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7–9 Aug 2024
Fermilab - Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone

HTS-Based Rapid-Cycling Magnet for Muon Acceleration

Not scheduled
Ramsey Auditorium (Fermilab - Wilson Hall)

Ramsey Auditorium

Fermilab - Wilson Hall

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, IL


Dr Henryk Piekarz


The wide range of operational temperatures of the HTS (YBCO) conductor makes it suitable for the construction of rapid-cycling magnets required for the muon acceleration. The measured ) 0.06 W/m power loss of the 0.4 T magnet operating at 300 T/s suggests realistic possibility of the HTS-based accelerator magnet with much higher B-fields and ramp rates. The magnet core and power cable designs with projected HTS cable power loss for the +/- 1.7 T field in the 30 mm gap at the ramp rate of 1000 T/s are presented. The required supporting cryogenic power and the options of expanding B-field above 1.7 T are discussed.
) H. Piekarz, S. Hays, B. Claypool, M. Kufer, V. Shiltsev, MT-27- IEEE Trans. on Superconductivity. Vol: 32, Issue 6, Print ISSN: 1051-8223 (2022),

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