Parallel Session 9: B - SUSY exp
- Tim Tait (UC Irvine)
Parallel Session 9: F - LHC Higgs
- Thomas Junk (Fermilab)
Parallel Session 9: E - SUSY and unified
- Carl Albright ()
Parallel Session 9: A - LFV, g-2
- Andre de Gouvea ()
Parallel Session 9: D - Dark matter
- Dan Hooper (Fermilab)
Parallel Session 9: G - Models and pheno
- Joachim Kopp (Fermilab)
Parallel Session 9: C - Flavor
- Antonio Delgado (University of Notre Dame)
Wolfgang Altmannshofer
01/09/2011, 14:30
Intensity frontier: models
We present a study of the impact of higher dimensional operators on the quark-Higgs couplings in the MSSM. Dimension 5 operators can induce tan(beta) enhanced flavor changing couplings of the neutral Higgs bosons to down quarks already at the tree level.
Assuming that these couplings obey the Minimal Flavor Violation ansatz, we show that the studied framework can accommodate a O(1) Bs mixing...
Tao Liu
(Department of Physics, UC@Santa Barbara)
01/09/2011, 14:30
SUSY: phenomenology
We discovered a benchmark scenario in the NMSSM which
possesses novel Higgs and dark matter (DM) properties.
There naturally co-exist three light singlet-like particles
in this scenario: a scalar, a pseudoscalar, and their superpartner,
all with masses of order 0.1-10 GeV. New non-standard
decay channel is opened for the Standard Model (SM)-like
Higgs boson, while its pair-decays...
Keisho Hidaka
(Tokyo Gakugei University)
01/09/2011, 14:30
Daisuke Nomura
(Tohoku University)
01/09/2011, 14:30
We update our Standard Model predictions for g-2 of the muon and for
the hadronic contributions to the running of the QED coupling,
\Delta\alpha^{(5)}_{had}(M_Z^2). Particular emphasis is put on
recent changes in the hadronic contributions from new data in the
2\pi channel and from the energy region just below 2 GeV. In
particular, for the e^+e^- \to \pi^+\pi^- contribution we...
Sky French
01/09/2011, 14:30
Milada Margarete Muehlleitner
(Institute of Theoretical Physics (TP), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
01/09/2011, 14:30
SUSY: phenomenology
The MSSM scalar h and H production through gluon fusion is mediated by heavy
quark and squark loops at LO. The NLO QCD corrections at two loops to the
quark loops are known including mass effects since two decades, while those
to the squark loops have been derived some time ago in the heavy squark mass
limit first. However, for light stop masses below about 400 GeV, mass
effects can...
(University of Glasgow)
01/09/2011, 14:30
We will discuss LHC signatures of the constrained exceptional supersymmetric standard model (cE6SSM), inspired by unification under the gauge group E6. This model contains light exotic colour triplet charge 1/3 fermions, which we refer to as D-fermions; we calculate their LHC production cross section and discuss their decays. We also show that the model's extra Z' gauge boson may decay into...
Nausheen Shah
01/09/2011, 14:50
Roman Nevzorov
(University of Hawaii)
01/09/2011, 14:50
We study the decays of the lightest Higgs boson within the exceptional
supersymmetric (SUSY) standard model (E6SSM). The E6SSM is based on the SM gauge group together with an extra $U(1)_{N}$ gauge symmetry under which right--handed neutrinos have zero charge. The low energy matter content of the E6SSM involves three 27 representations of $E_6$ and a pair of $SU(2)$ doublets from additional...
Leonardo Brizi
(EPFL, Switzerland)
01/09/2011, 14:50
We study the scalar mass matrix of general supersymmetric theories with local gauge symmetries, and derive an absolute upper bound on the lightest scalar mass. This bound can be saturated by suitably tuning the superpotential, and its positivity therefore represents a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of metastable vacua. It is derived by looking at the subspace of all those...
Patricia Conde Muino
01/09/2011, 14:55
Richard Gray
01/09/2011, 14:55
Flavio Gatti
(University and INFN of Genoa, Italy)
01/09/2011, 15:00
A new result based on an analysis of the data collected by the MEG detector at the Paul Scherrer Institut in 2009 and 2010, in search of the lepton flavour violating decay mu->e gamma, will be presented. The likelihood analysis of the combined data sample, which corresponds to a total of 1.8 x 10**14 muon decays, gives a 90% C.L. upper limit of 2.4 x 10**-12 on the branching ratio of the mu->e...
