. Furthermore, our model has a more minimal particle content respect to the MRSSM (the Minimal R Symmetric Supersymmetric Standard Model): indeed we don’t need to enlarge the Higgs sector respect to the MSSM introducing an extra pair of doublets.
        Speaker: Ms Claudia Frugiuele (Carleton University)
      • 12:10 PM
        The Mu-Term and a Safe Proton: a Gauge Origin in SUSY 25m
        Extending the MSSM by two new abelian symmetries allows for the understanding of both the size of the mu-term and the lack of baryon violating operators that would destabilize the proton. Many interesting phenomenological points ensue including a Z' that couples only to the third generation and exotic colored triplets which could lead to visible baryon number violation at the LHC.
        Speaker: Dr Sogee Spinner (University of Wisconsin Madison)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 1: D - SUSY pheno D: Wilson Hall 1 North

      D: Wilson Hall 1 North

      Convener: Dr Sven Heinemeyer (IFCA (CSIC, Santander))
      • 11:15 AM
        Studying Neutralinos Bottom-Up at the LHC 30m
        We describe work-in-progress that attempts to extract model-independent information about neutralino properties from LHC data, assuming only the particle content of the MSSM, that all two-body neutralino decays are kinematically forbidden and that neutralino inclusive production has a sufficient cross section. We show that the Lorentz invariant dilepton mass distribution, which will be well-determined at the LHC if squarks and/or gluinos are light enough, encodes clear information about the relative sign of the mass eigenvalues of the parent and daughter neutralinos. Somewhat surprisingly, we find that in the limit that the neutralino mass gap is significantly smaller than the mass of the Z boson and slepton that mediate neutralino decays, it will be impossible to tell Z-mediated decays from slepton-mediated decays. Finally, we study a complicated case where two different neutralinos $\tilde{Z}_{2,3}$ both contribute to this mass distibution, and show that in the ideal situation it may be possible to extract information about $M_{1,2}$, $\mu$ and even the slepton mass, although with quasi-realistic cuts on lepton momenta, the precision with which this is possible is considerably degraded, at least in our preliminary study.
        Speaker: Prof. Xerxes Tata (University of Hawaii)
      • 11:45 AM
        The Mu problem and a non standard Higgs spectrum 25m
        We discuss the generation of the Mu-term in a class of supersymmetric models characterized by a low energy effective superpotential containing a Lambda S H1 H2 term with a large coupling Lambda. In particular we discuss a specific example where the superpotential has no dimensionful parameters, pointing out the relation between the generated Mu-term and the mass of the lightest Higgs boson. We find that the generation of a phenomenologically viable Mu-term fits very well with a heavy lightest Higgs boson and a low degree of fine-tuning. Such a heavy lightest Higgs boson is still compatible with the bounds coming from the LHC since it decays mainly to two pseudoscalars or to two nightest neutralinos. We discuss the main signatures of the model for the LHC and future WIMP searches.
        Speaker: Dr Stefania Gori (University of Chicago)
      • 12:10 PM
        Signals of CP Violation Beyond the MSSM in Higgs Physics 25m
        We study an extension of the Higgs sector of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) in which effects of new degrees of freedom at the TeV scale are considered, allowing for sources of CP violation beyond those of the MSSM (BMSSM). We analyze the impact of these new sources of CP violation in Higgs Collider Phenomenology, identifying signatures that are not realized either in the BMSSM without CP violation or in the MSSM in the presence of CP violation. Furthermore, we investigate the potential to probe these peculiar scenarios at Tevatron and the LHC.
        Speaker: Alejandro de la Puente (University of Notre Dame/Fermilab)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 1: E - Alternatives E: West Wing, Wilson Hall 10NW

      E: West Wing, Wilson Hall 10NW

      Convener: Dr Yang Bai (SLAC)
      • 11:15 AM
        UV Complete Technicolor and Natural Low Scale Supersymmetry 20m
        In this talk, I will briefly review the mechanism of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking, and show that a class of models that feature a supersymmetric UV completion and use this mechanism can produce a viable mass spectrum with no fine tuning. I will then present an explicit supersymmetric UV complete technicolor model able to pass the precision tests while producing a phenomenologically viable mass spectrum featuring a composite Higgs scalar. I will finally show that present experimental constraints favor supersymmetry at a scale of a few TeVs, and discuss the potential of LHC to observe signals predicted by this supersymmetric technicolor model.
        Speaker: Stefano Di Chiara (CP3-Origins, Southern Denmark University)
      • 11:35 AM
        Pion condensation in holographic QCD 20m
        I will discuss pion condensation in a hard-wall holographic model of hadrons with isospin chemical potential. The pions condense at a critical value of the chemical potential. If the scalar mode is not included in the effective theory, then the transition from the hadronic phase to the pion condensate phase is generically first order, unlike in chiral perturbation theory. I will explain this and related puzzles in the holographic picture.
        Speaker: Dylan Albrecht (The College of William and Mary)
      • 11:55 AM
        Composite Scalars with a Compact Extra Dimension 20m
        We study the low-energy effects of a 4 fermion operator in a 5-dimensional space-time with a single compactified extra dimension. Quantum effects due to fermion loops renormalize the theory, and lead to dynamical scalar degrees of freedom which can be considered to be bound states of 5-dimensional fermions. For critical values of the 4-fermion coupling, these bound states can condense, breaking the chiral symmetries of the theory. We consider application to extra- dimensional models of electroweak symmetry breaking.
        Speaker: Mr Don Bunk (Syracuse University)
      • 12:15 PM
        Composite GUTs: model building and expectations at the LHC 20m
        We have investigated grand unified theories in scenarios where EW symmetry breaking is triggered by a composite Higgs (accompanied by a composite top), building minimal consistent models that can survive EW Precision Tests with reasonable fine tuning and that predict new exotic states. We have also analysed the signatures of these global symmetry partners of the Higgs and the top at hadron colliders.
        Speaker: Mr Alvise Varagnolo (IFAE, Barcelona)
      • 12:35 PM
        Testing the bulk matter RS model through flavor-violating decays of smuon and scharm 20m
        In the bulk matter Randall-Sundrum (RS) model, matter fields reside in the bulk of 5D warped spacetime and the Higgs field on the IR brane. Fields of 1st and 2nd generation matter particles are localized towards the UV brane while those of 3rd generation towards the IR brane, so that the hierarchical structure of Yukawa couplings arises geometrically, without hierarchy in fundamental parameters. This paper discusses an experimental test of this model in cases where the Kaluza-Klein scale is far above the collider scale, but the model is combined with 5D Minimal SUSY Standard Model (MSSM) and SUSY particles are in the reach of collider experiments. A general SUSY breaking mass spectrum consistent with this framework is considered; SUSY breaking sector locates on the IR brane and its effects are mediated to 5D MSSM through a hybrid of gravity mediation, gaugino mediation and gauge mediation. This paper argues that, at future lepton colliders, one can observe the signals of the bulk matter RS model through rare decays of ``almost SU(2) singlet smuon mass eigenstate" and ``almost SU(2)singlet scharm mass eigenstate" that are induced by gravity mediation contributions to matter soft SUSY breaking terms.
        Speaker: Mr Toshifumi Yamada (Sokendai, KEK)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 1: F - Dark matter F: Wilson Hall 3NE

      F: Wilson Hall 3NE

      Convener: Prof. Marcela Carena (Fermilab)
      • 11:15 AM
        Warped Radion Dark Matter 20m
        I will discuss the viability of the KK-radion in Warped Universal Extra Dimensional models as a DM candidate in the context of thermal and non-thermal production in the early universe. In the thermal case, the KK-radion can account for the observed DM density when the radion decay constant is in the natural multi-TeV range. The effects of coannihilation with the first KK excitation of the RH top, as well as the effects of radion-Higgs mixing, which imply mixing between the KK-radion and a KK-Higgs (both being KK-parity odd) become importan for slightly larger values of the radion decay constant. The non-thermal scenario, with a high radion decay constant, can also lead to a viable scenario provided the reheat temperature and the radion decay constant take appropriate values, although the reheat temperature should not be much higher than the TeV scale. Direct detection is found to be feasible if the DM has a small (KK-parity odd) Higgs admixture. Indirect detection via a photon signal from the galactic center is an interesting possibility. Colliders can probe characteristic aspects of the DM sector of warped scenarios with KK-parity, such as the degeneracy between the radion and the KK-radion (DM) modes.
        Speaker: Dr Anibal Medina (UC Davis)
      • 11:35 AM
        Sommerfeld enhancement in neutralino dark matter relic abundance calculation 20m
        The Sommerfeld enhancement effect has been studied in dark matter annihilations in the present universe as a means to boost the dark matter annihilation cross section. It has also been applied to relic abundance calculations in the MSSM with the neutralino LSP as dark matter candidate, where however the enhancement effect is milder due to the larger relative velocities of the annihilating particles. In this talk we consider the Sommerfeld effect on the neutralino dark matter relic abundance in the MSSM using non-relativistic effective field theory techniques. Compared to previous results, we compute analytically coannihilations with nearly mass degenerate particles of the neutralino/chargino sector including the off-diagonal annihilation amplitudes through order-v^2 in the velocity expansion; include separately the S-wave and P-wave as well as order v^2 S-Wave enhancements. We account for all spin-independent and spin-dependent potential interactions through lighter Higgs and gauge boson exchange as well as all accessible annihilation rates into Standard model and Higgs final states. We discuss numerical results for realistic MSSM scenarios with Wino- or Higgsino-like neutralino LSP.
        Speaker: Charlotte Hellmann (Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology, RWTH Aachen)
      • 11:55 AM
        Direct Detection Constraints on a Magnetic Fluffy WIMP 20m
        We explore a scenario in which Magnetic inelastic Dark Matter can scatter to a tower of heavier states.The splitting between successive states is assumed to be a constant $\delta \sim\mathcal{O}$(keV). Such a spectrum with small mass splittings can arise naturally in an extradimensional model with a large compactification radius. We find that a region of parameter space corresponding to $m_{\chi}\sim14$ GeV and $\delta < 20$ keV is allowed by the constraints from XENON100, KIMS, CDMS, CRESST II and ZEPLIN III.
        Speaker: Mr Kunal Kumar (Northwestern University)
      • 12:15 PM
        A complete calculation for direct detection of Wino dark matter 20m
        In the anomaly-mediated supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking scenario, neutral gaugino of SU(2)_L multiplet, Wino, can be the lightest SUSY particle and become a candidate for dark matter. We calculated scattering cross section of Wino dark matter with nucleon, which is responsible for direct detection of the dark matter, on the assumption that the SUSY particles and the heavier Higgs bosons have masses of the order of the gravitino mass in the SUSY standard model. In such a case, the Wino-nucleon coupling is generated by loop processes. We have included two-loop contribution to Wino-gluon interaction in the calculation, since it is one of the leading contributions to the Wino-nucleon coupling. It was found that the spin-independent scattering cross section with proton is 10^−(46−48) cm^2. While it is almost independent of the Wino mass, the result is quite sensitive to the Higgs boson mass due to the accidental cancellation.
        Speaker: Mr Natsumi Nagata (Nagoya university)
      • 12:35 PM
        Possible destructions of 7Be and 7Li in big bang nucleosynthesis through reactions with exotic long-lived sub-strongly interacting massive particles 20m
        When the baryon density parameter determined from WMAP-7 data is used, the standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) model predicts primordial 7Li abundance a factor of about three larger than abundance levels inferred from observations of metal-poor halo stars. This discrepancy can be the most prominent problem of standard BBN (SBBN) model, and might originate from exotic particle and nuclear processes operating in BBN epoch. Some particle models beyond the standard model include heavy long-lived colored particles with mass much larger than 1 GeV. They would be confined inside exotic heavy hadrons, i.e., strongly interacting massive particles (SIMPs). If such long-lived SIMPs interact with nucleons by strengths similar to that between two nucleons, their existence in the BBN epoch can enhance the primordial abundances of Be and/or B [1]. This could occur through reactions involving bound states by strong force of a SIMP and nuclei, a kind of exotic nuclei. We show possible reactions which destroy 7Be and 7Li during BBN in the scenario of BBN including a long-lived sub-strongly interacting massive particle (sub-SIMP, X) [2]. The destruction is associated with non radiative X captures of the nuclei, and it can be realized only if the interaction strength between an X and a nucleon is properly weaker than that between two nucleons. Binding energies of nuclei to an X are calculated taking the mass and the interaction strength to nuclei of the X as input parameters. Nuclear reaction rates associated with the X are estimated. Based on a network calculation of BBN using those rates, we suggest that 7Li problem can be solved if long-lived sub-SIMP has existed at BBN epoch. [1] M. Kusakabe, T. Kajino, T. Yoshida and G. J. Mathews, Phys. Rev. D 80, 103501 (2009). [2] M. Kawasaki and M. Kusakabe, Phys. Rev. D 83, 055011 (2011).
        Speaker: Dr Motohiko Kusakabe (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo)
    • 1:00 PM 2:30 PM
      lunch 1h 30m Wilson Hall Atrium (Universe)

      Wilson Hall Atrium


    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 2: A - Dark matter A: Wilson Hall 1 West

      A: Wilson Hall 1 West

      Convener: Prof. Xerxes Tata (University of Hawaii)
      • 2:30 PM
        Hunting for dark matter at colliders 30m
        Speaker: Dr Roni Harnik
      • 3:00 PM
        Observing a light dark matter beam at neutrino experiments 25m
        I'll discuss the sensitivity of neutrino experiments at the luminosity frontier to light MeV-GeV scale dark matter. A thermal relic abundance implies annihilation channels via light mediators, providing a portal for access to the dark matter state in colliders or fixed targets. In particular, this framework endows the neutrino beams produced at a fixed target with an additional `dark matter beam', which can mimic neutrino scattering on electrons or nuclei in the (near-)detector. I'll discuss the ensuing sensitivity at facilities such as LSND and MiniBooNE, MINOS, etc. One implication is that MeV-scale dark matter scenarios motivated by an explanation of the galactic 511 keV line are strongly constrained. This is work in progress with Brian Batell, Patrick deNiverville and Maxim Pospelov.
        Speaker: Dr Adam Ritz (University of Victoria)
      • 3:25 PM
        Missing Energy Signatures of Dark Matter at The LHC 25m
        With the ever increasing amount of luminosity recorded, the LHC is capable of providing very strong constraints on dark matter properties, in a model independent fashion. Using the recent LHC mono-jet results, we set limits on the couplings of dark matter to quarks, and hence on the rate for direct detection of dark matter. We also discuss future bounds from mono-jet and mono-photon searches with higher luminosity, and bounds from the invisible higgs search when dark matter couples through a Higgs portal.
        Speaker: Yuhsin Tsai (Cornell/Fermilab)
      • 3:50 PM
        Indirect Search for Dark Matter with the Neutrino Telescope ANTARES 25m
        The ANTARES (Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope in Abyss Environmental RESearch) neutrino telescope located 40 km off the coast near Toulon in the Mediterranean Sea at a depth of 2475 m consists of twelve detector lines instrumented with 885 ten-inch photomultipliers in total. It detects neutrinos through the emitted Cherenkov light from the secondary muon track originating from charged current neutrino interactions. It is currently the largest neutrino detector on the northern hemisphere. One aim among others of ANTARES is the search for neutrinos coming from self annihilation of Dark Matter particles in the Sun as they can be trapped gravitationally in massive bodies and accumulate there enhancing the annihilation rate. ANTARES is taking data with its full twelve line configuration since May 2008, and has been before in a five and ten line setup for more than a year. We present the first results on the search for Dark Matter annihilation in the Sun, and their interpretation in the framework of supersymmetric and Kaluza-Klein models, as well as sensitivity studies on Dark Matter search with the full ANTARES detector.
        Speaker: Andreas Spies (ANTARES)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 2: B - SUSY theory B: Curia II, Wilson Hall 2SW

      B: Curia II, Wilson Hall 2SW

      Convener: Dr Gerben Stavenga
      • 2:30 PM
        Goldstini 30m
        Speaker: Prof. Jesse Thaler
      • 3:00 PM
        Stealth Supersymmetry 25m
        We present a broad class of supersymmetric models that preserve R-parity but lack missing energy signatures. These models have new light particles with weak-scale supersymmetric masses that feel SUSY breaking only through couplings to the MSSM. The simplest scenario has low-scale SUSY breaking, with nearly-supersymmetric NLSPs leading to missing E_T only from soft gravitinos. We emphasize that this scenario is natural, lacks artificial tunings to produce a squeezed spectrum, and is consistent with gauge coupling unification. The resulting collider signals will be jet-rich events containing false resonances that could resemble signatures of R-parity violation or of other scenarios like technicolor. We discuss several concrete examples of the general idea, and emphasize photon-jj resonances and very large numbers of b-jets as two possible discovery modes.
        Speaker: Ms JiJi Fan (Princeton University)
      • 3:25 PM
        Supersymmetric multi-Higgs doublet model with non-linear electroweak symmetry breaking 25m
        The electroweak symmetry is nonlinearly realized in an extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) through an additional pair of constrained Higgs doublet superfields. The superpotential couplings of this constrained Higgs doublet pair to the MSSM Higgs doublet pair catalyze their vacuum expectation values. The Higgs and Higgsino-gaugino mass spectrum is presented for several choices of supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking and Higgs superpotential mass parameters. The additional vacuum expectation values provided by the constrained fields can produce a phenomenology quite different than that of the MSSM .
        Speaker: Tonnis Ter Veldhuis (Macalester College)
      • 3:50 PM
        Decoupling the Gravity Multiplet from Supergravity 25m
        The full machinery of supergravity (SUGRA) is required to fully understand many SUSY models. For the purpose of understanding phenomenology at colliders and in cosmology, the main concern is to ascertain the effects of SUGRA on the vacuum structure and particle spectrum. Practical calculations often require cumbersome manipulations of component field terms involving the full gravity multiplet. In this talk I will present an alternative gauge fixing for conformal SUGRA which decouples these gravity complications from SUGRA computations. This yields a simplified tree-level action for the matter fields in SUGRA which can be expressed compactly in terms of superfields and a modified conformal compensator. As a concrete application I will finally show the example of the mass spectrum of goldstini arising from a general admixture of F-term, D-term, and almost no-scale supersymmetry breaking.
        Speaker: Francesco D'Eramo (MIT)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 2: C - SUSY and unification C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover

