Fourth Special Workshop on Magnet Simulations for Particle Accelerators
Uris Room (New York Marriott Marquis)
Uris Room
New York Marriott Marquis
1535 Broadway
NYC, NY 10036
J. G. Wang
(ORNL/SNS), Stephen Malton
The Workshop Announcement:
During the past three Particle Accelerator Conferences we had special workshops on magnet simulations for particle accelerators as PAC satellite meetings. Each of the workshops attracted more than 30 participants with 12-14 presentations and many interesting discussions in two half-day sessions. The workshop information and material are documented in the PAC05 website for the first workshop: ,
and at Fermilab site for the second and third workshop:
With the support of the PAC11 organizers and the sponsorship of Vector Fields, we will have the fourth special workshop on magnet simulations for particle accelerators during PAC11 in New York City. The workshop is intended to bring magnet physicists/engineers together with simulation code developers to exchange ideas and to discuss commonly interested topics in this special field.
For participation, presentations, and other detailed information on the workshop, please contact
J. G. Wang
865-748 4208 (cell)
865-574 8779 (office)