António Morais
(University of Glasgow)
01/09/2011, 15:10
We discuss Grand Unification Theories (GUTs), focussing on the standard SU(5), SO(10) and E6 candidates. We will review the matter content of the representations, and outline advantages and issues. We will then examine the mass spectrum of the first and second generation of squarks and sleptons, providing a testable comparison of the alternative group structures.
Sam McDermott
01/09/2011, 15:10
Alexander Stuart
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
01/09/2011, 15:10
The icosahedral (A5) group has been shown to be a viable family symmetry group for the leptons. To incorporate the quarks, it is highly advantageous to extend the group to its double cover, as in the case of tetrahedral (A4) symmetry. In this talk, we present the basic group theoretical tools for flavor model-building based on the binary icosahedral group, I'. Using these tools, we construct...
Emma Torro Pastor
01/09/2011, 15:20
Masaki Yang
(the University of Tokyo)
01/09/2011, 15:25
We study non-decoupling mu - e transition effects by Higgs-mediated contribution in the MSSM, when some SUSY mass parameters are much greater than TeV. In order to treat CP-odd Higgs mass m_A^0 as a free parameter, we consider the non-universal Higgs mass model (NUHM), and assume the only left- or right-handed sleptons had flavor-mixing mass terms.
We found it is necessary to consider...
(Physics Department, McGill University)
01/09/2011, 15:30
Dark matter: models
We consider Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation of dark matter into leptons to explain PAMELA and Fermi electron and positron observations, in light of possible new effects from sub-structure. There is strong tension between getting a large enough lepton signal while respecting constraints on the fluxes of associated gamma rays; we show how DM annihilations within subhalos can get around these...
Yue Zhang
(ICTP, Trieste)
01/09/2011, 15:30
It was shown recently that mirror fermions, naturally present in a number of directions for new physics, seem to require an inert scalar doublet in order to pass the electroweak precision tests. This provides a further motivation for considering the inert doublet as a dark matter candidate. Moreover, the presence of extra families enhances the Standard Model Higgs-nucleon coupling, which has...
Jorge Martinez-Ortega
01/09/2011, 15:30
Sourav Mandal
(IPMU, Univ. of Tokyo)
01/09/2011, 15:30
The hierarchy of the Yukawa couplings is an outstanding problem of the standard model. We present a class of models in which the first and second generation fermions are SUSY partners of pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons that parameterize an E_7/SO(10) Kahler manifold, explaining the small values of these fermion masses relative to those of the third generation. We consider experimental...
Heather Gray
01/09/2011, 15:45
Jeffrey Temple
(University of Maryland)
01/09/2011, 15:45
Masato Yamanaka
(KEK(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization))
01/09/2011, 15:50
We propose helium-4 spallation processes induced by long-lived
stau in supersymmetric standard models, and investigate an impact
of the processes on light elements abundances. We show that,
as long as the phase space of helium-4 spallation processes is
open, they are more important than stau-catalyzed fusion and hence
constrain the stau property.
T.~Jittoh, K.~Kohri, M.~Koike,...
Alfredo Aranda
(Universidad de Colima)
01/09/2011, 15:50
The general group structure of Gauge-Higgs unified models is investigated. It is found that a given embedding of the Standard Model gauge group, independent of the compactification scheme, implies the presence of additional light vectors, except for a small set of special cases. Models in this set are then studied to verify if they can accommodate quarks and have a vanishing oblique T...
Yukihiro Mimura
(National Taiwan University)
01/09/2011, 15:50
Diverse mass and mixing patterns between the quarks and leptons
makes it challenging to construct a simple grand unified theory of flavor.
The SO(10) SUSY GUT with type II seesaw mechanism giving neutrino masses
provide a natural framework for addressing this issue.
Proton decay suppression is also an important issue to construct SUSY GUT models.
We will investigate the flavor violation...
Francesca Bucci
(INFN Firenze)
01/09/2011, 15:50
The ratio of charged kaon leptonic decay rates
RK=BR(K --> e nu)/BR(K --> mu nu) is strongly suppressed and predicted to an excellent precision within the Standard Model. It therefore has a unique sensitivity to deviations from lepton universality arising in multi-Higgs new physics models, including SUSY.
A new measurement of RK based on the full dedicated data sample
collected by the...
Vikram Rentala
(U. Arizona/UC Irvine)
01/09/2011, 15:50
In anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking,
superpartners in a hidden sector have masses that are proportional to couplings squared, and so naturally freeze out with the desired dark matter relic density for a large range of masses. We present an extremely simple realization of this possibility, with WIMPless dark matter arising from a hidden sector that is supersymmetric QED with $N_F$...