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12–15 Dec 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Quality Control for ATLAS Phase 2 Inner Tracker Upgrade at The University of Oklahoma

15 Dec 2023, 09:30



Achmad Aditya Gerwin (University of Oklahoma)


The University of Oklahoma (OU) is contributing to the quality control (QC) of the ATLAS experiment Phase 2 upgrade of the Inner Tracker (ITk) pixel detector. OU has been certified to perform a variety of QC tests, including thickness measurement, visual inspection, and low-voltage/high-voltage tests of bare and populated PCBs. OU is also contributing to the development of a technique to do visual inspection of PCBs using a convolutional neural network (CNN) machine learning algorithm. Aside from the dedicated tests, OU will be a backup site for the electrical testing, parylene coating, and thermal cycling of assembled modules.


Primary author

Achmad Aditya Gerwin (University of Oklahoma)


Brad Abbott (University of Oklahoma) Burhani Taher Saifuddin (University of Oklahoma) Connor Waits (University of Oklahoma) Ian McKinnon (University of Oklahoma) John Stupak (University of Oklahoma) Lubos Vozdecky (University of OKlahoma) Marija Marjanovic (University of Oklahoma) Michael Strauss (University of Oklahoma) Phillip Gutierrez (University of Oklahoma)

Presentation materials