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SIST Presentations 2012

Curia II (Fermilab)

Curia II


Elliott McCrory (Fermilab), Jamieson OLSEN (Fermilab)
    • 8:30 AM 9:00 AM
      Welcome 30m
      Welcome to the SIST 2012 presentations!
      Speaker: Mr Jamieson OLSEN (Fermilab)
    • 9:00 AM 9:20 AM
      3D Simulation of Quench in an 11T Dipole Magnet 20m
      As with anything, there is always room for improvement. In this manner, CERN wishes to upgrade the LHC by adding collimators to increase the luminosity. To do so, some room must be made by replacing existing Niobium-Titanium dipole magnets with Niobium-Tin dipole magnets. But first, we must understand the consequences of working with a different material to build superconducting accelerator magnets. One of these consequences is that the price of a quench could be much high (i.e. the total destruction of the coil). This paper details how a previously written program has been retooled to give the most accurate simulation of quench in a Niobium-Tin dipole magnet.
      Speaker: Mr Charles Orozco (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
    • 9:20 AM 9:40 AM
      Artificial Dielectric Quarter Wave Resonator 20m
      Speaker: Ms Margo Batie (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
    • 9:40 AM 10:00 AM
      Upgrading the Data Processing for the Vacuum Furnaces 20m
      Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) cavities go through processing to obtain the high quality factor necessary for use in an accelerator. Hydrogen degassing in a vacuum furnace is one of the many processing steps. These LabVIEW program and Excel macros were made to improve the speed at which data could be processed from the furnaces.
      Speaker: Ms Jennifer Case (Northern Illinois University)
    • 10:00 AM 10:10 AM
      Break 10m
    • 10:10 AM 10:30 AM
      Developing a Python Library to Support the CC-USB Control Module (And Its Implementation at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility) 20m
      The project aimed to develop a Python software library on Linux to communicate with the CC-USB CAMAC control module manufactured by Wiener Co. The software library consists of Python wrappers around low-level C functions, provided by the manufacturer. The low-level C functions interact with the Linux USB subsystem. To simplify the user interface for CAMAC communication, the Python wrappers were used to develop Python classes which makes the CAMAC interface object oriented. The software was optimized to readout wire chambers which are part of a cosmic ray test stand at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility (FTBF).
      Speaker: Ms Karen Lipa (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
    • 10:30 AM 10:50 AM
      Dressed SSR1 Cavities 20m
      The SSR1 resonator is a superconducting single spoke resonator developed by Fermilab for the use in a future project called Project X. The following document outlines the Engineering Note that was created for the Dressed SSR1 resonator and also discusses analyses that were performed on the support arms of the tuner system on the SSR1 resonator. Much information was needed to be produced, gathered, and understood when creating the engineering note for the SSR1 resonator. The information needed was demanded by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code by way of failure mode requirements that the SSR1 resonator's pressure vessels must meet. It took an effort of several people to bring together all of the information needed to produce the engineering note. After several weeks of CAD model testing the dressed SSR1 resonator proved to be a well designed vessel system by meeting all of the failure mode requirements given by the ASME Code. The support arms is one of the several components the tuner system was broken down in to. By initially considering the tuning system as a whole, and having a stiffness goal, the stiffness of these several components where approximated. Using the approximated stiffness of the support arms and conceptual designs of the tuner system, an outline of the support arm shape was created. Several CAD model analyses were then performed to give a support arm design that meets stiffness and stress requirements.
      Speaker: Mr Adam Carreon (Colorado School of Mines)
    • 10:50 AM 11:10 AM
      Synoptic Displays for HBESL and NML Laser Lab 20m
      Creating synoptic displays for high-energy physics experiments have proven to be very effective in the sense that users can interact with electronic devices using images that they can clearly observe instead of text commands. This project aimed to produce synoptic displays for two experiments: HBESL, the High Brightness Electron Source Laboratory and NML Laser experiment in order to assist the control of these facilities in the accelerator control network of Fermilab. Both displays were successfully produced and added on the ACNET (Accelerator Control Network) page.
      Speaker: Mr Didier Muvandimwe (Hendrix College)
    • 11:10 AM 1:00 PM
      Lunch 1h 50m
    • 1:00 PM 1:20 PM
      Determining Stability Margins in Adiabatic Superconducting Magnets with 3-D Finite Element Analysis 20m
