The Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II) upgrades to the Fermilab accelerator complex will allow for megawatt level proton beams, which will support particle physics experiments that produce very large datasets. Existing Fermilab experimental and accelerator infrastructure and the PIP-II upgrades represent a substantial investment, and it will benefit the particle physics and accelerator communities to leverage these resources to build a diversified short-, medium-, and long-term intensity frontier program that searches for physics beyond the SM. Operating the Muon g-2 Experiment with negative muons would expand the search for Lorentz and CP violation. Searches for CP violating EDMs naturally compliment the ongoing measurement of the CP conserving muon magnetic anomaly, The size of the SM predictions for EDMs is below current experimental sensitivities, and so a non-zero muon or proton EDM measurement would imply physics beyond the SM. Fixed-target muon experiments could be used to search for sub-GeV dark matter. Observation of dimuonium at the Di-Muon-Spectroscopy Collider would be a significant scientific advancement, which can be used to test QED and search for muon sector anomalies. This session will provide a venue to explore these avenues for future research at Fermilab.
Recording at docid=7977