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2–3 Mar 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Note--video recordings of sessions are available at this website.

This hybrid-format workshop hosted by Fermilab and LArSoft gathered software experts across liquid argon time project chamber (LArTPC) neutrino experiments and related applications to discuss the use of multi-threading and acceleration in LArTPC reconstruction and simulation software as solutions to problems of resource utilization and throughput.

The goals of the workshop were:

  • to learn the multi-threading and acceleration capabilities of frameworks and common toolkits used by LArTPC experiments;

  • to share experiences across experiments about existing resource utilization and throughput problems that lend themselves to multi-threaded or acceleration solutions;

  • to explore how multi-threading and acceleration is being used to address these problems and open avenues to the use HPC resources more broadly;

  • to discuss the results of applying these techniques and capabilities

so that we can learn from each other, advance our common code bases in a coherent and efficient manner, and help direct future development.

The program included presentations by application experts from the various experiments;  Pandora and WireCell developers;  Geant4 developers on GPU acceleration in Geant4; as well as art and CMSSW framework developers. There was approximately one day of presentation time spread across two mornings, with the afternoon of March 2 available for active problem-solving for those who were interested.

Anyone with an interest in presenting at the workshop should contact and

Those who plan to attend in person, but do not have a current Fermilab ID badge should register as early as possible in order to ensure site access approvals are in place upon arrival.