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11–20 Apr 2024
Instituto Principia
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

The Hyper-K Intermediate Water Cherenkov Detector and the Water Cherenkov Test Experiment

Not scheduled
Domo (Instituto Principia)


Instituto Principia

Rua Pamplona 145 Sao Paulo


Mauricio Barbi (University of Regina)


The Intermediate Water Cherenkov Detector (IWCD) is a planned component of the Hyper-K long baseline neutrino experiment with vertical mobility capable of scanning a region of the JPARC accelerator-made neutrino beam spectrum. It will contribute to control systematic uncertainties arising from neutrino interaction cross sections and extrapolation of the beam flux between the Hyper-K near and far detectors. A key aspect of IWCD is its high granularity and fast time response thanks to an advanced photo-detection system based on multi-photomultiplier (mPMT) devices developed to deliver excellent Cherenkov ring reconstruction. The Water Cherenkov Test Experiment (WCTE) at CERN is designed to test this system, along with the capabilities of the calibration and reconstruction techniques planned for IWCD. It will use a beam produced at the CERN accelerator to also measure lepton interactions relevant to constraint uncertainties from physics models at a range of energies covering an important region of the IWCD phase space.This poster presents a short summary of both IWCD and WCTE, including their designs, plans and goals.

Primary author

Mauricio Barbi (University of Regina)

Presentation materials

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