      C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover

      Convener: Prof. Carlos Wagner
      • 2:30 PM
        A New Yukawa Unified SUSY Scenario 20m
        Supersymmetric SO(10) Grand Unified Theories with Yukawa unification represent an appealing possibility for physics beyond the Standard Model. However Yukawa unification is made difficult by large threshold corrections to the bottom mass. Generally one is led to consider models where the sfermion masses are large in order to suppress these threshhold corrections. Here we present another possibility, in which the top and bottom GUT scale Yukawa couplings are equal to a component of the charged lepton Yukawa matrix at the GUT scale in a basis where this matrix is not diagonal. Diagonalizing this matrix introduces mixing in the neutrino sector. Specifically we find a region of parameter space with relatively light sparticles, and which has not been ruled out by current LHC or other data, the mixing induced in the neutrino sector is such that sin^2 \Theta_{23} \approx 1, in agreement with data.
        Speaker: Dr James Gainer (Argonne National Laboratory/ Northwestern University)
      • 2:50 PM
        Constrained Supersymmetric Flipped SU(5) GUT Phenomenology 20m
        We explore the phenomenology of the minimal supersymmetric flipped SU(5) GUT model (CFSU(5)), whose soft supersymmetry-breaking (SSB) mass parameters are constrained to be universal at some input scale, $M_{in}$, above the GUT scale, $M_{GUT}$. We analyze the parameter space of CFSU(5) assuming that the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) provides the cosmological cold dark matter, paying careful attention to the matching of parameters at the GUT scale. We first display some specific examples of the evolutions of the SSB parameters that exhibit some generic features. Specifically, we note that the relationship between the masses of the lightest neutralino and the lighter stau is sensitive to $M_{in}$, as is the relationship between the neutralino mass and the masses of the heavier Higgs bosons. For these reasons, prominent features in generic $(m_{1/2}, m_0)$ planes such as coannihilation strips and rapid-annihilation funnels are also sensitive to $M_{in}$, as we illustrate for several cases with tan(beta)=10 and 55. However, these features do not necessarily disappear at large $M_{in}$, unlike the case in the minimal conventional SU(5) GUT. Our results are relatively insensitive to neutrino masses.
        Speaker: Dr Azar Mustafayev
      • 3:10 PM
        Flavor Structure of E6 GUT Models 20m
        E6 unification is an interesting candidate for the model of grand unified theory because the assumption for the Yukawa hierarchies can be derived with a reasonable setup. In this study, we examine the relation between the structure of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix and the direction of the vacuum expectation value (VEV) of the Higgs fields which break the E6 gauge group. We have shown that our model can lead to a favorable structure of CKM matrix by choosing the VEV of the adjoint Higgs not to break U(1)_{B-L} symmetry. this choice of the VEV plays an important role in solving the doublet-triplet splitting problem by the Dimopoulos-Wilczek mechanism.
        Speaker: Dr Hidetoshi Kawase
      • 3:30 PM
        Supersymmetric Left-Right Models with Gauge coupling unification, Fermion mass Universality and Consistent Cosmology 20m
        We study the Gauge coupling unification as well as fermion mass universality at the GUT scale within the framework of Supersymmetric Left-Right (SUSYLR) models. Depending on the Higgs content, all these models have different mechanisms of generating tiny neutrino masses. We discuss both R-parity conserving as well as R-parity violating SUSYLR models. We also address the issue of domain wall formation in these models when the discrete left-right symmetry gets spontaneously broken. These domain walls, if start dominating the energy density of the Universe will be in conflict with Cosmology. We find that gravity induced higher dimensional operators can make these domain walls disappear at a high energy scale( or at least before big bang nucleosynthesis) provided the left-right symmetry breaking scale obeys certain limits.
        Speaker: Mr Debasish Borah (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 2: D - SUSY theory D: Wilson Hall 1 North

      D: Wilson Hall 1 North

      Convener: Dr Patrick Fox (Fermilab)
      • 2:30 PM
        Progress in the Gauge Theory with Spontaneously Broken N=2 Supersymmetry 25m
        We summarize the recent progress in the gauge theory with spontaneously broken N=2 supersymmetry. We consider the low energy processes described by the N=2 supercurrent on its partially (to N=1) and spontaneously broken tree vacuum and the attendant Nambu-Goldstone fermion (NGF), which the presence of the electric and magnetic Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) terms is responsible for. We show suppression of amplitudes decaying into the NGF as its momentum becomes small. By invoking mechanism which simulates that of the BCS/NJL in superconductivity/chiral symmetry, we consider the possibility that the N=1 supersymmetry is further broken to N=0.
        Speaker: Prof. Hiroshi Itoyama
      • 2:55 PM
        Supersymmetry Breaking Triggered by Monopoles 20m
        After briefly reviewing the insights of Seiberg and Witten (1994) which provide a low-energy description of N = 2 SUSY theories featuring massless monopoles, we investigate N = 1 supersymmetric gauge theories where monopole condensation triggers supersymmetry breaking in a metastable vacuum. The low-energy effective theory is an O’Raifeartaigh-like model of the kind investigated recently by Shih where the R-symmetry can be spontaneously broken.
        Speaker: Dr David Curtin (C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stony Brook)
      • 3:15 PM
        Linearized supergravity and superconformal formulation 20m
        We modify the four-dimensional N=1 linearized supergravity in a way that components in each superfield are completely identified with fields in the full superconformal formulation. This identification makes it possible to use both formulations of supergravity in a complementary manner. It also provides a basis for an extension to higher-dimensional supergravities, which will be useful for model-building in the brane-world context.
        Speaker: Dr Yutaka Sakamura (KEK)
      • 3:35 PM
        N = 4 Scattering Amplitudes Calculated to All Orders in the Dimensional Regularization Parameter 20m
        In this talk, new all-orders-in-epsilon results for planar scattering amplitudes in N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory will be presented, both in component form and in N = 4 on shell superspace. The focus will be on the one-loop six-point case because this is where the first non-trivial examples arise. As an application, striking relations between open superstring amplitudes and one-loop N = 4 amplitudes will be discussed. These relations can only be realized if one computes the amplitudes on the N = 4 side to all orders in the dimensional regularization parameter.
        Speaker: Dr Robert Schabinger (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid IFT/CSIC)
      • 3:55 PM
        Rigid supersymmetry in curved superspace 20m
        Speaker: Guido Festuccia
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 2: E - String pheno E: West Wing, Wilson Hall 10NW

      E: West Wing, Wilson Hall 10NW

      Convener: Dr Joseph Lykken (Fermilab)
      • 2:30 PM
        A perfect match of MSSM-like orbifold and resolution models via anomalies 20m
        Compactifications of the heterotic string on toroidal orbifolds has shown to be a very promising setup for constructing unifying models which contain the MSSM spectrum and have many realistic properties. However, the target space dynamics of such models drives them slightly away from the orbifold point in moduli space which resolves the curvature singularities and makes the string computations difficult. Now in the large volume regime one can perform calculations with the supergravity approximation, which is conjectured to be connected to the orbifold model. We focus on an MSSM-like model on the orbifold and its blowup counterpart. Using local properties, we find a perfect matching on the level of the chiral spectrum and of the anomalies which in both cases are cancelled by the four dimensional Green-Schwarz mechanism. This allows us to identify the redefinitions of chiral fields, axions and the anomaly polynomial that occur in the blowup process and to get an insight into the properties of Yukawa couplings.
        Speaker: Dr Michael Blaszczyk
      • 2:50 PM
        N=(0,2) Heterotic CP(N-1) Sigma models and a Nonrenormalization Theorem 20m
        I will talk about the renormalization of 2 dimensional N=(0,2) heterotic CP(N-1) sigma models. I will discuss the one loop result, and various limiting cases that allow us to extend the analysis to all loop order. An interesting result is a version of D-term nonrenormalization theorem for N=(0,2) linear models, which might shed light on our understanding of the nonrenormalization theorems for generic N=(0,2) theories. This is joint work with M. Shifman.
        Speaker: Xiaoyi Cui (Department of Physics, University of Minnesota)
      • 3:10 PM
        On Noncompact Heterotic Nonlinear Sigma Models 20m
        We study a heterotic two-dimensional N=(0,2) gauged non-linear σ-model whose target space is a weighted complex projective space. We consider the case with N positively and N^~=NF - N negatively charged fields. This model is believed to give a description of the low-energy physics of a non-Abelian semi-local vortex in a four-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric U(N) gauge theory with NF > N matter hypermultiplets. The supersymmetry in the latter theory is broken down to N=1 by a mass term for the adjoint fields. We solve the model in the large-N approximation and explore a two-dimensional subset of the mass parameter space for which a discrete ZN-N^~ symmetry is preserved. Supersymmetry is generically broken, but it is preserved for special values of the masses where a new branch opens up and the model becomes super-conformal.
        Speaker: Dr Peter Koroteev
      • 3:30 PM
        The Potential Fate of Local Model Building 20m
        In recent years there has been a lot of interest in F-Theory GUTs, mostly considering local models. In this talk I first consider an SU(5) GUT locally at the "point of E_8". The requirements of proton stability and reasonable flavour structure single out exactly two models. However, both models cannot be embedded in a semilocal construction (via the spectral cover approach). This casts doubts on the predictivity of local models.
        Speaker: Dr Christoph Luedeling
      • 3:50 PM
        Gauge Coupling Unification in Heterotic String Models with Gauge mediated SUSY breaking 20m
        We calculate the weak scale MSSM spectrum starting from a heterotic string theory compactified on an anisotropic orbifold. Supersymmetry breaking is mediated by vector-like exotics that arise naturally in heterotic string theories. The messengers that mediate SUSY breaking come in incomplete GUT multiplets and give rise to non-universal gaugino masses at the GUT scale. Models with non-universal gaugino masses at the GUT scale have the attractive feature of allowing for precision gauge coupling unification at the GUT scale with negligible contributions from threshold corrections near the unification scale. The unique features of the MSSM spectrum are light gluinos and also large mass differences between the lightest and the next-to-lightest neutralinos and charginos which could lead to interesting signatures at the colliders.
        Speaker: Ms Archana Anandakrishnan (The Ohio State University)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 2: F - Models F: Wilson Hall 3NE

      F: Wilson Hall 3NE

      Convener: Wolfgang Altmannshofer (Fermilab)
      • 2:30 PM
        Higgs mass corrections in the MSSM-seesaw scenario 20m
        We present a full diagrammatic computation of the one-loop corrections from the neutrino/sneutrino sector to the renormalized neutral CP-even Higgs boson self-energies and the lightest Higgs boson mass, M_h, within the context of the so-called MSSM-seesaw scenario. This consists of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with the addition of massive right handed Majorana neutrinos and their supersymmetric partners, and where the seesaw mechanism is used for the lightest neutrino mass generation. We explore the dependence on all the parameters involved, with particular emphasis in the role played by the heavy Majorana scale. We restrict ourselves to the case of one generation of neutrinos/sneutrinos. We find sizeable corrections to M_h, which are negative in the region where the Majorana scale is large (10^13-10^15 GeV) and the lightest neutrino mass is within a range inspired by data (0.1-1 eV). For some regions of the MSSM-seesaw parameter space, the corrections to M_h are substantially larger than the anticipated Large Hadron Collider precision.
        Speakers: Ana Rodriguez (UAM Madrid), Maria Herrero (UAM Madrid), Siannah Penaranda (University of Zaragoza), Dr Sven Heinemeyer (IFCA (CSIC, Santander))
      • 2:50 PM
        Anti-Split SUSY 20m
        Speaker: Linda Carpenter
      • 3:10 PM
        Quasinormal modes of unparticle black holes 20m
        In the background of unparticle-enhanced black hole geometry, we provide the quasinormal modes of scalar, vector, and Dirac particles around it. Ungravity by tensor unparticles contributes positively to the Newtonian gravity and black holes can be formed at the LHC without any extra dimensions. In the ungravity-dominant regime, the gravity looks much like that of the Schwarzschild geometry in fractional number of extra dimensions. We argue in this analysis that quasinormal modes are good fingerprints to distinguish ungravity from extra dimensions, by showing that the unitarity constraints on ungravity forbid some of the quasinormal modes which are allowed in extra dimensions.
        Speaker: Dr Jong-Phil Lee (Yonsei Univ.)
      • 3:30 PM
        SUSY CP Problem in Gauge Mediation Model 20m
        SUSY CP problem in the gauge mediation supersymmetry breaking model is reconsidered. We pay particular attention to two sources of CP violating phases whose effects were not seriously studied before; one is the effect of the breaking of the GUT relation among the gaugino masses due to the field responsible for the GUT symmetry breaking, and the other is the supergravity effect on the supersymmetry breaking parameters, in particular, on the bi-linear supersymmetry breaking Higgs mass term. We show that both of them can induce too large electric dipole moments of electron, neutron, and so on, to be consistent with the experimental bounds.
        Speaker: Dr Norimi Yokozaki (The University of Tokyo)
      • 3:50 PM
        Bounds from LEP on unparticle interactions with electroweak bosons 20m
        A conformally invariant hidden sector is considered, with a scalar operator O of low dimension that couples to the electroweak gauge bosons of the standard model, via terms such as F_μν F_μν O. By examining single photon production at LEP, we bound the strength of these interactions. We apply our results, along with those of Delgado and Strassler [A. Delgado and M. J. Strassler, Phys. Rev. D 81, 056003(2010).] and of Caracciolo and Rychkov [F. Caracciolo and S. Rychkov, Phys. Rev. D 81, 085037 (2010).], to improve the bound on 4γ production through “unparticle self-interactions,” as proposed by Feng et al. [J. L. Feng, A. Rajaraman, and H. Tu, Phys. Rev. D 77, 075007 (2008).]. We find the maximum allowable cross section is of order a few tens of femtobarns at the 14 TeV LHC, and lies well below 1 fb for a wide range of parameters.
        Speaker: Mr Simon Knapen Knapen (Rutgers, the state university of New Jersey)
    • 4:15 PM 4:45 PM
      coffee break 30m Wilson Hall Atrium

      Wilson Hall Atrium

    • 4:45 PM 6:30 PM
      Plenary Session 2 Ramsey Auditorium

      Ramsey Auditorium


      Convener: Prof. Gordon Kane
      • 4:45 PM
        Reconstructing SUSY 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Mihoko Nojiri
      • 5:20 PM
        String Phenomenology: Type II and F-theory Perspective 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Mirjam Cvetic (University of Pennsylvania)
    • 6:30 PM 8:00 PM
      Welcome reception Wilson Hall Atrium

      Wilson Hall Atrium


    • 9:00 AM 10:45 AM
      Plenary Session 3 Ramsey Auditorium

      Ramsey Auditorium


      Batavia, Illinois USA
      Convener: Prof. Carlos Wagner
      • 9:00 AM
        Tevatron exotics searches 35m
        Speaker: Qiuguang Liu
      • 9:35 AM
        Tevatron SUSY results 35m
        Speaker: Leo Bellantoni
      • 10:10 AM
        Alternatives to SUSY 35m
        Speaker: Dr Christophe Grojean
    • 10:45 AM 11:15 AM
      coffee break 30m Wilson Hall Atrium

      Wilson Hall Atrium


    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 3: A - SUSY pheno A: Wilson Hall 1 West

      A: Wilson Hall 1 West

      Convener: Prof. Zackaria Chacko (University of Maryland, College Park)
      • 11:15 AM
        Compressed supersymmetry at the LHC 30m
        Speaker: Prof. Stephen Martin (Northern Illinois University)
      • 11:45 AM
        Reconstructing Event Kinematics Using Constraints from Displaced Tracks 25m
        In this project we revisit the canonical dual cascade decay signature typical of R-parity conserving supersymmetry models. The challenge presented with such decay topologies stems from the presence of a stable non-interacting particle at the end of each decay chain, resulting in an irrecoverable loss of kinematic information. We find that if the next-to-lightest-supersymmetric-particle (NLSP) is metastable with a measurable decay length, the resulting presence of displaced tracks can be used to reconstruct all kinematics completely on an event-by-event basis using minimal assumptions. We go on to explore several variations of this general topology and demonstrate the effectiveness of the kinematic reconstruction in each scenario. Because this technique is effective in the limit of very low statistics, it provides an extremely powerful tool for the discovery level measurement of superpartner masses.
        Speaker: Michael Park (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
      • 12:10 PM
        Flavoured Co-annihilations 25m
        n minimal supergravity (mSUGRA) or CMSSM, one of the main co-annihilating partners of the neutralino is the right handed stau, $\tilde{\tau}_R$. In the presence of flavor violation in the right handed sector, the co-annihilating partner would be a flavor mixed state. The flavor effect is two fold: (a) It changes the mass of the $\tilde{\tau}_{1}$, thus modifying the parameter space of the co-annihilation and (b) flavor violating scatterings could now contribute to the cross-sections in the early universe. In fact, it is shown that for large enough $\delta \sim 0.2$, these processes would constitute the dominant channels in co-annihilation regions. The amount of flavor mixing permissible is constrained by flavor violating $\tau \to \mu$ or $\tau \to e$ processes. For $\Delta_{RR}$ mass insertions, the constraints from flavor violation are not strong enough in some regions of the parameter space due to partial cancellations in the amplitudes. In mSUGRA, the regions with cancelations within LFV amplitudes do not overlap with the regions of co-annihilations. In NUHM, however, these regions do overlap leading to significant flavored co-annihilations. At the LHC and other colliders, these regions can constitute for interesting signals.
        Speaker: Dr Sudhir Kumar Vempati (Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
      • 12:35 PM
        Boosting BSM Higgs discovery 25m
        Speaker: Adam Martin (Fermilab)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 3: B - SUSY theory B: Curia II, Wilson Hall 2SW

      B: Curia II, Wilson Hall 2SW

      Convener: Dr Patrick Fox (Fermilab)
      • 11:15 AM
        The Status of GMSB after 1/fb at the LHC 30m
        Speaker: Prof. David Shih
      • 11:45 AM
        Superconformal Operator Product Expansion and General Gauge Mediation 25m
        It is well known that in conformal theories the two- and three-point functions of a subset of the local operators-the conformal primaries-suffice, via the operator product expansion (OPE), to determine all local correlation functions of operators. It is less well known that, in superconformal theories, the OPE of superdescendants is generally undetermined from those of the superprimaries, and there is no universal notion of superconformal blocks. We recall these and related aspects of 4d (S)CFTs, and then we focus on the super operator product expansion (sOPE) of conserved currents in 4d N=1 SCFTs. The current-current OPE J(x)J(0) has applications to general gauge mediation. We show how superconformal symmetry, when combined with current conservation, determines the OPE coefficients of superconformal descendants in terms of those of the superconformal primaries. We show that only integer-spin real superconformal primary operators of vanishing R-charge, and their descendants, appear in the sOPE. We also discuss superconformal blocks for four-point functions of the conserved currents.
        Speaker: Dr Jean-Francois Fortin (UCSD)
      • 12:10 PM
        Relatively Heavy Higgs Boson in More Generic Gauge Mediation 25m
        We discuss gauge mediation models where the doublet messengers and Higgs doublets are allowed to mix through a “charged” coupling. The charged coupling replaces messenger parity as a means of suppressing flavor changing neutral currents without introducing any unwanted CP violation. As a result of this mixing between the Higgs doublets and the messengers, relatively large A-terms are generated at the messenger scale. These large A-terms produce a distinct weak scale mass spectrum. Particularly, we show that the lightest Higgs boson mass is enhanced and can be as heavy as 125 eV for a gluino mass as light as 2TeV. We also show that the stops are heavier than that predicted by conventional gauge mediation models. It is also shown that these models have a peculiar slepton mass spectrum.
        Speaker: Dr Jason Evans (IPMU, The University of Tokyo)
      • 12:35 PM
        SUSY decays in the Complex MSSM: Full One-Loop Calculations 25m
        We evaluate the decay of SUSY particles in the complex MSSM (cMSSM) at the full one-loop level. A consistent calculation requires the simultaneous renormalization of the complete cMSSM. We present the renormalization, which is valid for practially the whole cMSSM parameter space, together with numerical results for Gluino, Stop and Chargino decays. Special emphasis is put on the production of Higgs bosons or the LSP in SUSY cascades.
        Speakers: Christian Schappacher (Karlsruhe University), Federico v.d. Pahlen (IFCA (CSIC, Santander)), Georg Weiglein (DESY), Heidi Rzehak (Freiburg University), Dr Sven Heinemeyer (IFCA (CSIC, Santander))
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 3: C - Alternatives C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover

