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11–20 Apr 2024
Instituto Principia
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Ant colony in Sensitivity Studies

Not scheduled
Domo (Instituto Principia)


Instituto Principia

Rua Pamplona 145 Sao Paulo


Felipe Wieler André Steklain Cássio Amador Isadora Martins Luiz Accorsi


This work proposes an adaptation of the parameter verification method for CPT violation and CPT conservation in LIV parameters, as implemented in previous works by other authors using the GLoBES software. The adaptation will be based on the ant colony methodology (ACM) developed in the author's previous works.
The main objective is to reproduce the graphs and values obtained by other authors using the aforementioned ant colony methodology.
The ACM implementation will be calibrated, executed across various scenarios, and its results analyzed and compared to existing literature. The goal is to validate ACM as a tool for LIV parameter verification and efficient limit simulation.

Primary author


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