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28 August 2011 to 2 September 2011
US/Central timezone
Slides available on Indico -- there are no formal proceedings

Fermiophobic Gauge Bosons at the LHC

29 Aug 2011, 12:35
C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover

C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover


Mr David Yaylali (University of Hawaii Department of Physics and Astronomy)


I will discuss the phenomenology of a class of models which couple new U(1) sectors to the Standard Model through triple gauge boson couplings. My primary focus will be on dimension 6 pseudovector couplings, which can arise in models incorporating anomaly cancellation mechanisms. We find the discovery reach for such a model, and find that the LHC can reach well into the TeV scale. I will also briefly discuss scalar, pseudoscalar, and vector three boson couplings, and how event topology can be used to differentiate between these models.

Presentation materials