      C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover

      Convener: Dr Yang Bai (SLAC)
      • 11:15 AM
        LHC Implications of WIMP Dark Matter and Grand Unification 20m
        Assuming that dark matter consists of an electroweak triplet and that the gauge couplings unify at a high scale, I will point out a robust phenomenological trends towards new colored states within LHC reach. Specially, these new colored particles are either collider stable or alternatively decay promptly to final states that include Higgses. I will show that both cases are promising for the LHC: Collider stable new states should be highly visible already for the early LHC and the prompt decay scenario features a strong new Higgs production channel that can be competitive with Standard Model Higgs production.
        Speaker: Ms Karoline Köpp (Florida State University)
      • 11:35 AM
        Four boosted tops from a Regge gluon 20m
        If the warped Randall-Sundrum (RS) framework is realized in string theory, and if the Standard Model particles propagate in the extra dimension, Regge excitations of the Standard Model states should appear around the TeV scale. Lacking an explicit string theory of RS, we constructed an effective theory to describe the tensor (spin-2) Regge partner of the gluon. We find that Regge gluon decays involving Kaluza-Klein (KK) partners of Standard Model fields are very important. In particular, the decay to two KK gluons (with one possibly off-shell) dominates in most of the parameter space. This decay produces a very distinctive experimental signature: four highly boosted top quarks. We present a preliminary study of the detection prospects for this signal at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We find that Regge gluons masses up to about 2 TeV can be probed with 10 inverse femtobarns of data at 7 TeV center-of-mass energy. With design luminosity at 14 TeV, the LHC should be sensitive to Regge gluon masses up to at least 3.5 TeV.
        Speaker: Andrew Spray (TRIUMF)
      • 11:55 AM
        FCNC in ttbar decays at D0 20m
        Speaker: Carrie McGivern
      • 12:15 PM
        Using Top-Quark as a probe for new physics with the use of MatrixElements Generators 20m
        The top-quark is the heaviest quark of the SM with a Yukawa coupling close to unity. Most of the new physics models which extend the SM predict a heavy particle spectrum which is accessible with the proton collisions at the LHC. It is therefore expected that the top-quark plays a dominant role in the search for effects of these new models.We will concentrate on the particular kinematic topologies reflecting the process pp->ttbar->bWbW where several new physics models predict deviations from the SM differential distributions. Examples could be models which include supersymmetry with some explicit or spontaneous breaking mechanism, Technicolor, extra dimensions, etc. The so-called semi-leptonic decay of the top-quark (one W decays into a quark pair, one W decays into a lepton-neutrino pair) will be the key topology defined by 4 jets, 1 lepton and missing transverse energy from the neutrino in the final state. Thus, a very crucial step, in order to be able to build models that can differentiate NewPhysics from SM is to use Monte Carlo techniques, in order to have an estimation of what we expect to see after collecting and analyzing the real data at LHC. This step, includes the production of millions of events using MadGraph which can produce the Feynmann diagrams and then, the simulation, i.e. how a event of interest would look like if was to be seen from our real detectors.
        Speaker: Mr Alexis Kalogeropoulos (IIHE / Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
      • 12:35 PM
        Fermiophobic Gauge Bosons at the LHC 20m
        I will discuss the phenomenology of a class of models which couple new U(1) sectors to the Standard Model through triple gauge boson couplings. My primary focus will be on dimension 6 pseudovector couplings, which can arise in models incorporating anomaly cancellation mechanisms. We find the discovery reach for such a model, and find that the LHC can reach well into the TeV scale. I will also briefly discuss scalar, pseudoscalar, and vector three boson couplings, and how event topology can be used to differentiate between these models.
        Speaker: Mr David Yaylali (University of Hawaii Department of Physics and Astronomy)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 3: D - Tevatron anomalies D: Wilson Hall 1 North

      D: Wilson Hall 1 North

      • 11:15 AM
        Flavor dependent U(1)' models for the top forward-backward asymmetry and Wjj excess at CDF 20m
        We present flavor models for leptophobic $Z^{'}$ with flavor dependent couplings to the right-handed up-type quarks in the standard model, which can accommodate the recent data on the top forward-backward asymmetry and the dijet resonance reported by CDF Collaboration. Such flavor-dependent charge assignments generally require extra chiral fermions for anomaly free and extra Higgs doublets for realistic mass matrices. We also discuss the extra higgs contributions to the top forward-backward asymmetry, and notice that they may be required to avoid the constraint from the cross sections involving top quark, such as the same-sign top process. We also show that the extension could realize cold dark matter candidates.
        Speaker: Dr Yuji Omura (KIAS)
      • 11:35 AM
        U(3) x Sp(1) x U(1) x U(1) 20m
        The invariant mass distribution of dijets produced in association with W bosons, recently observed by the CDF Collaboration at Tevatron, reveals an excess in the dijet mass range 120-160 GeV/c^2, 4.1 \sigma beyond Standard Model expectations. We show that such an excess is a generic feature of low mass string theory, due to the production and decay of a hadrophillic Z', a singlet partner of SU(3) gluons coupled primarily to the U(1) baryon number. In this framework, U(1) and SU(3) appear as subgroups of U(3) associated with open strings ending on a stack of 3 D-branes. In addition, our minimal model contains three other stacks of D-branes to accommodate the electroweak Sp(1) and the hypercharge which is a linear combination of the U(1) tied to the color stack and two additional U(1) fields living in the lepton D-brane and the right D-brane. For a given Z' mass, the model is quite constrained. Its free parameters are just sufficient to simultaneously ensure: a small Z-Z' mixing in accord with the stringent LEP data on the Z mass; very small (less than 1%) branching ratio into leptons; and a large hierarchy between Z'' and Z' masses. The heavier neutral gauge boson Z'' is within the reach of LHC.
        Speaker: Prof. Luis Anchordoqui (University of Wisconsin Milwaukee)
      • 11:55 AM
        Weak-triplet, color-octet scalars and the CDF dijet excess 20m
        We extend the standard model to include a weak-triplet and color-octet scalar. This `octo-triplet' field consists of three particles, two charged and one neutral, whose masses and renormalizable interactions depend only on two new parameters. The charged octo-triplet decay into a W boson and a gluon is suppressed by a loop factor and an accidental cancellation. Thus, the main decays of the charged octo-triplet may occur through higher-dimensional operators, mediated by a heavy vectorlike fermion, into quark pairs. For an octo-triplet mass below the t\bar{b} threshold, the decay into Wb\bar{b} or Wb\bar{s} through an off-shell top quark has a width comparable to that into c\bar{s} or c\bar{b}. Pair production with one octo-triplet decaying into two jets and the other decaying into a W and two soft b jets may explain the dijet-plus-W excess reported by the CDF Collaboration. Using a few kinematic distributions, we compare two mechanisms of octo-triplet pair production: through an s-channel coloron and through the coupling to gluons. The higher-dimensional operators that allow dijet decays also lead to CP violation in B_s - \bar B_s mixing.
        Speaker: Mr Gordan Krnjaic (Johns Hopkins, Fermilab)
      • 12:15 PM
        Impact of Z' near the Z-pole and flavor violating couplings 20m
        It is shown that Z' with couplings to electron and b-quark with a mass close to the mass of the Z-boson provides an excellent fit to AFBb, Ae obtained from the hadronic final states, and other observables relevant to b-quark final states around and above the Z-pole. In this talk, allowing Z' to have additional flavor violating couplings, I'll discuss its impact on muon g-2, lepton flavor violating processes and like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry.
        Speaker: Dr Sung-Gi Kim (Indiana University)
      • 12:35 PM
        $Z'$ Bosons at Colliders: a Bayesian Viewpoint 20m
        We revisit the CDF data on di-muon production to impose constraints on a large class of $Z'$ bosons occurring in a variety of $E_6$ GUT based models. For this we suggest an alternative statistical analysis method which ultimately allows to straightforwardly (i)~vary the gauge coupling strength, $g'$, of the underlying $U(1)'$; (ii)~include interference effects with the $Z'$ amplitude (which are especially important for large $g'$); (iii)~smoothly vary the $U(1)'$ charges; (iv)~combine these data with the electroweak precision constraints, as well as with other observables obtained from colliders such as LEP~2 and the LHC; and (v)~find preferred regions in parameter space once an excess is seen. Our method yields limits generally differing by only a few percent from the CDF ones when we follow their approach. We also analyze the dependence of these limits on various factors contributing to the production cross-section, showing that currently systematic and theoretical uncertainties play a relatively minor r$\hat{\rm o}$le. One general result is that interference effects are quite relevant if one aims at discriminating between models. We use a Bayesian method to project lower limits on the $Z'$ mass for the Tevatron and for a number of actual and hypothetical reference energies and luminosities for the LHC. Finally, we show the full classification of the $E_{6}$ $Z'$ models with integer charges.
        Speaker: Dr Eduardo Rojas (Instituto de Física Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 3: E - String pheno E: West Wing, Wilson Hall 10NW

      E: West Wing, Wilson Hall 10NW

      Convener: Dr Joseph Marsano (University of Chicago)
      • 11:15 AM
        String Landscape and Supernovae Ia 20m
        If the string landscape has any validity, the universe has in the past and should in the future make transitions to other local (or absolute minima). A prime model for the physics of a future universe is the minimal supersymmetric standard model or one of its variations with all susy breaking terms put to zero. If we assume that this transition is accelerated in dense matter, some aspects of supernovae Ia which are challenging to the standard accretion picture can be naturally explained.
        Speaker: Dr Louis Clavelli (University of Alabama)
      • 11:35 AM
        On Testing Superstring Theories with Gravitational Waves 20m
        We provide a simple transfer function that considers the impact of an early matter dominated era on the gravitational wave background and show that string theory can be tested by observations of the gravitational wave background from inflation. An outlook on the opportunity to test any nonstandard cosmology will be given.
        Speaker: Mr Jasper Hasenkamp (DESY)
      • 11:55 AM
        Green-Schwarz Mechanism in Heterotic (2,0) Gauged Linear Sigma Models 20m
        t is an ongoing effort in string phenomenology to construct MSSM-like string models. Heterotic string theory has proven especially useful in this context. The problem in constructing such models is that the geometry of the compactification spaces is very involved. In addition, in heterotic string theory, gauge bundles have to be constructed which lead to the Standard Model gauge groups in the low energy effective theory. In order to obtain consistent models, very strong and complicated consistency conditions have to be satisfied. However, as it turns out, heterotic string compactifications can be described conveniently and naturally in the language of a 2D supersymmetric theory with U(1) gauge groups on the string worldsheet. Such models are called Gauged Linear Sigma Models (GLSMs). We find that in these models one can allow for Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI)-terms, which can be interpreted as Kahler parameters and axions on the target space geometry. We show that field dependent non-gauge invariant FI-terms lead to a Green-Schwarz-like mechanism on the worldsheet. This mechanism can be used to cancel worldsheet anomalies and thus the stringent consistency requirements are relaxed. However, as the FI-terms are constrained by quantization conditions due to worldsheet gauge instantons, the anomaly conditions turn out to be still constraining. When the FI-terms involve logarithmic terms, the GLSM seems to describe the heterotic string in the presence of non-perturbative objects, so-called Neveu-Schwarz (NS) 5 branes. We discuss how these NS5 branes backreact on the target space geometry. There is evidence that in the presence of anti-NS5 branes supersymmetry is broken and in addition the compactification space is decompactified.
        Speaker: Mr Fabian Ruehle (BCTP and PI, Bonn University)
      • 12:15 PM
        Walls of massive Kahler sigma models on SO(2N)/U(N) and Sp(N)/U(N) 20m
        We study the Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield wall solutions in massive K\"ahler nonlinear sigma models on SO(2N)/U(N) and Sp(N)/U(N) in three-dimensional spacetime. We show that SO(2N)/U(N) and Sp(N)/U(N) models have 2^{N-1} and 2^N discrete vacua, respectively. We explicitly construct the exact BPS multiwall solutions for N \le 3.
        Speaker: Masato Arai (Czech Technical University in Prague)
      • 12:35 PM
        On the Effective Description of Large Volume Compactifications 20m
        We study of the reliability of the Two-Step moduli stabilization in the context of type-IIB string compactifications, developing a compact manifold volume with exponential values. The general arguments are understood trough the so called factorizable models of N=1 SUGRA, where the decoupling between two field sectors is easily understood despite the lack of a mass hierarchy. It is shown that the simplified version, where the Dilaton and Complex structure are regarded as completely frozen, is a reliable SUSY description, missing only term suppressed by powers of the volume, and/or are higher order operators in the matter fields irrelevant for moduli stabilization issues. This provided the frozen fields are neutral and fixed by the leading F-flatness solutions.
        Speaker: Dr Diego Mauricio Gallego Mahecha (Universidad Pedagogica y Tecnologica de Colombia)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 3: F - Collider exp and pheno F: Wilson Hall 3NE

      F: Wilson Hall 3NE

      Convener: Dr V. Daniel Elvira (Fermilab)
      • 11:15 AM
        Cosmological Connection of SUSY Models at the LHC 20m
        Once SUSY is discovered, attempts will be made to establish the SUSY models from the cascade decays of squarks and gluinos. We have developed a model independent Bi-Event Subtraction Technique (BEST) as a method of modeling and subtraction of large portions of the combinatoric background which arises during reconstruction of particle decay chains at the LHC. The combinatoric background arises because it is impossible to know experimentally which observable particles come from the decay chain of interest. The combinatoric background modeled by BEST can then be subtracted away, greatly reducing the overall background. This technique can be applied towards two goals of hadron colliders: To improve our understanding of the Standard Model backgrounds and to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. Using this technique, in this talk I will show how to reconstruct SUGRA models, Mirage mediation models etc. Based on the determined values of the model parameters, the dark matter content will be calculated and compared with the experimental results to establish cosmological connection of SUSY models.
        Speaker: Prof. Bhaskar Dutta (Texas A&amp;M University)
      • 11:35 AM
        Search for trilepton SUSY at CDF 20m
        The production of chargino-neutralino with subsequent leptonic decays is one of the most promising supersymmetry (SUSY) signatures at the Tevatron proton-antiproton collider. We present the most recent results on the search for this three-lepton and missing-transverse-energy SUSY signature using 5.8 fb-1 of data collected with the CDF II detector.
        Speaker: Mr Marcelo Vogel (University of New Mexico)
      • 11:55 AM
        Search for charged stable particles at D0 20m
        Speaker: SungWoong Cho
      • 12:15 PM
        Search for a heavy neutral gauge boson in the dielectron channel at D0 20m
        Speaker: Dr Ioannis Katsanos (University of Nebraska - Lincoln)
      • 12:35 PM
        Recent CP violation results from BABAR 20m
        We report recent results of CP violation studies in B, charm and tau decays from BABAR. These include determinations of the unitarity triangle angle gamma in B->D0K (D0->Kpipi0), CPV measurements in D+->Ks0h+h+h- and Ks0pi and in the tau decay tau->Ks0pinu.
        Speaker: Prof. Fernando Martinez-Vidal (IFIC, Universidad de Valencia-CSIC)
    • 1:00 PM 2:30 PM
      lunch 1h 30m Wilson Hall Atrium

      Wilson Hall Atrium


    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 4: A - Tevatron anomalies pheno A: Wilson Hall 1 West

      A: Wilson Hall 1 West

      Convener: Dr Bogdan Dobrescu
      • 2:30 PM
        An Effective Zprime 30m
        Speaker: Dr Patrick Fox (Fermilab)
      • 3:00 PM
        Tevatron Top A_FB Versus LHC Top Physics 25m
        We carry out a comprehensive analysis of models for top A_FB at the Tevatron in light of new top data arriving from the LHC. We begin with a careful Tevatron analysis, considering in general which sets of effective vertices give rise to a large forward-backward asymmetry while suppressing the contribution to the total ttbar cross-section. We show on general grounds that scalar models struggle to produce sufficient asymmetries, while vector models can produce a large asymmetry with a less significant tension in the total cross-section and ttbar invariant mass distribution at the Tevatron. We examine the essential observables of these models for top physics at LHC7 with 1 fb^-1 of data, including the total cross-section, invariant mass distribution and number of additional jets in ttbar events. In the case of t-channel mediators, the LHC total cross-section places a strong constraint on light mediators, while the Tevatron invariant mass distributions place strong constraints on heavy mediators that are able to produce the asymmetry. Vanilla t-channel models thus seem disfavored at present. Heavy axigluons are becoming increasingly squeezed by LHC7 ttbar and dijet resonance searches. We conclude that LHC7 top analyses are rapidly closing the window for viable models of Tevatron A_FB.
        Speaker: Dr Ian-Woo Kim (University of Michigan)
      • 3:25 PM
        Physics beyond Standard Model and Asymmetries at Hadron Colliders 25m
        I will cover our recent studies on asymmetries at hadron colliders and related physics beyond standard model. The topics include: (1) One-side forward-backward asymmetry and edge charge asymmetry in top pair production at LHC; (2) New light color octet vector boson and di-jet and top forward-backward asymmetry anormalies observed by Tevatron.
        Speaker: Dr Shou-hua Zhu (ITP, Peking University)
      • 3:50 PM
        Probing t-channel physics of top asymmetry at the LHC 25m
        Both CDF and D0 have observed unexpectedly large forward-backward asymmetry of top quarks. To convincingly identify the origin of the measured deviation, the LHC measurement of corresponding observable would be important. Among various potential causes, one possible explanation is from additional new t-channel production mode of top pairs. Interestingly, most t-channel new physics models are expected to produce early LHC signatures that can be measured even earlier than the direct asymmetry observable. We thus present various observables and strategies to look for t-channel physics at the LHC with 1fb-1.
        Speaker: Sunghoon Jung (University of Michigan)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 4: B - SUSY pheno B: Curia II, Wilson Hall 2SW (Universe)

