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Staggered nucleon axial charge and form factors

1 Aug 2023, 19:10
Atrium (WH1)



Poster Presentation Poster session


Yin Lin Aaron Meyer (UC Berkeley)


In this poster, I present preliminary results from the Fermilab Lattice and MILC collaborations on the nucleon axial charge and nucleon axial and vector form factors with the HISQ action for both valence and 2+1+1 sea quarks. For the nucleon axial charge, we compute correlators across four physical mass ensembles with approximate lattice spacings of 0.15, 0.12, 0.09, and 0.06 fm, and perform continuum extrapolation; for the nucleon form factors, we compute correlators on a 300 MeV pion-mass ensemble with the approximate lattice spacing of 0.12 fm and demonstrate the method to extract nucleon form factors with staggered action.

Topical area Structure of Hadrons and Nuclei

Primary author


Aaron Meyer (UC Berkeley) Aida El-Khadra (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Alexei Strelchenko (FNAL) Ciaran Hughes (Fermilab) Elvira Gamiz (University of Granada) James Simone (Fermilab) Steven Gottlieb (Indiana Univ.)

Presentation materials

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