      Superconducting magnets play a key role in the development of experiments at Fermilab; understanding the operating stability of these can allow us to utilize more potent magnets for future experiments (like the proposed Muon Collider), optimize the design of magnets in more immediate experiments (like Mu2e), and research the future use of more exotic materials (like high-temperature superconductors). This summer, I developed a 3-D parametric FEA program in ANSYS Mechanical APDL that simulates quench in superconducting magnets, and I also developed a parametric MATLAB program that predicts thermal behavior in magnet quench using the MIITS method. These programs can provide useful quenching parameters (like minimum quench energy and normal zone propagation velocity) for different cases of quench, leading to the previously mentioned objective of magnet design optimization. To test the programs, preliminary cases were run and the data produced was compared and analyzed. The results of these analyses, as well as the program operating methods, are discussed in this project.
      Speaker: Mr Arnaldo Rodriguez (University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez)
    • 1:20 PM 1:40 PM
      Silvaco Simulation Studies of Primary BPW and Nested Well Structures 20m
      Using Silvaco, two different silicon detector pixel structures, Primary BPW and Nested Well, were studied to quantify the coupling between their input amplifier and read-out electronics. The least amount of coupling is desired as to not cause false readings in the detectors.
      Speaker: Ms Michelle Salvador (The University of Texas at El Paso)
    • 1:40 PM 2:00 PM
      Simulation Studies of a Total Absorption Dual Readout Calorimeter 20m
      The next generation of detectors calls for an increase in resolution, a deep understanding on the of the processes in which particle detection occurs as well as an affordable design that does not compromise the performance of these devices. This study explores the possibility of building a Homogeneous Total Absorption Dual Readout Calorimeter, which would solve most of the fluctuations that affect the resolution of these devices.
      Speaker: Ms Andrea Delgado (Texas A&M University)
    • 2:00 PM 2:20 PM
      Utilizing Computer Models to Determine the Temperature Distribution Within Various Polystyrene Geometries During an Extrusion Process 20m
      The Scintillator Detector Development (SDD) group at Fermilab is extruding bars made of polystyrene in triangular and rectangular shapes with holes running down the length of the extrusion. These parts will be assembled to create a large detector for the Mu2e experiment. There are two issues with these extruded parts. First, the holes in the material are not round. Secondly, the material is not being cooled evenly throughout the extrusion process and the shape begins to warp once it leaves the extruder. A finite element program was created to understand the cooling process throughout the extrusion. This analysis seeks to examine which critical variables affect cooling efficiency while operating the extruder. Results from this project will benefit both SDD and Fermilab. Once the parameters that govern thermal cooling are known, the extrusion speed can be increased; therefore reducing the cost of labor and materials by up to 20 percent.
      Speaker: Ms Bianca Brandveen (University of Maryland)
    • 2:20 PM 2:30 PM
      Break 10m
    • 2:30 PM 2:50 PM
      Straw Time Division, a Case Study on ADCs, and the Mu2e Toolkit 20m
      When reconstructing the particles trajectory through the straws inside the Tracker for Mu2e, noise can interfere with the signals reaching the pre-amplifier circuits at the ends of the straw. Research was done to determine just how much of an effect this has on time division. Also, a case study was conducted to see how ADCs of different specifications can help separate what a proton signal is and what an electron signal is due to a small overlap in voltages.
      Speaker: Mr Daniel Kulas (Bethune-Cookman University)
    • 2:50 PM 3:10 PM
      NOνA Block Structure as a part of Block Instrumentation 20m
      NOνA has many sub projects and one is the Block Structure as part of the block instrumentation group. This project will detail the attributes of the prototype detector (FHEP) and the Far detector. Distance sensors help with the placement of the block, measures the definition of the block, and when the block is filled with oil distance sensors help measure its swelling so we need a way to display to help keep track of all the characteristics that close to 800 sensors are detecting. The project consisted of creating displays using the in-house program Synoptic which is similar to LabVIEW.
      Speaker: Ms Jessica Taylor (Gambling State University)
    • 3:10 PM 3:30 PM
      Investigation of Varying Nuclear Decay Rates 20m
      A short talk on our investigation of a theory that half-lives of certain radioactive isotopes vary depending on interaction with neutrino-like particles from the sun.
      Speaker: Ms Sarah Derylo
    • 3:30 PM 4:30 PM
      SIST Closeout Session