      B: Curia II, Wilson Hall 2SW


      Convener: Dr Nausheen Shah (FNAL)
      • 2:30 PM
        MSSM Electroweak Sector: Collider Studies and Phenomenological Implications 30m
        Given the current results on the Supersymmetry searches at the LHC, we explore scenarios in which the only accessible SUSY states are the electroweak sector: neutralinos, charginos and sleptons. We study the process where those electroweak interacting particles are directly produced and analyze the possible reaches at the LHC.
        Speaker: Prof. Shufang Su (University of Arizona)
      • 3:00 PM
        Light Stop Decay in the MSSM with Minimal Flavour Violation 30m
        For the correct interpretation of the experimental results of the supersymmetric (SUSY) particle searches an exact knowledge of the SUSY production cross sections and branching ratios is crucial. In SUSY scenarios with a light stop particle stop1 and a small mass difference to the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP)assumed to be the lightest neutralino, the flavour changing neutral current decay stop1 -> charm neutralino1 can be the dominant decay channel and can exceed the four-body stop decay for certain parameter values. In the framework of Minimal Flavour Violation (MFV) this decay is CKM-suppressed, thus inducing long stop lifetimes. The decay width has been given some time ago by an approximate formula, which takes into account the leading logarithms of the MFV scale. We have revisited this decay and calculated the exact one-loop decay width in the framework of MFV. The comparison with the approximate result exhibits deviations of the order of 10% for large MFV scales due to the neglected non-logarithmic terms in the approximate decay formula. The large logarithms have to be resummed. The resummation is performed by the solution of the renormalization group equations. The comparison of the exact one-loop result and the tree level flavour changing neutral current decay, which incorporates the resummed logarithms, demonstrates that the resummation effects are important and should be taken into account.
        Speaker: Dr Margarete Muhlleitner (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
      • 3:30 PM
        Dark radiation from the axino solution of the gravitino problem 20m
        Current CMB observations could confirm an increase of the effective neutrino degrees of freedom after primordial nucleosynthesis but before photon decoupling. We show that, if the gravitino problem is solved by a light axino, dark (decoupled) radiation emerges naturally in this period leading to a new upper bound on the reheating temperature < 10^10 GeV. In turn, successful thermal leptogenesis predicts such an increase. The LHC might endorse this opportunity. We identify several consistent cosmologies.
        Speaker: Mr Jasper Hasenkamp (Hamburg U.)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 4: C - Dark matter C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover

      C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover

      Convener: Dr Matthew Buckley (Fermilab)
      • 2:30 PM
        Dynamical Dark Matter: A New Framework for Dark-Matter Physics 20m
        In this talk, I will present an alternative framework for dark matter physics in which the dark matter of the universe comprises a vast ensemble of interacting fields with a variety of different masses, mixings, and abundances. The constituents of this ensemble are not required to be stable individually; rather, the decay widths of these fields are balanced against their abundances in such a way that phenomenological viability is ensured. I will begin by discussing the general aspects of the dynamical dark-matter framework and some of its generic cosmological and astrophysical implications. I will then provide a simple, explicit model in which the dark-matter ensemble consists of the KK excitations of an axion-like field propagating in the bulk of a theory with large extra spacetime dimensions. In this model the correct relationship between decay widths and relic abundances arises naturally, and all phenomenological constraints can simultaneously be satisfied.
        Speaker: Dr Brooks Thomas (University of Arizona)
      • 2:50 PM
        Goldstone Fermion Dark Matter 20m
        We propose that the fermionic superpartner of a weak-scale Goldstone boson can be a natural WIMP candidate. The p-wave annihilation of this `Goldstone fermion' into pairs of Goldstone bosons automatically generates the correct relic abundance, whereas the XENON100 direct detection bounds are evaded due to suppressed couplings to the Standard Model. Further, it is able to avoid indirect detection constraints because the relevant s-wave annihilations are small. The interactions of the Goldstone supermultiplet can induce non-standard Higgs decays and novel collider phenomenology. This talk is based on arXiv:1106.2162.
        Speaker: Philip Tanedo (Cornell University)
      • 3:10 PM
        Goldstini as the decaying dark matter 20m
        We consider a new scenario for supersymmetric decaying dark matter without $R$-parity violation in theories with goldstini, which arise if supersymmetry is broken independently by multiple sequestered sectors. The uneaten goldstino naturally has a long lifetime and decays into three-body final states including the gravitino, which escapes detection, and two visible particles. The goldstini low-energy effective interactions are derived, which can be non-universal and allow the dark matter to be leptophilic, in contrast to the case of a single sector supersymmetry breaking. In addition, the three-body decay with a missing particle gives a softer spectrum. Consequently, it is possible to fit both the $e^+/e^-$ excess observed by the PAMELA and the $e^++e^-$ measurements by the Fermi-LAT using universal couplings to all three lepton flavors or 100\% branching fraction into electrons/positrons, both of which are disfavored in the conventional scenario of dark matter decays into two or four visible particles without missing energy.
        Speaker: Wei-Chih Huang (Northwestern University)
      • 3:30 PM
        Massive Gravitino Decays, Residual Dark Matter Annihilations, Nuclear Reaction Uncertainties and the Cosmological Lithium Problem 20m
        We consider the effects of uncertainties in nuclear reaction rates on the cosmological constraints on the decays of unstable particles during or after Big-Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). We identify the nuclear reactions due to non-thermal hadrons that are the most important in perturbing standard BBN, then quantify the uncertainties in these reactions and in the resulting light-element abundances. These results also indicate the key nuclear processes for which improved cross section data would allow different light-element abundances to be determined more accurately, thereby making possible more precise probes of BBN and evaluations of the cosmological constraints on unstable particles. Applying this analysis to models with unstable gravitinos decaying into neutralinos, we calculate the likelihood function for the light-element abundances measured currently, taking into account the current experimental errors in the determinations of the relevant nuclear reaction rates. We also report a preliminary result about the effects of the residual late-time dark matter particle annihilations during and after BBN on the predicted cosmological abundances of the light elements. Within the constrained minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (CMSSM) with a neutralino lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), we find negligible effects on the abundances of Deuterium, 3He, 4He and 7Li predicted by homogeneous BBN, but potentially a large enhancement in the predicted abundance of 6Li.
        Speaker: Mr Feng Luo (University of Minnesota)
      • 3:50 PM
        The LUX Dark Matter Experiment: Design, Calibration, and Simulation 20m
        The LUX (Large Underground Xenon) experiment will attempt to directly detect the WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle), or, in the case of no signal, produce improved, world-class limits on the WIMP-nucleon interaction cross-section. The detector is two-phase, utilizing an electric field to drift charge liberated by a recoil event in the liquid, producing additional scintillation in the gas. The ratio of primary (liquid) to secondary (gas) scintillation is the basic means for discriminating between electron and nuclear recoils. The liquid portion is 350 kg (100 kg fiducial) in mass, providing excellent self-shielding, augmented by a water shield. The detector is currently deployed above ground at the Sanford Surface Lab for initial testing prior to underground deployment at Homestake, which is scheduled to begin in late 2011. Various internal and external sources of neutrons and gammas will be used to calibrate the detector, coupled with comprehensive and rigorous Monte Carlo simulations. Results will be presented from simulating full detector geometry and incorporating relevant scintillation and ionization physics for xenon.
        Speaker: Dr Matthew Szydagis (UC Davis)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 4: D - Higgs and SUSY fits D: Wilson Hall 1 North

      D: Wilson Hall 1 North

      Convener: Prof. John Conway
      • 2:30 PM
        SUSY fits: effects of LHC data (MasterCode collaboration) 20m
        We present the latest results of the MasterCode collaboration on global SUSY fits. Currently available experimental data are used to determine the preferred SUSY and Higgs boson mass scales. The data comprise a combination of high-energy SUSY searches, low-energy precision measurements and astrophysical data. We include all relevant LHC searches for SUSY, electroweak precision observables such as the W boson mass and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, B physics observables such as BR(b -> s gamma), as well as the cold dark matter density in the Universe. The preferred masses for SUSY particles as well as for the MSSM Higgs bosons are derived in the context of four GUT-based realizations of the MSSM. We find a preference for relatively light SUSY masses, which the direct searches at the LHC shift to slightly higher mass scales. The preferred mass values can directly be compared to the reach of the LHC and future e+e- colliders as well as to current and future direct detection searches for dark matter.
        Speaker: Dr Sven Heinemeyer (IFCA (CSIC, Santander))
      • 2:50 PM
        Tevatron searches for charged and doubly-charged Higgs 20m
        Speaker: Dr Zdenek Hubacek (CEA Saclay, Irfu/SPP)
      • 3:10 PM
        Tevatron combination of H-->gamma gamma 20m
        Speaker: Dr Xuebing BU (Fermilab)
      • 3:30 PM
        Tevatron combination of fermiophobic Higgs searches 20m
        Speaker: Guo Chen (University of Kansas)
      • 3:50 PM
        The Supersymmetric Leptophilic Higgs Model 20m
        In the leptophilic model, one Higgs doublet couples to quarks and another couples to leptons. We study the supersymmetric version of this model, concentrating on the tightly constrained Higgs sector, which has four doublets. Constraints from perturbativity, unitarity, and LEP bounds are considered. It is found that the lightest Higgs, h, can have a mass well below 114 GeV, and for masses below 100 GeV will have a substantially enhanced branching ratio into tau pairs. For this region of parameter space, traditional production mechanisms (Higgs-strahlung, W fusion and gluon fusion) are suppressed, but it may be produced in the decay of heavier particles. The second lightest Higgs has a mass of approximately 110 GeV for virtually all of parameter space, with Standard Model couplings, and thus an increase of a few GeV in the current lower bound on the Standard Model Higgs mass would rule out the model. The two heavier Higgs are both gauge-phobic, one decays almost entirely into b pairs and can be produced via gluon fusion while the other decays almost entirely into tau pairs but can't be easily produced.
        Speaker: Mr Gardner Marshall (The College of William and Mary)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 4: F - Collider experiment and pheno F: Wilson Hall 3NE

      F: Wilson Hall 3NE

      Convener: Dr V. Daniel Elvira (Fermilab)
      • 2:30 PM
        Distorted Mass Edges at LHC from supersymmetric Leptoquarks 20m
        Supersymmetric (SUSY) Grand Unified Theories based on exceptional gauge groups like E6 have recently triggered a lot of interest. Aside from top-down motivations, they contain phenomenologically interesting states with leptoquark quantum numbers. Their SUSY partners, leptoquarkinos, will appear like all R-odd particles in decay cascades, but mass edges in kinematic distributions -- originating from the same semi-exclusive final states -- will however have major differences to the corresponding edges of ordinary squarks. This offers the opportunity to distinguish them from standard squark and slepton states in cascades with identical exclusive final states. On the other hand, ascribing distortion of the edges to combinatorical SUSY backgrounds could lead to misinterpretation of future LHC data.
        Speaker: Mr Daniel Wiesler (DESY)
      • 2:50 PM
        Anomalous top quark couplings at D0 20m
        Speaker: Yun-Tse Tsai
      • 3:10 PM
        Searches for Light New Physics with BABAR 20m
        Speaker: Bertrand Echenard
      • 3:30 PM
        UED in likesign dimuons at D0 20m
        Speaker: Andrey Shchukin
      • 3:50 PM
        The Higgs 'Golden Channel' at 7 TeV 20m
        We perform a study of the expected significance of a Standard Model Higgs Boson signal at a 7 TeV LHC. Specifically we examine the H -> ZZ -> l+l-l+l- "Golden Channel" for a Higgs mass range of 175-350 GeV at various luminosities. We also examine exclusion limits should a signal not be seen.
        Speaker: Roberto Vega Morales (Northwestern University)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 4: G - SUSY and collider pheno G: Wilson Hall 3NW

      G: Wilson Hall 3NW

      Convener: Dr Gerben Stavenga (Fermilab)
      • 2:30 PM
        Jet Dipolarity: Top Tagging with Color Flow 20m
        A new jet observable, dipolarity, is introduced that can distinguish whether a pair of subjets arises from a color singlet source. This observable is incorporated into the HEPTopTagger and is shown to improve discrimination between top jets and QCD jets for moderate to high pT.
        Speaker: Mr Martin Jankowiak (Stanford University/SLAC)
      • 2:50 PM
        NNLL threshold resummation for squark-antisquark production at the LHC 20m
        In this talk we will present the most precise theoretical prediction for squark-antisquark production in hadronic collisions. The production of a squark-antisquark pair is among the most important production channels for supersymmetric particle (sparticle) production processes at the LHC since the production of sparticles is dominated by processes involving coloured sparticles in the final state. Due to the high importance of these processes for SUSY searches at the LHC, precise theoretical predictions are needed. Higher-order QCD corrections are dominated by large logarithmic terms due to the emission of soft gluons from initial and final state particles. A systematic treatment of these logarithms to all orders in perturbation theory is provided by resummation methods. We present new analytical expressions needed for resumming soft gluon emissions for squark-antisquark production at full next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL)-accuracy, which constitutes the most precise theoretical result currently available. Furthermore, numerical predictions for the LHC will be discussed.
        Speaker: Silja Christine Brensing (DESY)
      • 3:10 PM
        Next-to-leading order contributions to the pole mass of gluino in minimal gauge mediation 20m
        Pole mass of the gluino in the minimal gauge mediation is computed to the two-loop order in the framework of the regularization by dimension reduction. We compare the next-to-leading order contributions to the pole mass of the gluino with the leading order contribution.
        Speaker: Dr Jae Yong Lee (Korea University)
      • 3:30 PM
        Squark/neutralino production at NLO: a fully automated calculation with MadGolem 20m
        The associated production of squarks and neutralinos/charginos is a trademark supersymmetry signature. In this talk we present a complete NLO analysis of squark/neutralino and squark/chargino production at the LHC, carried out in the fully automated MadGolem setup. MadGolem is a new computational tool that automatizes NLO calculations of generic 2->2 New Physics processes as part of MadEvent. In the first part of the talk we will report on the squark/neutralino and squark/chargino cross-sections and distributions and discuss the quantitative impact and the qualitative features of the NLO effects. The second part of the talk will be devoted to the structure of MadGolem, with special emphasis on the automatic generation of the renormalized one-loop amplitudes, and the subtraction terms for the infrared and the on-shell divergences.
        Speaker: Dr David Lopez-Val (Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Heidelberg University)
      • 3:50 PM
        Search and Constraints on NLSP Gluino Models 20m
        We investigate the collider phenomenology of gluino-bino co-annihilation scenario at the 7 TeV LHC. This scenario can be realized in a class of realistic supersymmetric models with non-universal gaugino masses and t-b-\tau Yukawa unification. The NLSP gluino and LSP bino should be nearly degenerate in mass, so that the typical gluino search channels involving leptons or hard jets are not available. Consequently, the gluino can be lighter than various bounds on its mass from direct searches. We propose a new search for NLSP gluino involving multi-b final states, arising from the three-body decay \tilde{g}-> b\bar{b}\tilde{\chi}_1^0. The ATLAS experiment has recently presented its search results for final states containing jets and/or b-jet(s) and missing transverse momentum, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 165 pb^{-1}. We employ this data to constrain a class of supersymmetric SU(4)_c X SU(2)_L X SU(2)_R models with t-b-\tau Yukawa unification, in which the gluino is NLSP. We find that NLSP gluino masses below ~300 GeV are excluded by the ATLAS data. For LSP neutralino mass ~200-300 GeV and \mu>0, where \mu is the coefficient of the MSSM Higgs bilinear term, the LHC constraints in some cases on the spin-dependent (spin-independent) neutralino-nucleon cross section are significantly more stringent than the expected bounds from IceCube DeepCore (Xenon 1T/SuperCDMS). For \mu<0, this also holds for the spin-dependent cross sections.
        Speaker: Dr Tong Li (University of Delaware)
    • 4:15 PM 4:45 PM
      coffee break 30m Wilson Hall Atrium

      Wilson Hall Atrium


    • 4:45 PM 6:30 PM
      Plenary Session 4 Ramsey Auditorium

      Ramsey Auditorium


      Batavia, Illinois USA
      Convener: Prof. Vernon Barger
      • 4:45 PM
        Tevatron SM-like Higgs results 35m
        Speaker: Dr Gregorio Bernardi
      • 5:20 PM
        Tevatron non-SM Higgs searches 35m
        Speaker: Dr Thomas Wright (University of Michigan)
      • 5:55 PM
        Models of EWSB 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Alex Pomarol (Universitat Autonoma Barcelona)
    • 6:30 PM 7:15 PM
      Panel Discussion: Opportunities with the full Tevatron data set Ramsey Auditorium

      Ramsey Auditorium


      Batavia, Illinois USA

      Opportunities with the full Tevatron data set

      • 6:30 PM
        Panelists: Rob Roser, Gregorio Bernardi, Sally Dawson, Gordon Kane, Bogdan Dobrescu 45m
    • 7:15 PM 8:45 PM
      Tevatron Celebration Wilson Hall Atrium

      Wilson Hall Atrium


    • 9:00 AM 10:45 AM
      Plenary Session 5 Ramsey Auditorium

      Ramsey Auditorium


      Batavia, Illinois USA
      Convener: Prof. LianTao Wang
      • 9:00 AM
        SUSY searches at ATLAS 35m
        Speaker: Wolfgang Ehrenfeld
      • 9:35 AM
        SUSY searches at CMS 35m
        Speaker: Isabell Melzer-Pellmann
      • 10:10 AM
        Flavor as a portal beyond the Standard Model 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Matthias Neubert
    • 10:45 AM 11:15 AM
      coffee break 30m Wilson Hall Atrium

      Wilson Hall Atrium

    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 5: A - SUSY pheno A: Wilson Hall 1 West

