Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

The FERMI(FNAL) network authorization method has been removed. See news for more details.

Apr 11 – 20, 2024
Instituto Principia
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Registration fee


If you have a PROMOCODE you will receive a special rate at payment.


Registrants that might be eligible for support have to fill the financial support form.


Registration fee is in Brazilian reals (BRL). Brazilian residents can pay by PIX.


NUINT until Feb 29 until March 31 during the event
NUINT regular BRL 2,000.00 BRL 2,500.00 BRL 3,000.00
NUINT student BRL 1,500.00 BRL 2,000.00 BRL 2,500.00



SATELLITE until Feb 29 until March 31

during the event

Satellite regular BRL 1,000.00 BRL 1,500.00

BRL 2,000.00

Satellite student BRL 700.00 BRL 1,200.00

BRL 1,700.00

Send a copy of the payment receipt to The status of your registration will be updated to approved after payment is confirmed.

Notice that you will be required to register with the paying service. This IS NOT a registration to NUINT or to the Satellite event. Registering with the paying service allows them to track payment, inform us about payment and makes it possible for you to return later for another payment without having to enter all data again. It also helps to keep your payment area not accessible to others. You will need your ID number from indico to make payment. The ID number may be different for NUINT and for the satellite workshop. Therefore, you must first register to NUINT or to the satellite event in order to have an ID number.