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11–20 Apr 2024
Instituto Principia
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Alleviating the present tension between T2K and NO ν νA with neutrino New Physics at source

Not scheduled
Domo (Instituto Principia)


Instituto Principia

Rua Pamplona 145 Sao Paulo


Prof. Orlando Luis Goulart Peres (UNICAMP)


Since neutrino oscillation was observed, several experiments have been built to measure its parameters. At the present there ia tension between T2K and NOVA. We propose a non-standard neutrino interaction at production. In this scenario, computed by quantum field theory formalism can made a better description of combined data. A new phase from this new interaction can made a role in search for violation of charge and parity symmetry.

Primary authors

Adriano Cherchiglia (Universidade Estadual de Campinas) Prof. Orlando Luis Goulart Peres (UNICAMP) Mr Edson Souza (University of Campinas) Dr Fernanda Rodrigues (University of Campinas) Pedro Simoni Pasquini (Unicamp) Mrs Rafaela Rossi (University of Campinas)

Presentation materials

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