Precise modeling of GeV neutrino interactions with nuclei underpins our understanding of data from atmospheric and accelerator neutrino experiments. Single pion production, a critical channel in these interactions, demands accurate representation as required by future experiments like DUNE and Hyper-K. The current NuWro single pion production model, while valuable, relies on a single Delta resonance and a non-resonant background obtained from Pythia. While Pythia excels in describing interactions with very high W values, its effectiveness diminishes at both lower and intermediate W values, leading to limitations in capturing single pion production accurately. To address these limitations, we propose a new single pion production model in NuWro. This model incorporates additional resonances and utilizes the Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) method for a more comprehensive description of the non-resonant background, specifically focusing on the lower and intermediate W region. This refined approach demonstrably improves agreement with MINERvA transverse kinematic imbalance data compared to the previous model, paving the way for a more nuanced understanding of neutrino interactions.