      A: Wilson Hall 1 West

      Convener: Dr Stefania Gori (University of Chicago)
      • 11:15 AM
        SUSY at the LHC 30m
        The LHC is actively searching for SUSY particles or other signs of Supersymmetry. We briefly discuss the interpretation of these searches in certian benchmark models and how the limits might be weakened. The searches have an impact on SUSY fits, and we briefly compare pre-LHC and post-LHC results as well as the need for more flexible benchmarks in the future. Finally we discuss the impact of these searches on future e+e- colliders.
        Speaker: Dr Sven Heinemeyer (IFCA (CSIC, Santander))
      • 11:45 AM
        What if the LHC does not find supersymmetry in the sqrt(s)=7 TeV run? 25m
        I present an investigation (arXiv:1102.4693 [hep-ph]) into the implications for supersymmetry from an assumed absence of any signal in the first period of LHC data taking at 7 TeV center-of-mass energy and with 1 to 7 fb^(-1) of integrated luminosity. The zero-lepton plus four jets and missing transverse energy signature is considered, and I will present a combined fit of low-energy measurements, the dark matter relic density constraint and potential LHC exclusions within a minimal supergravity model. A non-observation of supersymmetry in the first period of LHC data taking would still allow for an acceptable description of low-energy data and the dark matter relic density in terms of minimal supergravity models, but would exclude squarks and gluinos with masses below 1 TeV.
        Speaker: Ben O'Leary (Julius-Maximilians-University Wuerzburg)
      • 12:10 PM
        How to improve on results of SUSY searches: higher-order corrections to squark and gluino production cross sections at the LHC 25m
        Predictions for squark and gluino total production cross sections are one of the important theory ingredients for determining SUSY mass exclusion limits or, in case of discovery, masses and properties of sparticles. In this talk, I will present results of calculations of higher-order QCD corrections to all processes of squark and gluino production relevant at hadron colliders. The calculations are performed at the NLL+NLO accuracy, and provide the most precise theory predictions for the inclusive squark and gluino production through strong interactions. In particular, I will discuss predictions for the total cross sections for proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV. I will also show the reduction of the theory error achieved by performing these calculations and argue that the results of the calculations should be used in the analysis of the data.
        Speaker: Dr Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen University)
      • 12:35 PM
        Early spin determination at the LHC? 25m
        Speaker: Mr Krzysztof Rolbiecki (DESY)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 5: B - Dark matter B: Curia II, Wilson Hall 2SW

      B: Curia II, Wilson Hall 2SW

      Convener: Dr Matthew Buckley (Fermilab)
      • 11:15 AM
        Flavored Dark Matter: Direct Detection and Collider Signals 30m
        I consider theories where dark matter carries flavor quantum numbers, and couples to the Standard Model through renormalizable interactions. The focus is on the implications of this class of models for direct detection and collider experiments.
        Speaker: Prof. Zackaria Chacko
      • 11:45 AM
        Dark Matter From Minimal Flavor Violation 25m
        We consider theories of flavored dark matter, in which the dark matter particle is part of a multiplet transforming nontrivially under the flavor group of the Standard Model in a manner consistent with the principle of Minimal Flavor Violation (MFV). MFV automatically leads to the stability of the lightest state for a large number of flavor multiplets. If neutral, this particle is an excellent dark matter candidate. Furthermore, MFV implies specific patterns of mass splittings among the flavors of dark matter and governs the structure of the couplings between dark matter and ordinary particles, leading to a rich and predictive cosmology and phenomenology. We present an illustrative phenomenological study of an effective theory of a flavor SU(3)_Q triplet, gauge singlet scalar.
        Speaker: Brian Batell (Perimeter Institute)
      • 12:10 PM
        Flavored dark matter 25m
        We consider the possibility that dark matter and Standard Model flavor are related. We take dark matter to belong to a dark sector which contains at least two types of particles. We then identify these as different "flavors" in the dark sector, and then hypothesize that the dark sector and the SM share a common flavor interaction. As interaction eigenstates and mass eigenstates need not coincide, we consider flavor-changing and flavor-conserving interactions. These interactions are then constrained by kaon mixing, meson decays, direct detection, and current collider bounds, and we examine their relevance for direct detection and LHC.
        Speaker: Dr Jennifer Kile (Northwestern U)
      • 12:35 PM
        A dark force for hadrons 25m
        We suggest the existence of a fundamental connection between baryonic and dark matter. This is motivated by both the stability of these two types of matter as well as the observed similarity of their present-day densities. A unified genesis of baryonic and dark matter arises naturally in models in which the baryon number is promoted to a spontaneously broken local gauge symmetry while the lepton number is explicitly violated. This is illustrated in a specific class of SUSY models using the Affleck-Dine mechanism. The dark matter candidate in these scenarios is charged under the baryon gauge symmetry and is required to have a mass at the GeV scale. We discuss the collider constraints from B-factories, the LEP and Tevatron experiments, as well as direct detection bounds. A baryonic dark force is shown to be consistent for all data for mediators as light as the GeV scale.
        Speaker: Luca Vecchi (LANL)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 5: C - SUSY LHC experiment C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover

      C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover

      Convener: Prof. Robin Erbacher
      • 11:15 AM
        Search for supersymmetry in final states with jets and missing transverse energy with the ATLAS detector 25m
        Speaker: Dr Michael Flowerdew (MPP Munich)
      • 11:40 AM
        Search for Squarks and Gluinos using Kinematic Variables at CMS 25m
        Speaker: Edward Laird
      • 12:05 PM
        Search for supersymmetry in final states with photons and missing transverse energy with the ATLAS detector 25m
        Speaker: Jovan Mitrevski
      • 12:30 PM
        A Search for Supersymmetry Using Events with Photons and Large Missing Transverse Energy at CMS 25m
        Speaker: Ms Rachel Yohay (University of Virginia)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 5: D - Alternatives D: Wilson Hall 1 North

      D: Wilson Hall 1 North

      Convener: Dr Roni Harnik (FNAL)
      • 11:15 AM
        Quirks from Tevatron to LHC 30m
        Speaker: Graham Kribs (Fermilab/U Oregon)
      • 11:45 AM
        Heavy Top Quark Production in the Bestest Little Higgs Model at the LHC 25m
        Traditional Little Higgs models suffer from two generic problems. The first is that it is difficult to generate a Higgs quartic coupling without violating custodial symmetry and the second is the existence of fine-tuning in the top sector. These problems are solved in the Bestest Little Higgs model, which is based on an SO(6)xSO(6)/SO(6) coset space with a built-in custodial symmetry. A distinctive feature of this model is the existence of several top quark partners that are considerably lighter than in other Little Higgs models without T-Parity, leading to a more interesting collider phenomenology. In this talk, I explore the possibility that these top partners can be produced and discovered at the LHC.
        Speaker: Kenneth Moats (Carleton University)
      • 12:10 PM
        Searches for first generation leptoquarks, single vector quarks, quirks at D0 25m
        Speaker: Dr Lidija Zivkovic (Brown University)
      • 12:35 PM
        Chiral Quirkonium Decays 25m
        We calculate the two-body decay rates of "quirkonium" states formed from quirks that acquire mass solely through electroweak symmetry breaking. We consider SU(N)_ic infracolor with two flavors of quirks transforming under the electroweak group (but not QCD) of the Standard Model. In one case, the quirks are in a chiral representation of the electroweak group, while in the other case, a vector-like representation. The differences in the dominant decay channels between "chiral quirkonia" versus "vector-like quirkonia" are striking. Several chiral quirkonia states can decay into the unique two-body resonance channels WH, ZH, t\bar{t}, t\bar{b} / b\bar{t}, and gamma+H, which never dominate for vector-like quirkonia. Additionally, the channels WW, WZ, ZZ, and W+gamma, are shared among both chiral and vector-like quirkonia. Resonances of dileptons or light quarks (dijets) can dominate for some vector-like quirkonia states throughout their mass range, while these modes never dominate for chiral quirkonia unless the decays into pairs of gauge or Higgs bosons are kinematically forbidden.
        Speaker: Dr Ricky Fok (Univ. of Oregon)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 5: E - Higgs E: West Wing, Wilson Hall 10NW

      E: West Wing, Wilson Hall 10NW

      Convener: Prof. John Conway
      • 11:15 AM
        Higgs to tautau and D0 combination of SM Higgs searches 20m
        Speaker: Dr G. Facini
      • 11:35 AM
        Low mass Standard Model Higgs searches at the Tevatron 20m
        Speaker: Shalhout Shalhout
      • 11:55 AM
        Tevatron combination of SM Higgs searches and 4th generation limits 20m
        Speaker: Satish Desai
      • 12:15 PM
        Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Produced in Association with Top Quarks at the Tevatron 20m
        Speaker: Jon Wilson (The Ohio State University)
      • 12:35 PM
        Tevatron searches for H-->WW-->lvlv and VH-->VWW-->likesign dileptons 20m
        Speaker: Ms Ruchika Nayyar (Phd Student)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 5: H - Altern. exp H: Racetrack Wilson Hall 7 Xover

      H: Racetrack Wilson Hall 7 Xover

      Convener: Dr Stephen Mrenna (Fermilab)
      • 11:15 AM
        Model-independent search at D0 25m
        Speaker: Dr Peter Renkel (SMU)
      • 11:40 AM
        Diboson production at the Tevatron 30m
        Speaker: Kyle Knoepfel
      • 12:10 PM
        Resonant WW/WZ production at D0 25m
        Speaker: Dr James Kraus (University of Mississippi)
      • 12:35 PM
        Leptonic jets at D0 25m
        Speaker: Mr Enrique Camacho (CINVESTAV MEXICO)
    • 1:00 PM 2:30 PM
      lunch 1h 30m Wilson Hall Atrium

      Wilson Hall Atrium


    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 6: A - Fourth generation A: Wilson Hall 1 West

      A: Wilson Hall 1 West

      Convener: Prof. Robin Erbacher
      • 2:30 PM
        Two Higgs Doublets from Fourth Generation Condensation 30m
        Speaker: Mr Gustavo Burdman (University of Sao Paulo/Fermilab)
      • 3:00 PM
        Higgs Properties in the Fourth Generation MSSM: Boosted Signals Over the 3G Plan 25m
        We describe the novel higgs sector phenomenology of supersymmetric models that include a 4-th generation of chiral fermions. In particular we work in a 4-generation version of the MSSM and find that the LHC signatures expected from the higgs sector of these models are in stark contrast with those expected from the usual 3-generation MSSM.
        Speaker: Mr Randel Cotta Cotta (Stanford/SLAC)
      • 3:25 PM
        Higgs Properties and Fourth Generation Leptons 25m
        It is possible that there are additional vector-like generations where the quarks have mass terms that do not originate from weak symmetry breaking, but the leptons only get mass through weak symmetry breaking. We discuss the impact that the new leptons have on Higgs boson decay branching ratios and on the range of allowed Higgs masses in such a model. We find that if the fourth generation leptons are too heavy to be produced in Higgs decay, then the new leptons reduce the branching ratio for h -> gamma gamma to about 30% of its standard-model value. The dependence of this branching ratio on the new charged lepton masses is weak. Furthermore the expected Higgs production rate at the LHC is very near its standard-model value if the new quarks are much heavier than the weak scale. If the new quarks have masses near the cutoff for the theory then for cutoffs greater than 10^15 GeV, the new lepton masses cannot be much heavier than about 100 GeV and the Higgs mass must have a value around 175 GeV.
        Speaker: Dr Koji Ishiwata (caltech)
      • 3:50 PM
        Deconstruction of 5D Gauge-Higgs Model 25m
        We present a new Little Higgs model, motivated by the deconstruction of a five- dimensional gauge-Higgs model. The approximate global symmetry is SO(5) x SO(5), breaking to SO(5), with a gauged subgroup of SU(2) x SU(2) x SU(2) x U(1), breaking to SU(2)L x U(1)Y. Radiative corrections produce an additional small vacuum misalignment, breaking the electroweak symmetry down to U(1)em. Features of this model are: the only un-eaten pseudo-Goldstone boson is the Higgs boson; the model contains a custodial symmetry, which ensures that T=0 at tree-level; and the potential for the Higgs boson is generated entirely through one-loop radiative corrections; the model predicts a light Higgs boson mass, which is strongly correlated with the masses of the two heavy top quark partners. The electroweak constraints at one-loop order are also considered.
        Speaker: Jiang-Hao Yu (Michigan State University)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 6: B - SUSY pheno B: Curia II, Wilson Hall 2SW

      B: Curia II, Wilson Hall 2SW

      Convener: Dr Stefania Gori (University of Chicago)
      • 2:30 PM
        SUSY: the LHC, Dark Matter, and the Scale of New Physics 30m
        Speaker: Dr Daniel Feldman (University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MCTP)
      • 3:00 PM
        A multi-step Fitting Approach to the allowed Parameter Space of the Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Model and Comparison with the newest LHC Results 20m
        We study the strong correlations between the parameters of the popular Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Model (CMSSM) with four independent parameters. Knowing these correlations allows to develop a multi-step fitting procedure, which efficiently determines the allowed parameter space by simply minimizing the chi^2 in multiple steps, i.e. first the parameters with the highest correlation are determined. The data included in the fit are the relic density, the b-physics observables, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, upper limits on direct neutralino-nucleon scattering cross sections and lower limits on Higgs and sparticle masses from LEP and newest LHC data. With this new fitting method and including non-Gaussian systematic errors we find a significantly larger allowed parameter region than previous methods based on random or Markov Chain sampling of the parameter space.
        Speaker: Ms Conny Beskidt (IEKP, KIT)
      • 3:20 PM
        Stable massive particles at the LHC: novel interpretations and future prospects 25m
        A number of searches for massive long-lived particles have been performed with early LHC data. While existing ATLAS and CMS limits in R-hadron production cross sections have been interpreted as metastable squark and gluino mass limits, in the present work they are also interpreted as limits in couplings within models of leptoquarks, R-parity violating supersymmetry and split supersymmetry. By reviewing the most recent long-lived highly ionising particle searches it is shown that magnetic monopoles are still unconstrained at the LHC. The sensitivities of a range of LHC experiments to highly ionising particles, both for direct detection in the detectors and detection of monopoles trapped in the beam pipe, are determined for various production processes and expressed as functions of particle charge and mass.
        Speaker: Dr Philippe Mermod (Oxford University)
      • 3:45 PM
        Zeroing in on Supersymmetric Radiation Amplitude Zeros 25m
        Radiation amplitude zeros have long been used to test the Standard Model. Here, we consider the potential supersymmetric radiation amplitude zero in chargino-neutralino production, as could be seen at the upgraded LHC. We use the trilepton decay channel to investigate the wino content of the neutralino. Using a scan over the 19-dimensional parameter space of the phenomenological MSSM, we demonstrate how searches for radiation amplitude zeros can complement other methods of determining the neutralino mixing matrix.
        Speaker: Mr Ahmed Ismail (SLAC)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 6: C - Alternatives C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover

      C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover

      Convener: Dr Roni Harnik (FNAL)
      • 2:30 PM
        Nonstandard Dark Matter Signatures at the LHC 30m
        Null results from dark matter direct detection experiments may indicate a nontrivial story in the dark matter sector. One example is the inelastic dark matter model with a mass splitting above 1 MeV, where the dark matter kinetic energy is not large enough to induce the inelastic scattering. Another example is the strongly interacting dark matter model with dark matter stopped inside the Earth before reaching detectors. Fortunately, the LHC can explore both scenarios and test them in spectacular signatures including mono-jet plus displaced pions and trackless jets.
        Speaker: Yang Bai
      • 3:00 PM
        Electroweak constraints on non-minimal UED and split UED 25m
        Models with Universal Extra Dimensions provide one of the simplest extra dimensional extensions of the Standard Model which incorporates a dark matter candidate and can provide a rich LHC phenomenology which strongly resembles SUSY signals. The minimal UED Kaluza Klein Spectrum can be modified in two ways: by operators which are localized at the orbifold fixed points (non-minimal UED) or by five-dimensional fermion mass terms (split UED). We show that and how both these options strongly modify the electroweak precision constraints on UED.
        Speaker: Dr Thomas Flacke (University of Wuerzburg)
      • 3:25 PM
        Examining new neutral gauge bosons using decays to third generation fermions (t, b, tau) 25m
        New neutral gauge bosons (Z') are common in many new models of BSM physics. The LHC may be able to push the direct discovery limits for a neutral resonance (Z', R-parity violating sneutrino, RS graviton) above 3 TeV, for a 14 TeV run, and may even be able to distinguish the spin and model of the resonance up to a mass of several TeV. This talk discusses a number of observables for understanding new neutral gauge bosons, focusing on the capability of measuring a Z' decaying to third generation fermion pairs and the ability to distinguish non-universal couplings as in technicolor and topcolour type models.
        Speaker: Mr Travis Martin (Carleton University)
      • 3:50 PM
        Top signals of a FCNC Z' model 25m
        Models with a non-universal Z' exhibit in general flavor changing neutral currents FCNC at tree-level. When the Z' couplings favor the third generation, flavor changing transitions of the form Z'tc and Z'tu could be large enough to be observable at the LHC. In this talk I will discuss some interesting LHC signatures of (a) associated production of a top with the Z', and, (b) the same sign tops when only one of the aforementioned flavor violating coupling is present. In case of later we will also discuss about the top quark reconstruction from the same sign dileptons using the recently invented variable MT2.
        Speaker: Sudhir Gupta
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 6: D - LHC SUSY D: Wilson Hall 1 North

      D: Wilson Hall 1 North

      Convener: Prof. Xerxes Tata (University of Hawaii)
      • 2:30 PM
        Fitting Mixed Modulus-Anomaly Mediated SUSY Breaking and distinguishing from the CMSSM at the LHC 20m
        If SUSY is discovered at the LHC, the task will immediately turn to trying to determine the model of SUSY breaking. We take a Mixed Modulus-Anomaly Mediated SUSY Breaking (MMAMSB) model with very similar LHC phenomenology to the more conventionally studied CMSSM. We then study whether the models can be distinguished and measured. If we only fit to the various mass edges and mass end-points from cascade decay chains that are normally studied, a unique determination of the model is problematic without substantial amounts of LHC data. However, if event rate information is included, we can quickly distinguish and measure the correct SUSY model.
        Speaker: Dr Jamie Tattersall (Bonn University)
      • 2:50 PM
        A Search for New Physics in Events with Jets and Missing Energy at CMS 20m
        Speaker: Seema Sharma (Fermilab)
      • 3:10 PM
        Search for supersymmetry in final states with b jets and missing transverse energy with the ATLAS detector 20m
        Speaker: Takashi Yamanaka
      • 3:30 PM
        Interpretation of CMS searches for beyond-standard-model phenomena in the supersymmetry framework with simplified models 25m
        Speaker: Mariarosaria D'Alfonso (UCSB)
      • 3:55 PM
        Search for supersymmetry via resonant final states with the ATLAS detector 20m
        Speaker: Prof. Junjie Zhu (University of Michigan)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 6: E - Flavor exp and pheno E: West Wing, Wilson Hall 10NW

