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August 28, 2011 to September 2, 2011
US/Central timezone
Slides available on Indico -- there are no formal proceedings

Examining new neutral gauge bosons using decays to third generation fermions (t, b, tau)

Aug 30, 2011, 3:25 PM
C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover

C: Hornets Nest Wilson Hall 8N Xover


Mr Travis Martin (Carleton University)


New neutral gauge bosons (Z') are common in many new models of BSM physics. The LHC may be able to push the direct discovery limits for a neutral resonance (Z', R-parity violating sneutrino, RS graviton) above 3 TeV, for a 14 TeV run, and may even be able to distinguish the spin and model of the resonance up to a mass of several TeV. This talk discusses a number of observables for understanding new neutral gauge bosons, focusing on the capability of measuring a Z' decaying to third generation fermion pairs and the ability to distinguish non-universal couplings as in technicolor and topcolour type models.

Presentation materials