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"My Journey as a Physicist" Podcast

1 Aug 2023, 18:25
Atrium (WH1)



Poster Presentation Poster session


William Good (Michigan State University) Huey-Wen Lin (Michigan State University)


How and when do people become physicists? Are they always certain about their career choice? What are physicists like outside work? A team of physics students and faculty aim to answer these questions through the “My Journey as a Physicist” podcast. In each episode, a student host(s) interviews professional physicists to learn about their professional journey of how they ended up where they are today.

Guest physicists discuss their research, what got them interested in physics, obstacles they overcame, and what their typical day looks like. They also provide tips and suggestions for students who may be interested in studying physics and becoming physicists. Guests also share about their interests and hobbies outside of research; there are scoops about physicists that you only learn about in this podcast. We find that no two career paths are the same. This podcast provides insights on life as a physicist that listeners may not have otherwise learned.

Each season features physicists involved in different subfields of physics: Season 1 features physicists involved with lattice QCD (LQCD), associated with the 2021 INT Lattice Summer School [1], Season 2 features physicists involved with Snowmass [2], the US particle-physics planning community, and the latest Season 3 interviews those involved in the ongoing Nuclear Science Advisory Committee Long Range Plan (LRP) [3].

[1] INT Summer School on Problem Solving in Lattice QCD
[2] Snowmass, the US particle physics planning community
[3] Nuclear-Science Advisory Committee Long Range Plan (LRP)

Primary authors

William Good (Michigan State University) Huey-Wen Lin (Michigan State University)


Kinza Hasan (Michigan State University) Kiran Sakorikar (Michigan State University) Bryan Stanley (Michigan State University) Esther Cohen-Lin

Presentation materials