      E: West Wing, Wilson Hall 10NW

      Convener: Dr Wolfgang Altmannshofer (Fermilab)
      • 2:30 PM
        Anomalous like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry at D0 20m
        Speaker: Mark Williams
      • 2:50 PM
        Updated search for non-SM physics in B-->K(*)mu+mu- decays at CDF 20m
        We present updated measurements of branching fractions (BR), polarization, and muon forward-backward asymmetry (A_FB) in B-->K(*) mu mu final states using 6.7 fb^-1 of data collected by the CDF detector. We report the first observation of Lambda_b --> Lambda mu mu decays, the first measurements of the A_im and A_T^2 quantities - sensitive to CP-violating right-handed currents - and measurements of A_FB, polarizations and BR competitive with world best results.
        Speaker: Hideki Miyake
      • 3:10 PM
        Constructive Interference in the B to τν amplitude in the MSSM with negative μ 20m
        We show, that it is possible to get constructive interference between SM and SUSY contributions in the B → τν amplitude by choosing a negative and large μ. We demonstrate how the SUSY spectrum will have to be chosen and that is is possible to fulfill all other experimental constraints especially the ones coming b → sγ and gμ.
        Speaker: Dr Johannes Heinonen (University of Chicago)
      • 3:30 PM
        BABAR Results on Leptonic and Radiative B Decays 20m
        Speaker: Gerald Eigen
      • 3:50 PM
        Computational Uncertainties in Public BR(B -> X_s gamma) Codes 20m
        The branching ratio BR(B -> X_s gamma) is a sensitive probe for physics beyond the SM and thus an important constraint for parameter fits of SUSY models. It is therefore highly important to have a good assessment of theoretical and computational uncertainties, including the differences in the implementations and/or approximations used in public computational tools. We perform a detailed comparison of the various public BR(B -> X_s gamma) codes, evaluating the differences of the SM and MSSM results and their dependence on relevant parameters. The impact on SUSY fits is also discussed.
        Speaker: Mr Sebastian Frank (Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPHY) - Vienna/Austria)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 6: H - Dark matter H: Racetrack Wilson Hall 7 Xover

      H: Racetrack Wilson Hall 7 Xover

      Convener: Prof. Tim Tait (UC Irvine)
      • 2:30 PM
        Neutrinos and Dark Matter in the minimal $B-L$ SUSY Model 20m
        We analyze the inclusion of the neutrinos in the MSSM by gauging them under U(1)_{B-L}. We then solve the RGE in order to find the sparticle mass spectrum and the breaking scale of U(1)_{B-L}. We also study the possibility to generate neutrino masses due to a double see-saw mechanism, which is naturally implemented on this groud, and perform an analysis to determine the DM relic density generated within the model.
        Speaker: Roger Hernandez-Pinto (CINVESTAV and Buenos Aires University)
      • 2:50 PM
        Decaying Dark Matter from Dark Instantons 20m
        We construct an explicit, TeV-scale model of decaying dark matter in which the approximate stability of the dark matter candidate is a consequence of a global symmetry that is broken only by instanton-induced operators generated by a non-Abelian dark gauge group. The dominant dark matter decay channels are to standard model leptons. Annihilation of the dark matter to standard model states occurs primarily through the Higgs portal. We show that the mass and lifetime of the dark matter candidate in this model can be chosen to be consistent with the values favored by fits to data from the PAMELA and Fermi LAT experiments.
        Speaker: Mr Reinard Primulando (The College of William and Mary)
      • 3:10 PM
        A single scale model of SUSY breaking, gauge mediation and dark matter 20m
        A model is proposed which dynamically breaks SUSY, mediates the SUSY breaking via gauge mediation, and also contains a dark matter candidate. There is only one mass parameter in the model, that is, the messenger mass.
        Speaker: Mr Kazuya Yonekura (University of Tokyo, IPMU)
      • 3:30 PM
        Fine-Tuning Implications of Direct Dark Matter Searches in the MSSM 20m
        We study theoretical implications of direct dark matter searches in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). We assume that no accidental cancellations occur in the spin-independent elastic neutralino-quark scattering cross section, but do not impose any relations among the weak-scale MSSM parameters. We show that direct detection cross section below $10^-44 cm^2 requires the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) neutralino to be close to either a pure gaugino or pure Higgsino limit, with smaller cross sections correlated with smaller admixture of the subdominant components. The current XENON100 bound rules out essentially all models in which the lightest neutralino has the Higgsino fraction of between 0.2 and 0.8. Furthermore, smaller direct detection cross sections correlate with stronger fine-tuning in the electroweak symmetry breaking sector. In the gaugino LSP scenario, the current XENON100 bound already implies some fine-tuning: for example, at least 10% tuning is required if the LSP mass is above 70 GeV. In both gaugino and Higgsino LSP scenarios, the direct dark matter searches currently being conducted and designed should lead to a discovery if no accidental cancellations or fine-tuning at a level below 1% is present.
        Speaker: Bibhushan Shakya (Cornell University)
      • 3:50 PM
        Sneutrino Inflation with Asymmetric Dark Matter 20m
        The asymmetric dark matter scenario is known to give an interesting solution for the cosmic coincidence problem between baryon and dark matter densities. In the scenario, the dark matter asymmetry, which is translated to the dark matter density in the present universe, is transferred from the B-L asymmetry generated in the early universe. On the other hand, the generation of the B-L asymmetry is simply assumed, though many mechanisms for the generation are expected to be consistent with the scenario. We show that the generation of the asymmetry in the sneutrino inflation scenario works similarly to the asymmetric dark matter scenario, because the non-renormalizable operator which translates the B-L asymmetry to the dark matter asymmetry is naturally obtained by integrating right-handed neutrinos out. As a result, important issues concerning cosmology (inflation, the mass density of dark matter, and the baryon asymmetry of the universe) as well as neutrino masses and mixing have a unified origin, namely, the right-handed neutrinos.
        Speaker: Mr Ryosuke Sato (Univ. Of Tokyo)
    • 4:15 PM 4:45 PM
      coffee break 30m Wilson Hall Atrium

      Wilson Hall Atrium

    • 4:45 PM 6:30 PM
      Plenary Session 6 Ramsey Auditorium

      Ramsey Auditorium


      Batavia, Illinois USA
      Convener: Dr Joseph Lykken (Fermilab)
      • 4:45 PM
        Exotics searches at the LHC 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Andreas Warburton (McGill University)
      • 5:20 PM
        Higgs searches at the LHC 35m
        Speaker: Monica Vazquez Acosta
      • 5:55 PM
        Higgs physics 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Eduardo Ponton
    • 9:30 AM 10:00 AM
      Welcome coffee and light breakfast 30m adjacent to Ida Noyes Auditorium (University of Chicago)

      adjacent to Ida Noyes Auditorium

      University of Chicago

    • 10:00 AM 12:00 PM
      Plenary Session 7 Ida Noyes Auditorium (University of Chicago)

      Ida Noyes Auditorium

      University of Chicago

      Batavia, Illinois USA
      Convener: Prof. Angela Olinto
      • 10:00 AM
        Dark matter: theory 40m
        Speaker: Prof. Jonathan Feng
      • 10:40 AM
        Dark matter: direct detection 40m
        Speaker: Prof. Daniel McKinsey
      • 11:20 AM
        Dark matter: indirect detection 40m
        Speaker: Dr Simona Murgia
    • 12:00 PM 2:00 PM
      lunch (on your own) around campus 2h University of Chicago

      University of Chicago

    • 2:00 PM 4:10 PM
      Parallel Session 7: A - Dark matter Room 106 Kersten Physics Teaching Center

      Room 106 Kersten Physics Teaching Center

      Convener: Prof. Richard Hill
      • 2:00 PM
        Light WIMPs! 30m
        Observations from the direct detection experiments DAMA/LIBRA and CoGeNT, along with those from the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope, have been interpreted as possible evidence of dark matter in the form of relatively light (5-10 GeV) WIMPs. I will discuss the implications of these observations for dark matter phenomenology and discuss how it will be possible with future measurements to either confirm or refute this interpretation.
        Speaker: Dr Dan Hooper
      • 2:30 PM
        Emergent Dark Matter, Baryon, and Lepton Numbers 20m
        We present a new mechanism for transferring a pre-existing lepton or baryon asymmetry to a dark matter asymmetry that relies on mass mixing which is dynamically induced in the early universe. Such mixing can succeed with only generic scales and operators and can give rise to distinctive relationships between the asymmetries in the two sectors. The mixing eliminates the need for the type of additional higher-dimensional operators that are inherent to many current asymmetric dark matter models. We consider several implementations of this idea. In one model, mass mixing is temporarily induced during a two-stage electroweak phase transition in a two Higgs doublet model. In the other class of models, mass mixing is induced by large field vacuum expectation values at high temperatures - either moduli fields or even more generic kinetic terms. Mass mixing models of this type can readily accommodate asymmetric dark matter masses ranging from 1 GeV to 100 TeV and expand the scope of possible relationships between the dark and visible sectors in such models
        Speaker: Dr Yanou Cui (Harvard University, University of Maryland-College Park)
      • 2:50 PM
        Dark Matter Search with the XENON100 Experiment 20m
        The XENON100 experiment is the second step in the XENON dark matter search project. Consisting of a liquid xenon detector with a total mass of 161 kg and a sensitive mass of 62 kg, the detector uses the double-phase TPC technology to record the energy and position of particle interactions. Multiple strategies for background reduction have turned XENON100 into the most sensitive dark matter search experiment at present. After the initial release of 11 live-days of data taken during a commissioning run which set one of the most stringent limits for WIMPs, a new dataset of ~100 live-days of blind dark matter data has been recently analyzed. In this talk we describe the analysis of these data and the results obtained, together with the efforts by the different groups in the collaboration to reduce the uncertainties in the energy calibration of the detector. Finally, prospects for the next runs of the detector and the next step in the XENON project, XENON1T, are presented
        Speaker: Rafael Lang
      • 3:10 PM
        Implications of CoGeNT's New Results For Dark Matter 20m
        This talk will present on an independent analysis of the recent release of the first 15 months of CoGeNT's data. The analysis will focus on the properties of a dark matter particle that are consistent with the spectrum and modulation of the low energy excess of events in the detector. I will also examine the prospects of detecting such a dark matter particle at other experiments.
        Speaker: Chris Kelso (University of Illinois at Chicago)
      • 3:30 PM
        Effective Theories of Dark Matter 30m
        I will discuss how effective theory descriptions of dark matter can capture many classes of WIMP models, and allow us to map constraints from colliders into the parameter spaces of other experiments, including direct detection and indirect detection.
        Speaker: Prof. Tim Tait (UC Irvine)
    • 2:00 PM 4:10 PM
      Parallel Session 7: B - Collider experiment Room 120 Kersten Physics Teaching Center

      Room 120 Kersten Physics Teaching Center

      Convener: Prof. Frank Merritt
      • 2:00 PM
        Search for new physics in top and top-like final states with the ATLAS detector 25m
        Speaker: Clemens Lange
      • 2:25 PM
        Search for New Physics in the Multijet final states at CMS 25m
        Speaker: Malgorzata Kazana
      • 2:50 PM
        Afb in ttbar events at D0 25m
        Speaker: Doug Orbaker (University of Rochester)
      • 3:15 PM
        Secondary High Mass Higgs Searches at the Tevatron 25m
        Speaker: Jason Nett (Texas A&amp;M University)
    • 2:00 PM 4:10 PM
      Parallel Session 7: C - Inflation, cosmology Room 103 Kersten Physics Teaching Center

      Room 103 Kersten Physics Teaching Center

      Convener: Prof. Daniel Holz
      • 2:00 PM
        Axion cosmology and domain walls 20m
        We reargue the axion cosmology which suffers from the domain wall problem. Domain walls are formed after the QCD phase transition, but it may disappear if we introduce a bias in the potential. We perform lattice simulations of domain wall networks and estimate the decay rate of domain walls. Using the result of the numerical study, we give the observational constraints for model parameters. We also discuss the possibility to probe axion models by the direct detection of gravitational waves produced by domain walls.
        Speaker: Mr Ken'ichi Saikawa (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The University of Tokyo)
      • 2:20 PM
        Catastrophic Inflation 20m
        We study inflection point inflation using Singularity Theory, which relates degenerate critical points of functions to their local behavior. This approach illuminates universal features of small-field models and gives analytic control over parametrized families of scalar potentials near inflationary solutions. The behavior of the scalar potential is tied to the number of physical input parameters, which determines a set of universality classes. Within these classes, we obtain universal scaling relations for density perturbations and the scale of inflation. In specific models, we show that the scale of supersymmetry breaking also possesses scaling behavior. We illustrate this general structure with a specific example: the Racetrack Inflation model in type IIB string theory, with the inflaton being the real part of the K\"ahler modulus, and the input parameters being flux dependent quantities that appear in the 4D, N=1 superpotential.
        Speaker: Dr Kuver Sinha (Texas A&amp;M University)
      • 2:40 PM
        Constructing flat inflationary potentials in supersymmetry 20m
        We show that in supersymmetry one can obtain inflationary potentials that are sufficiently flat at sub-Planckian field values. Structure of the supersymmetric scalar potential combined with the existence of higher order terms in an effective field theory expansion allows to find potentials where any number of derivatives may vanish at a point below the effective field theory cut off. As an explicit example, we demonstrate that inflection point inflation within a broad range of scales can be accommodated with considerable amelioration of the fine tuning problem.
        Speaker: Prof. Rouzbeh Allahverdi (University of New Mexico)
      • 3:00 PM
        On the Smallness of the Dark Energy Density in Split SUSY Models Inspired by Degenerate Vacua 20m
        It is well known that in no--scale supergravity global symmetries protect local supersymmetry (SUSY) and a zero value for the cosmological constant. The breakdown of these symmetries that ensures the vanishing of the vacuum energy density near the physical vacuum leads to the natural realization of the multiple point principle (MPP) assumption, i.e. results in the set of degenerate vacua with broken and unbroken local supersymmetry. We present the minimal SUGRA model where the MPP assumption is realised naturally at the tree--level. In this model vacua with broken and unbroken local supersymmetry in the hidden sector (first and second phases) have the same energy density without any extra fine-tuning. Although hidden sector does not give rise to the breakdown of supersymmetry in the second phase SUSY may be broken there dynamically in the observable sector. Then a positive value of the energy density in the second vacuum is induced which can be assigned, by virtue of MPP, to all other phases including the one in which we live. The total vacuum energy density is naturally tiny or zero in this case. If gauge couplings in the physical and second vacua are the same then the dark energy density depends on the SUSY breaking scale in the physical vacuum only. Assuming Split SUSY type spectrum we argue that the observed value of the cosmological constant can be reproduced if the masses of squarks and sleptons are of order of $10^{10}\,\mbox{GeV}$.
        Speaker: Dr Roman Nevzorov (University of Hawaii)
      • 3:20 PM
        Parameter Dependences of Inflation in Modified Modular invariant Supergravity 20m
        We will propose a new modular invariant model with gaugino condensation inspired by heterotic string compactification. We investigate possible parameter ranges for which slow role inflation scenario can apply. As results of these survey, the calculated values of inflation parameters such as power spectrum, spectral index and its tilt coincide with the WMAP observations almost completely. The ratio between scalar power spectrum and tensor is also predicted to be the value $r \sim 6.8 \times 10^{-2}$ seems in range possibly observed by Planck satellite soon for some choices of parameters. Moreover, the possibility of observation of gauginos by LHC experiments, which will give some hints of identity of dark matters. The plausible supergravity model of inflation which here described will open the hope to construct the realistic theory of particle theory and cosmology. Modulus and anomaly mediation are discussed for the super symmetry breaking.
        Speaker: Toyokazu Fukuoka (Tokai University)
      • 3:40 PM
        Cosmology in p-brane systems 20m
        We present time-dependent solutions in the higher-dimensional gravity which are related to supergravity in the particular cases. Here, we consider p-branes with a cosmological constant and the intersections of two and more branes. The dynamical description of p-branes can be naturally obtained as the extension of static solutions. In the presence of a cosmological constant, we find accelerating solutions if the dilaton is not dynamical. In the case of intersecting branes, the field equations normally indicate that time-dependent solutions in supergravity can be found if only one harmonic function in the metric depends on time. However, if the special relation between dilaton couplings to antisymmetric tensor field strengths is satisfied, one can find a new class of solutions where all harmonic functions depend on time. We then apply our new solutions to study cosmology, with and without performing compactifications.
        Speaker: Dr Kunihito Uzawa (Kindai University)
    • 2:00 PM 4:10 PM
      Parallel Session 7: D - Leptogenesis Room 105 Kersten Physics Teaching Center

      Room 105 Kersten Physics Teaching Center

      Convener: Dr Joachim Kopp (Fermilab)
      • 2:00 PM
        The WIMPy Leptogenesis Miracle 25m
        We present a new mechanism, "WIMPy Leptogenesis", which explains the near-coincidence of the present-day dark matter and baryon energy densities in a model of symmetric dark matter. In this scenario, WIMP annihilation is the source of the lepton asymmetry, which is generated by CP- and lepton-number-violating annihilations of the dark matter. The WIMP miracle is preserved, and the overall baryon and dark matter densities are determined by the dark matter annihilation cross section, as well as CP-violating phases and the strength of interactions washing out the asymmetry. We discuss one concrete model of WIMPy leptogenesis and its implications, as well as generalizations to broader classes of models.
        Speaker: Mr Brian Shuve (Harvard University)
      • 2:25 PM
        Lepton Flavour Violation and theta(13) in Minimal Resonant Leptogenesis 25m
        We study the impact of minimal non-supersymmetric models of resonant leptogenesis on charged lepton flavour violation and the neutrino mixing angle theta(13). Possible low-scale flavour realisations of resonant tau-, mu- and e-leptogenesis provide very distinct and predictive frameworks to explain the observed baryon asymmetry in the Universe by sphaleron conversion of an individual tau-, mu- and e-lepton-number asymmetry which gets resonantly enhanced via out-of-equilibrium decays of nearly degenerate heavy Majorana neutrinos. Based on approximate flavour symmetries, we construct viable scenarios of resonant tau-, mu- and e-leptogenesis compatible with universal right-handed neutrino masses at the GUT scale, where the required heavy-neutrino mass splittings are generated radiatively. The heavy Majorana neutrinos in such scenarios can be as light as 100 GeV and their couplings to two of the charged leptons may be large. In particular, we explicitly demonstrate the compelling role that the three heavy Majorana neutrinos play, in order to obtain successful leptogenesis and experimentally testable rates for lepton flavour violating processes, such as mu --> e gamma and mu --> e conversion in nuclei.
        Speaker: Dr Frank Deppisch (University College London)
      • 2:50 PM
        Leptogenesis in neutrinophilic Higgs doublet models 25m
        We show that in a class of two Higgs doublet model, where one Higgs doublet generates masses of quarks and charged leptons whereas the other Higgs doublet with a tiny vacuum expectation value generates neutrino Dirac masses. Thermal leptogenesis suitably works at low energy scale. Its supersymmetric generalization also will be discussed.
        Speaker: Dr Osamu Seto (Hokkai-Gakuen University)
      • 3:15 PM
        Flavor and Scattering Effects in Leptogenesis 25m
        Leptogenesis is a well motivated framework to generate the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe. In this talk, I will present novel results on the treatment of flavor and scattering effects in leptogenesis, which affect the final asymmetry. The results are obtained using methods from nonequilibrium quantum field theory, and and go beyond the usual treatment of these effects at the tree level.
        Speaker: Dr Pedro Schwaller (ANL/UIC)
      • 3:40 PM
        Leptogenesis in a SUSY Left-Right Model with Inverse Seesaw 25m
        We discuss leptogenesis within a TeV-scale SUSY Left Right model with inverse seesaw for neutrino masses. Contrary to the conventional TeV-scale type-I gauged seesaw, the constraints on the extra gauge bosons in these models are rather weak and allow the W_R and Z' mass in the LHC accessible range.
        Speaker: Bhupal Dev (University of Maryland)
    • 4:10 PM 4:40 PM
      coffee break 30m adjacent to Ida Noyes

      adjacent to Ida Noyes

    • 4:40 PM 6:30 PM
      Plenary Session 8 Ida Noyes Auditorium (University of Chicago)

