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CB meeting

    • 08:00 08:05
      Opening of the meeting 5m

      Registration of participants;
      Identification of minutes taker

      Speaker: Giovanna Lehmann (CERN)


      Institute Representative Present
      Tel Aviv Adi Ashkenazi no
      Queen Mary Jonathan Hays yes
      RHUL Asher Kaboth yes
      Oxford Morgan Wascko yes
      Bristol Jim Brooke no
      Toronto Nikolina Ilic yes
      FNAL Bonnie King yes
      Minnesota Duluth Alec Habig proxy via BNL
      Columbia Georgia Karagiorgi yes
      Pennsylvania Josh Klein yes
      Liverpool Marco Roda yes
      Andrzej Szelc
      UCL Ryan Nichol yes
      Sussex Simon Peeters no
      RAL Claire Shepherd-Themistocleous no
      BNL Brett Viren yes
      Imperial Patrick Dunne no
      Birmingham Alan Watson yes
      CERN Giovanna Lehmann yes


    • 08:05 08:15
      DAQ CB mandate and CB chair 10m

      CB Chair election results:

      Three candidates made themselves available to stand for election: Nikolina Ilic, Ryan Nichol, Simon Peeters.

      16 institutes out of 19 expressed their vote.

      Ryan Nichol is elected DAQ CB chair from November 1st 2023 to October 31st 2025.

    • 08:15 08:35
      Institutional responsibilities and upcoming milestones 20m
      Speaker: Giovanna Lehmann (CERN)
    • 08:35 08:45
      AoB 10m

      topics for next meeting;