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24–28 Apr 2023
America/Chicago timezone
REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED: Zoom Links will be Emailed to Registered Participants shortly before Meetings Commence

EPICS-TCA, a Node.js Library for EPICS Channel Access and PV Access Protocols

27 Apr 2023, 14:20
Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall) (Fermilab)

Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall)


20-minute talk User Interfaces and Tools Plenary Session


Hao Hao (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)


We developed a native CA and PVA library in JavaScript’s local runtime environment, Node.js. By using the asynchronous features of this programming language, this library can efficiently process a large amount of CA connections.

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Primary author

Hao Hao (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Presentation materials