      Ida Noyes Auditorium

      University of Chicago

      Batavia, Illinois USA
      Convener: Prof. Edward "Rocky" Kolb
      • 4:40 PM
        Inflation 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Scott Dodelson
      • 5:15 PM
        Dark energy: theory 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Wayne Hu
      • 5:50 PM
        Dark energy: observation 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Gilbert Holder
    • 6:30 PM 7:00 PM
      Buses depart for Adler Planetarium, Pheasant Run Resort, and Fermilab 30m Ida Noyes Auditorium (University of Chicago)

      Ida Noyes Auditorium

      University of Chicago

    • 7:00 PM 10:00 PM
      Conference Dinner Adler Planetarium (Chicago lakefront)

      Adler Planetarium

      Chicago lakefront

      Batavia, Illinois USA
    • 9:00 AM 10:45 AM
      Plenary Session 9 Ramsey Auditorium

      Ramsey Auditorium


      Batavia, Illinois USA
      Convener: Dr Stephen Parke (Fermilab)
      • 9:00 AM
        LHCb results 35m
        Speaker: Bolek Pietrzyk
      • 9:35 AM
        SUSY and neutrinos 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Steve King (University of Southampton)
      • 10:10 AM
        SUSY and EDMs 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Apostolos Pilaftsis
    • 10:45 AM 11:15 AM
      coffee break 30m Wilson Hall Atrium

      Wilson Hall Atrium

    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 8: A - SUSY, neutrinos, flavor models A: Wilson Hall 1 West

      A: Wilson Hall 1 West

      Convener: Dr Stephen Parke (Fermilab)
      • 11:15 AM
        Predictions of SUSY Flavor Models 30m
        Speaker: Prof. Mu-chun Chen
      • 11:45 AM
        Search for Muon Antineutrino Disappearance in Fermilab’s Booster Neutrino Beamline using the MiniBooNE and SciBooNE detectors 25m
        The MiniBooNE experiment at Fermilab observed an excess of electron antineutrino events in a beam of muon antineutrinos, consistent with oscillations in the 1.0 eV2 ∆m2 range, and also consistent with the evidence for antineutrino oscillations from the Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Oscillations at this mass scale are not compatible with the conventional neutrino oscillation model based on the interference of just three mass eigenstates. One possibility is that mixing with one or more sterile neutrinos acting as an intermediary is occurring, and that the heavier mass eigenstate is associated with these sterile neutrino(s). Models involving sterile neutrinos, and possibly CP or CPT violation, predict large muon antineutrino disappearance. If this disappearance could be confirmed, it would provide strong support for the existence of sterile neutrinos. Alternatively, further constraining the limits on muon antineutrino disappearance constrains models with sterile neutrinos, non-standard interactions, extra dimensions, and/or CPT violation. We will discuss the results of recent muon neutrino and antineutrino disappearance analyses using data from MiniBooNE. We will also discuss the status of a joint analysis using data from MiniBooNE and SciBooNE. The SciBooNE detector was located along the Booster Neutrino Beamline, nearer to the target than MiniBooNE, and operated concurrently with MiniBooNE during part of 2007 and 2008. Hence, data from SciBooNE can be used to further constrain flux and cross section uncertainties.
        Speaker: Dr Warren Huelsnitz (LANL)
      • 12:10 PM
        Phenomenology with sterile neutrinos 25m
        Recent results in short-baseline neutrino oscillation physics have led to a renewed interest in sterile neutrinos. In this talk, we present a global fit to short-baseline oscillation data, and we study to what extent the anomalies in these data can be explained by sterile neutrinos. We also discuss how sterile neutrinos can affect dark matter searches in IceCube and in direct detection experiments.
        Speaker: Dr Joachim Kopp (Fermilab)
      • 12:35 PM
        Neutrinos and an economic flavor model of R-parity violation 25m
        Supersymmetry without R-parity provides a natural way to generate experimentally viable neutrino masses without the need to add new particles to the MSSM. The most general ansatz for R-parity violation introduces 48 potentially complex parameters to the superpotential. We present an economic way, based on a generic lepton-flavor-symmetry, to reduce the number of independent couplings to four. It is guided by the requirement to be compatible with tribimaximal mixing, while respecting the bounds from other sources like $\mu\rightarrow e\gamma$ or lepton-flavor-violating meson decays. We investigate the consequences for the hierarchy of neutrino masses, their absolute mass scale and possible deviations from $\theta_{13}=0$. We further comment on a possible signature of this low energy inspired model at the LHC.
        Speaker: Mr Daniel Pidt (TU Dortmund)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 8: B - SUSY pheno B: Curia II, Wilson Hall 2SW

      B: Curia II, Wilson Hall 2SW

      Convener: Prof. Stephen Martin (Northern Illinois University)
      • 11:15 AM
        Phenomenology of extended gaugino sectors 30m
        Speaker: Ayres Freitas (University of Pittsburgh)
      • 11:45 AM
        A new CP violating observable for the LHC 25m
        We study a new type of CP violating observable that arises in three body decays that are dominated by an intermediate resonance. If two interfering diagrams exist with different orderings of final state particles, the required CP-even arises due to the different virtualities of the resonance in each of the two diagrams. This method can be an important tool for accessing new CP phases at the LHC and future colliders.
        Speaker: Mr Joshua Berger (Cornell University)
      • 12:10 PM
        Early searches for super particles at the LHC 25m
        We focus on the early searches for new physics at the LHC. We present a complete classification of multi-lepton signatures, that provides a framework for an exclusive multi-lepton channel search. This formed the basis for a CMS search for new physics in the Fall 2010 data. We study slepton co-NLSP and stau NLSP scenarios as examples of such multi-lepton physics. We also study the di-photon + MET signature in a Bino-like neutralino NLSP scenario. We present benchmarks, estimate the reach and set limits for different superparticles.
        Speaker: Yue Zhao (Rutgers University)
      • 12:35 PM
        Renormalization in the chargino and neutralino sector of the MSSM with complex parameters 20m
        We calculate chargino production at a future linear collider, and heavy Higgs boson decays including full one-loop contributions in the MSSM with complex parameters. To achieve this, we require a comprehensive approach to renormalization in the chargino and neutralino sector, for the case where parameters can be complex. This is non-trivial in the on-shell scheme, as interference with the often-neglected absorptive parts of self-energies can give rise to observable effects. We investigate the size of these effects for the processes studied, and further suggest a general strategy for the renormalization of processes containing external charginos and/or neutralinos.
        Speaker: Aoife Bharucha (Hamburg University/DESY)
    • 11:15 AM 1:05 PM
      Parallel Session 8: C - Alternatives C: Hornets Nest WH8NX

      C: Hornets Nest WH8NX

      Convener: Graham Kribs (Fermilab/U Oregon)
      • 11:15 AM
        Higgs and flavor physics within a warped extra dimension 30m
        Speaker: Matthias Neubert
      • 11:45 AM
        What if SUSY is not right. Non-susy signals at the LHC 30m
        Speaker: Antonio Delgado
      • 12:15 PM
        New Vector Boson Near the Z-pole and the Puzzle in Precision Electroweak Data 30m
        We show that a Z' with suppressed couplings to the electron compared to the Z-boson, with couplings to the b-quark, and with a mass close to the mass of the Z-boson, provides an excellent fit to forward-backward asymmetry of the b-quark and R_b measured on the Z-pole, near the Z-pole and above the Z-pole, and to A_e obtained from the measurement of left-right asymmetry for hadronic final states. It also leads to a significant improvement in the total hadronic cross section on the Z-pole and R_b measured at energies above the Z-pole. In addition, with a proper mass, it can explain the excess of $Zb\bar b$ events at LEP in the 90-105 GeV region of the $b\bar b$ invariant mass. With additional small flavor violating couplings it can explain the discrepancy in muon g-2, and the like-sign dimuon anomaly measured by D0.
        Speaker: Prof. Radovan Dermisek (Indiana University)
      • 12:45 PM
        Solving the RS Flavor Problem and the Forward-Backward Asymmetry in Top Pair Production 20m
        Speaker: Martin Bauer
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 8: D - SUSY experiment and pheno D: Wilson Hall 1 North

      D: Wilson Hall 1 North

      Convener: Prof. Shufang Su (University of Arizona)
      • 11:15 AM
        Probing Supersymmetry with Very Light Gravitino by Using Impact Parameter at the LHC 20m
        I discuss LHC phenomenology of low-scale SUSY breaking scenario that the gravitino mass is around 10 eV and that the NLSP (in this talk, stau) decays well inside the detector. Even if the stau decays before hitting the inner detector, the tau-jet from the stau decay may have a large impact parameter, which is useful to identify the decay products of the stau. I show that the impact parameter information is useful for the mass and lifetime measurements of SUSY particles; in particular, the lifetime of the stau can be well determined when the stau lifetime is longer than O(10^{-12}) sec (i.e., when the decay length is O(100) micro meter).
        Speaker: Mr Takumi Ito (The University of Tokyo, Tohoku University)
      • 11:35 AM
        Search for new physics with same-sign isolated dilepton events with jets and missing transverse energy at CMS 20m
        Speaker: Frank Golf (UCSD)
      • 11:55 AM
        Search for supersymmetry in final states with one lepton, jets and missing transverse energy with the ATLAS detector 20m
        Speaker: Sophio Pataraia
      • 12:15 PM
        Search for supersymmetry in final states with a lepton, jets and missing energy 20m
        Speaker: Finn Rebassoo (UCSB)
      • 12:35 PM
        Search for supersymmetry in final states with measurable lifetime with the ATLAS detector 20m
        Speaker: Mr Joshua Cogan (SLAC)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 8: E - Flavor exp and pheno E: West Wing Wilson Hall 10NW

      E: West Wing Wilson Hall 10NW

      Convener: Dr Andreas Kronfeld (Fermilab)
      • 11:15 AM
        Semileptonic B and Charm Decays with BABAR 20m
        Speaker: Arantza Oyanguren
      • 11:35 AM
        Improved ΔB=1 constraints on SUSY flavor 20m
        The significant progress regarding Bbar --> Kbar(*) l+ l- decays led to improved bounds on the Wilson coefficients C9 and C10. We analyze the implications on squark flavor violation in supersymmetric models. The left-right mixing mass insertion parameter in the up-sector --which so far is mostly unconstrained by flavor data-- is the most sensitive flavor parameter in this regard. We also study the expected enhancement from near-future data, in particular from the LHCb. Some possible consequences for SUSY flavor models are briefly discussed.
        Speaker: Dr Christian Gross (TU Dortmund)
      • 11:55 AM
        CP violation in single top at D0 20m
        Speaker: Victor Bazterra
      • 12:15 PM
        BABAR Searches for Rare and Forbidden B and Charm Decays with BABAR 20m
        Speaker: Prof. Fernando Martinez-Vidal (IFIC, Universidad de Valencia-CSIC)
      • 12:35 PM
        SUSY Effects in t-tbar Production in the CP-Violating MSSM at the LHC 20m
        We study the CP violating MSSM one loop contributions to top pair production in hadronic collisions. We focus on the SUSY electroweak and QCD contributions to the two main mechanisms of the top pair quark production at the LHC, q-qbar annihilation and gluon fusion. We present preliminary results on the total production cross section and kinematic distributions.
        Speaker: Alexander Moreno Briceno (SUNY at Buffalo/Universidad Antonio Narino)
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 8: F: Hurricane session A: Wilson Hall 1 West

      A: Wilson Hall 1 West


      Batavia, Illinois USA
      Convener: Adam Martin (Fermilab)
      • 11:15 AM
        Electroweak Baryogenesis and Dark Matter with an approximate R-symmetry 25m
        It is well known that R-symmetric models dramatically alleviate the SUSY flavor and CP problems. We study particular modifications of existing R-symmetric models which share the solution to the above problems, and have interesting consequences for electroweak baryogenesis and the Dark Matter (DM) content of the universe. In particular, we find that it is naturally possible to have a strongly first-order electroweak phase transition while simultaneously relaxing the tension with EDM experiments. The R-symmetry (and its small breaking) implies that the gauginos (and the neutralino LSP) are pseudo-Dirac fermions, which is relevant for both baryogenesis and DM. The singlet superpartner of the U(1)_Y pseudo-Dirac gaugino plays a prominent role in making the electroweak phase transition strongly first-order. The pseudo-Dirac nature of the LSP allows it to behave similarly to a Dirac particle during freeze-out, but like a Majorana particle for annihilation today and in scattering against nuclei, thus being consistent with current constraints. Assuming a standard cosmology, it is possible to simultaneously have a strongly first-order phase transition conducive to baryogenesis and have the LSP provide the full DM relic abundance, in part of the allowed parameter space. However, other possibilities for DM also exist, which are discussed. It is expected that upcoming direct DM searches as well as neutrino signals from DM annihilation in the Sun will be sensitive to this class of models. Interesting collider and Gravity-wave signals are also briefly discussed.
        Speaker: Dr Piyush Kumar (Columbia University)
      • 11:40 AM
        Light stop NLSP at the Tevatron and LHC 25m
        How light can the stop be, given current experimental constraints? Can it still be lighter than the top? We consider a scenario of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking, where a stop NLSP decays into a W, b and gravitino. Focusing on the case of prompt decays, we simulate several existing Tevatron and LHC analyses that would be sensitive to this scenario, and find that they allow the stop to be as light as 150 GeV, mostly due to the large top production background. With more data, the existing LHC analyses will be able to push the limit up to at least 180 GeV. We hope this work will motivate more dedicated experimental searches for this simple scenario, in which, for most purposes, the only free parameters are the stop mass and lifetime.
        Speaker: Yevgeny Kats (Rutgers)
      • 12:05 PM
        Discovering a Higgs decaying to four jets in SUSY cascade decays 25m
        The Higgs boson may dominantly decay to 4 light jets through a light pseudo-scalar intermediary: h -> 2 eta -> 4j, making reconstruction at the LHC particularly challenging. We explore the phenomenology of such "Buried Higgs" scenarios in which the primary discovery channel of the Higgs is in cascade decays of superpartners. QCD backgrounds that would otherwise overwhelm the Higgs decay are suppressed by the requirement of high p_T jets and large missing transverse momentum that are the typical signatures of TeV scale supersymmetry. Utilizing jet substructure techniques, we find that for buried Higgses in the 100-120 GeV range, a 5-sigma discovery can be expected with roughly 10-25 inverse fb of data at E_CM = 14 TeV. For lighter Higgs bosons, the signal is contaminated by hadronically decaying W bosons, and discovery remains an unsolved challenge.
        Speaker: Dr Jing Shao (Syracuse University)
      • 12:30 PM
        Explaining the Tevatron Forward-Backward asymmetry with a W'? 25m
        We investigate if the Tevatron Forward-Backward asymmetry can be explained by T-channel exchange of a W' gauge boson coupling to down and top quarks. In a gauge theory UV completion of such a model, the W' is accompanied by a Z' at a similar mass scale, which is strongly constrained. Null results from searches for dijet and dilepton resonances at the Tevatron are especially restrictive, and combinedl implying large mass splitting between the W' and Z'. We argue that such a splitting can only be accomplished if the gauge symmetry is broken by a scalar in a large dimension representation of the gauge group, for which no perturbative description exists.
        Speaker: C. Spethmann
    • 11:15 AM 1:00 PM
      Parallel Session 8: G - SUSY Higgs G: Wilson Hall 3NW

      G: Wilson Hall 3NW

      Convener: Prof. Milada Margarete Muehlleitner (Institute of Theoretical Physics (TP), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
      • 11:35 AM
        A Search for H+ and H++ Higgs Bosons with the CMS detector 20m
        Speaker: Nuno Girao De Almeida
      • 11:55 AM
        SUSY Higgs in bbb final state and Tevatron combination of SUSY Higgs 20m
        Speaker: Dr Thomas Wright (University of Michigan)
      • 12:15 PM
        SUSY H--> tau tau and b tau tau and combination of D0 SUSY Higgs 20m
        Speaker: Dr Joseph Haley (Northeastern Univ.)
      • 12:35 PM
        LHC Higgs Searches with b-jets Versus Rare B-decays in SUSY GUTS 20m
        We study the prospects for detection of neutral Higgs bosons in associated b production at the LHC, where the Higgs decays into b-quarks leading to a 3-b signal. We consider unified frameworks such as mSUGRA, AMSB, and GMSB to determine the searchable phase space in these models, taking into account constraints from EWSB and chargino searches. We also consider predictions for rare decays including B_s->mumu, B_s->tautau, and b->s gamma, as well as muon g-2.
        Speaker: Joshua Sayre (University of Oklahoma)
    • 1:05 PM 2:30 PM
      lunch 1h 25m Wilson Hall Atrium (Universe)

      Wilson Hall Atrium


    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 9: A - LFV, g-2 A: WH 1 West

