November TSD Topical Meeting

Penthouse (Booster Tower West)


Booster Tower West

    • 13:30 13:55
      TSD Announcements 25m
      Speaker: Kevin Lynch (Fermilab)
    • 13:55 14:25
      A study on 3D non-contact residual dose for PIP-II Linac commissioning 30m
      Speaker: Igor Rakhno (Fermilab)
    • 14:25 14:30
      Break 5m
    • 14:30 15:00
      LBNF Beam Windows Remote Handling and R&D Needs 30m

      A key area requiring R&D studies is the Upstream Decay Pipe Window which will experience direct beam downstream of the target. This talk will discuss the R&D needs and challenges for the Upstream Decay Pipe Window, the remote handling procedure and equipment being designed to operate on the window in the inevitable scenario of a window failure, the downstream decay pipe window analysis and design results, and a review of the Primary Beam Window analysis and R&D of the positioning cartridge.

      Speaker: Quinn Peterson