      A: WH 1 West

      Convener: Prof. Andre de Gouvea
      • 2:30 PM
        Muon g-2 and \alpha(M_Z^2) re-evaluated using new precise data 30m
        We update our Standard Model predictions for g-2 of the muon and for the hadronic contributions to the running of the QED coupling, \Delta\alpha^{(5)}_{had}(M_Z^2). Particular emphasis is put on recent changes in the hadronic contributions from new data in the 2\pi channel and from the energy region just below 2 GeV. In particular, for the e^+e^- \to \pi^+\pi^- contribution we include the recent `radiative return' data from KLOE and BaBar. We also include the recent BaBar data on other exclusive channels. We make a detailed study of the effect of replacing the measurements of the inclusive cross section, \sigma(e^+e^- \to hadrons), by the sum of the exclusive channels in the energy interval 1.43 < \sqrt{s} < 2 GeV, which includes a QCD sum-rule analysis of this energy region. Our favoured prediction for the muon anomalous magnetic moment is (g-2)/2 = (11659182.8 \pm 4.9) \times 10^{-10} which is 3.3 \sigma below the present world-average measurement. We compare our g-2 value with other recent calculations. Our prediction for the QED coupling, obtained via \Delta\alpha_{had}^{(5)}(M_Z^2) = ( 276.26 \pm 1.38 ) \times 10^{-4} is \alpha(M_Z^2)^{-1} = 128.944 \pm 0.019.
        Speaker: Dr Daisuke Nomura (Tohoku University)
      • 3:00 PM
        New limit on the lepton-flavour violating decay mu -> e gamma 25m
        A new result based on an analysis of the data collected by the MEG detector at the Paul Scherrer Institut in 2009 and 2010, in search of the lepton flavour violating decay mu->e gamma, will be presented. The likelihood analysis of the combined data sample, which corresponds to a total of 1.8 x 10**14 muon decays, gives a 90% C.L. upper limit of 2.4 x 10**-12 on the branching ratio of the mu->e gamma decay, constituting the most stringent limit on the existence of this decay to date.
        Speaker: Prof. Flavio Gatti (University and INFN of Genoa, Italy)
      • 3:25 PM
        Mass Spectrum Dependence of Higgs-mediated mu-e Transition in the MSSM 25m
        We study non-decoupling mu - e transition effects by Higgs-mediated contribution in the MSSM, when some SUSY mass parameters are much greater than TeV. In order to treat CP-odd Higgs mass m_A^0 as a free parameter, we consider the non-universal Higgs mass model (NUHM), and assume the only left- or right-handed sleptons had flavor-mixing mass terms. We found it is necessary to consider Higgs-mediated contribution in the region where ordinary SUSY contribution cancels. There are some Higgs-dominant region although SUSY particle masses are around TeV scale. Moreover, the ratio of branching ratios BR(meg) / BR(maleal) drastically depends on the mass spectrum structure and chirality of flavor violation. Log factor from two split mass scale influences the way of interference between gaugino- and Higgs-mediated contributions significantly.
        Speaker: Dr Masaki Yang (the University of Tokyo)
      • 3:50 PM
        Flavor violation in SUSY grand unified theories of flavor 25m
        Diverse mass and mixing patterns between the quarks and leptons makes it challenging to construct a simple grand unified theory of flavor. The SO(10) SUSY GUT with type II seesaw mechanism giving neutrino masses provide a natural framework for addressing this issue. Proton decay suppression is also an important issue to construct SUSY GUT models. We will investigate the flavor violation for both lepton and quark sectors in SUSY GUT models, which are favored to suppress proton decay, and have prediction of the neutrino mixing.
        Speaker: Dr Yukihiro Mimura (National Taiwan University)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 9: B - SUSY exp B: Curia II, Wilson Hall 2SW

      B: Curia II, Wilson Hall 2SW

      Convener: Prof. Tim Tait (UC Irvine)
      • 2:30 PM
        Search for supersymmetry in final states with multiple leptons and missing transverse energy with the ATLAS detector 25m
        Speaker: Sky French
      • 2:55 PM
        Search for supersymmetry in events with multiple isolated leptons at CMS 25m
        Speaker: Richard Gray
      • 3:20 PM
        Search for R-parity violating supersymmetry with the ATLAS detector 25m
        Speaker: Emma Torro Pastor
      • 3:45 PM
        Search for long-lived particles at CMS 20m
        Speaker: Jeffrey Temple (University of Maryland)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 9: C - Flavor C: Hornets Nest WH8NX

      C: Hornets Nest WH8NX

      Convener: Antonio Delgado (University of Notre Dame)
      • 2:30 PM
        CP Violation in Bs Mixing from Effective Supersymmetric Higgs Bosons 20m
        We present a study of the impact of higher dimensional operators on the quark-Higgs couplings in the MSSM. Dimension 5 operators can induce tan(beta) enhanced flavor changing couplings of the neutral Higgs bosons to down quarks already at the tree level. Assuming that these couplings obey the Minimal Flavor Violation ansatz, we show that the studied framework can accommodate a O(1) Bs mixing phase through tree level neutral Higgs exchange, without being in conflict with the stringent bounds from BR(Bs->mu+mu-).
        Speaker: Wolfgang Altmannshofer (Fermilab)
      • 2:50 PM
        First two-sided limit for the Bs--> mu+mu- decay rate 20m
        We report the latest results of a CDF search for B-->mu+mu- decays using 6.9 fb^-1 of data. Doubled statistics with respect to the previous iteration and several analysis improvement provide results that are among the most sensitive from a single-experiment to date. We observe an excess of Bs candidates, whose probability to be produced by background processes alone is 0.27%. We determine 4.6*10^-9 < Br(Bs -->mu+mu−)< 3.9*10^−8 at the 90% CL. A search of B0 decays is shown as well.
        Speaker: Dr Matthew Herndon
      • 3:10 PM
        Search for B_{s,d}->mumu with the CMS experiment 20m
        Speaker: Keith Ulmer
      • 3:30 PM
        Measurement of CP violating parameters in the decay B0s-->J/psi phi at D0 20m
        Speaker: Mr Jorge Martinez-Ortega (Cinvestav)
      • 3:50 PM
        Indirect searches for New Physics in rare kaon decays 20m
        The ratio of charged kaon leptonic decay rates RK=BR(K --> e nu)/BR(K --> mu nu) is strongly suppressed and predicted to an excellent precision within the Standard Model. It therefore has a unique sensitivity to deviations from lepton universality arising in multi-Higgs new physics models, including SUSY. A new measurement of RK based on the full dedicated data sample collected by the NA62 experiment at CERN in 2007 is reported. The record accuracy of 0.4% constrains the parameter space of models with extended Higgs sector.
        Speaker: Francesca Bucci (INFN Firenze)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 9: D - Dark matter D: Wilson Hall 1 North

      D: Wilson Hall 1 North

      Convener: Dr Dan Hooper (Fermilab)
      • 2:30 PM
        Dark Light Higgs 20m
        We discovered a benchmark scenario in the NMSSM which possesses novel Higgs and dark matter (DM) properties. There naturally co-exist three light singlet-like particles in this scenario: a scalar, a pseudoscalar, and their superpartner, all with masses of order 0.1-10 GeV. New non-standard decay channel is opened for the Standard Model (SM)-like Higgs boson, while its pair-decays to the light scalars or pseudoscalars are generically suppressed. This will dramatically change our search strategies for the SM-like and light Higgs bosons at colliders. In addition, this scenario is characterized by a light siglino-like DM candidate (~ 1-10 GeV). For a certain parameter window annihilation into the light pseudoscalar and exchange of the light scalar with nucleons allow the singlino to achieve the correct relic density and a (spin-independent) direct detection cross section as large as 10^{-40} cm2 simultaneously, which is accessible to the current direct detections (e.g., CoGeNT and DAMA) or the ones in the near future.
        Speaker: Dr Tao Liu (Department of Physics, UC@Santa Barbara)
      • 2:50 PM
        Light Dark Matter and the Electroweak Phase Transition in the NMSSM 20m
        Speaker: Nausheen Shah
      • 3:10 PM
        Constraints on Scalar Asymmetric Dark Matter from Black Hole Formation in Neutron Stars 20m
        Speaker: Sam McDermott
      • 3:30 PM
        Cosmic Ray Anomalies, Gamma Ray Constraints and Subhalos in Models of Dark Matter Annihilation 20m
        We consider Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation of dark matter into leptons to explain PAMELA and Fermi electron and positron observations, in light of possible new effects from sub-structure. There is strong tension between getting a large enough lepton signal while respecting constraints on the fluxes of associated gamma rays; we show how DM annihilations within subhalos can get around these constraints. And we demonstrate that this can be achieved in a simple class of particle physics models in which the DM annihilates via a hidden leptophilic U(1) vector boson.
        Speaker: Mr Wei XUE (Physics Department, McGill University)
      • 3:50 PM
        WIMPless Dark Matter in Anomaly-Mediation with Hidden QED 20m
        In anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking, superpartners in a hidden sector have masses that are proportional to couplings squared, and so naturally freeze out with the desired dark matter relic density for a large range of masses. We present an extremely simple realization of this possibility, with WIMPless dark matter arising from a hidden sector that is supersymmetric QED with $N_F$ flavors. Dark matter is multi-component, composed of hidden leptons and sleptons with masses anywhere from 10 GeV to 10 TeV, and hidden photons provide the thermal bath. The dark matter self-interacts through hidden sector Coulomb scatterings that are potentially observable. In addition, the hidden photon contribution to the number of relativistic degrees of freedom is in the range $\Delta \neff \sim 0 - 2$, and, if the hidden and visible sectors were initially in thermal contact, the model predicts $\Delta \neff \sim 0.2 - 0.4$. Data already taken by Planck may provide evidence of such deviations.
        Speaker: Dr Vikram Rentala (U. Arizona/UC Irvine)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 9: E - SUSY and unified E: West Wing

      E: West Wing

      Convener: Prof. Carl Albright
      • 2:30 PM
        The Constrained E6SSM at the LHC 20m
        We will discuss LHC signatures of the constrained exceptional supersymmetric standard model (cE6SSM), inspired by unification under the gauge group E6. This model contains light exotic colour triplet charge 1/3 fermions, which we refer to as D-fermions; we calculate their LHC production cross section and discuss their decays. We also show that the model's extra Z' gauge boson may decay into exotic states, increasing its width and modifying the line shape of the dilepton final state. We will examine some cE6SSM benchmark points, discussing the impact of recent LHC searches.
        Speaker: Dr DAVID MILLER (University of Glasgow)
      • 2:50 PM
        Nonstandard Higgs Decays and Dark Matter in the E6SSM 20m
        We study the decays of the lightest Higgs boson within the exceptional supersymmetric (SUSY) standard model (E6SSM). The E6SSM is based on the SM gauge group together with an extra $U(1)_{N}$ gauge symmetry under which right--handed neutrinos have zero charge. The low energy matter content of the E6SSM involves three 27 representations of $E_6$ and a pair of $SU(2)$ doublets from additional 27 and $\overline{27}$. Thus E6SSM predicts three families of Higgs--like doublets plus three SM singlets that carry $U(1)_{N}$ charges. One family of Higgs--like doublets and one SM singlet develop vacuum expectation values. The fermionic partners of other Higgs--like fields and SM singlets form Inert neutralino and chargino states. Two lightest Inert neutralinos tend to be the lightest and next-to-lightest SUSY particles (LSP and NLSP). The considered model can account for the dark matter relic abundance if the lightest Inert neutralino has mass close to half the Z mass. In this case the usual SM-like Higgs boson decays more than 95\% of the time into either LSPs or NLSPs. As a result the decays of the lightest Higgs boson into $l^{+} l^{-} + X$ might play an essential role in the Higgs searches. This scenario also predicts other light Inert chargino and neutralino states below 200 GeV, and large LSP direct detection cross-sections which is on the edge of observability of XENON100.
        Speaker: Dr Roman Nevzorov (University of Hawaii)
      • 3:10 PM
        An overview of Grand Unification and Sfermion mass spectroscopy for the first and second generations 20m
        We discuss Grand Unification Theories (GUTs), focussing on the standard SU(5), SO(10) and E6 candidates. We will review the matter content of the representations, and outline advantages and issues. We will then examine the mass spectrum of the first and second generation of squarks and sleptons, providing a testable comparison of the alternative group structures.
        Speaker: Mr António Morais (University of Glasgow)
      • 3:30 PM
        Quarks and Leptons as Nambu-Goldstone Fermions Under E_7/SO(10) 20m
        The hierarchy of the Yukawa couplings is an outstanding problem of the standard model. We present a class of models in which the first and second generation fermions are SUSY partners of pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons that parameterize an E_7/SO(10) Kahler manifold, explaining the small values of these fermion masses relative to those of the third generation. We consider experimental constraints on this scenario, and find that the simplest model with universal gaugino masses is already ruled out by the LHC. However, models with non-universal gaugino masses will likely be excluded only by direct dark matter searches.
        Speaker: Dr Sourav Mandal (IPMU, Univ. of Tokyo)
      • 3:50 PM
        Constraints on realistic Gauge-Higgs unified models 20m
        The general group structure of Gauge-Higgs unified models is investigated. It is found that a given embedding of the Standard Model gauge group, independent of the compactification scheme, implies the presence of additional light vectors, except for a small set of special cases. Models in this set are then studied to verify if they can accommodate quarks and have a vanishing oblique T parameter at tree level. It is found that none of the resulting models can have an acceptable value for the sine of the weak-mixing angle (at tree level). A discussion on possible solutions to this problem is presented.
        Speaker: Dr Alfredo Aranda (Universidad de Colima)
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 9: F - LHC Higgs F: Wilson Hall 3NE

      F: Wilson Hall 3NE

      Convener: Dr Thomas Junk (Fermilab)
      • 2:30 PM
        SUSY QCD corrections to Higgs boson production via gluon fusion 25m
        The MSSM scalar h and H production through gluon fusion is mediated by heavy quark and squark loops at LO. The NLO QCD corrections at two loops to the quark loops are known including mass effects since two decades, while those to the squark loops have been derived some time ago in the heavy squark mass limit first. However, for light stop masses below about 400 GeV, mass effects can become important. Their inclusion in the NLO calculation implied that they are of the order of 20% on top of the LO squark mass effects. In the next step we have calculated the full two-loop SUSY-QCD corrections including finite gluino and squark masses and mixing effects. The mass effects turn out to be important. First results of the complete NLO calculation within the MSSM shall be presented. The validity of approximations used in the cross section calculation will be discussed in view of these new results.
        Speaker: Prof. Milada Margarete Muehlleitner (Institute of Theoretical Physics (TP), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
      • 2:55 PM
        Search for Higgs boson decays into bottom quark pairs in the ATLAS experiment 25m
        Speaker: Patricia Conde Muino
      • 3:20 PM
        A Search for the Higgs Boson In H --> WW at CMS 25m
        Speaker: Giuseppe Cerati
      • 3:45 PM
        Search for Higgs boson decays into WW in leptonic and semileptonic final states with the ATLAS detector 25m
        Speaker: Heather Gray
    • 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Parallel Session 9: G - Models and pheno G: Wilson Hall 3NW

      G: Wilson Hall 3NW

      Convener: Dr Joachim Kopp (Fermilab)
      • 2:30 PM
        Flavor Violating gluino three-body decays at LHC 20m
        Speaker: Prof. Keisho Hidaka (Tokyo Gakugei University)
      • 2:50 PM
        The Lightest Scalar in Theories with Broken Supersymmetry 20m
        We study the scalar mass matrix of general supersymmetric theories with local gauge symmetries, and derive an absolute upper bound on the lightest scalar mass. This bound can be saturated by suitably tuning the superpotential, and its positivity therefore represents a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of metastable vacua. It is derived by looking at the subspace of all those directions in field space for which an arbitrary supersymmetric mass term is not allowed and scalar masses are controlled by supersymmetry-breaking splitting effects. This subspace includes not only the direction of supersymmetry breaking, but also the directions of gauge symmetry breaking and the lightest scalar is in general a linear combination of fields spanning all these directions. We present explicit results for the simplest case of theories with a single local gauge symmetry. For renormalizable gauge theories, the lightest scalar is a combination of the Goldstino partners and its square mass is always positive. For more general non-linear sigma models, on the other hand, the lightest scalar can involve also the Goldstone partner and its square mass is not always positive. (Based on arXiv:1107.1596v1)
        Speaker: Mr Leonardo Brizi (EPFL, Switzerland)
      • 3:10 PM
        The Double Cover of the Icosahedral Symmetry Group and Quark Mass Textures 20m
        The icosahedral (A5) group has been shown to be a viable family symmetry group for the leptons. To incorporate the quarks, it is highly advantageous to extend the group to its double cover, as in the case of tetrahedral (A4) symmetry. In this talk, we present the basic group theoretical tools for flavor model-building based on the binary icosahedral group, I'. Using these tools, we construct a model of the quark masses and mixings that yields many of the successful predictions of the well-known U(2) quark texture models.
        Speaker: Mr Alexander Stuart (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
      • 3:30 PM
        Inert doublet dark matter and mirror/extra families in view of Xenon 100 20m
        It was shown recently that mirror fermions, naturally present in a number of directions for new physics, seem to require an inert scalar doublet in order to pass the electroweak precision tests. This provides a further motivation for considering the inert doublet as a dark matter candidate. Moreover, the presence of extra families enhances the Standard Model Higgs-nucleon coupling, which has crucial impact on the Higgs and dark matter searches. We study the limits on the inert dark matter mass in view of recent Xenon100 data. We find that the mass of the inert dark matter must lie in a very narrow window 74-76 GeV while the Higgs must weigh more than 400 GeV. For the sake of completeness we discuss the cases with fewer extra families, where the possibility of a light Higgs boson opens up, enlarging the dark matter mass window to m_h/2-76 GeV. We find that Xenon100 constrains the DM-Higgs interaction, which in turn implies a lower bound on the monochromatic gamma-ray flux from DM annihilation in the galactic halo. For the mirror case, the predicted annihilation cross section lies a factor of 4-5 below the current limit set by Fermi LAT, thus providing a promising indirect detection signal.
        Speaker: Dr Yue Zhang (ICTP, Trieste)
      • 3:50 PM
        Big-bang nucleosynthesis with a long-lived charged massive particle including $^4$He spallation processes 20m
        We propose helium-4 spallation processes induced by long-lived stau in supersymmetric standard models, and investigate an impact of the processes on light elements abundances. We show that, as long as the phase space of helium-4 spallation processes is open, they are more important than stau-catalyzed fusion and hence constrain the stau property. T.~Jittoh, K.~Kohri, M.~Koike, J.~Sato, K.~Sugai, M.~Yamanaka and K.~Yazaki, arXiv:1105.1431 [hep-ph]. (accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D)
        Speaker: Dr Masato Yamanaka (KEK(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization))
    • 4:15 PM 4:45 PM
      coffee break 30m Wilson Hall Atrium

      Wilson Hall Atrium

    • 4:45 PM 7:05 PM
      Plenary Session 10 Ramsey Auditorium

      Ramsey Auditorium


      Convener: Dr Christopher Hill (FNAL)
      • 4:45 PM
        Higgs: where are we now? 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Howard Haber
      • 5:20 PM
        Panning for New Physics 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Jay Wacker
      • 5:55 PM
        The Status of Super-Symmetry 2011 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Scott Thomas
      • 6:30 PM
        Space-Time, Quantum Mechanics and Scattering Amplitudes 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Nima Arkani-Hamed
    • 9:00 AM 11:00 AM
      Perspectives Session Ramsey Auditorium

      Ramsey Auditorium


      Batavia, Illinois USA
      Convener: Prof. Marcela Carena (Fermilab)
      • 9:00 AM
        Tevatron Perspectives and Legacy 40m
        Speaker: Prof. Stephan Soldner-Rembold
      • 9:40 AM
        Theory perspective 40m
        Speaker: Prof. Carlos Wagner
      • 10:20 AM
        Experimental perspective 40m
        Speaker: Prof. Joseph Incandela
    • 11:00 AM 11:30 AM
      End of SUSY11 Conference 30m