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Proton PMG / All Experimenters' Meeting

Hornet's Nest (WH 8XO) (Zoom)

Hornet's Nest (WH 8XO)


Evan Niner (Fermilab), Gregory Bock (Fermilab), Mary Convery (Fermilab)
    • 13:00 13:10
      Accelerator Status 10m
      Speakers: Consolato Gattuso (Fermi Lab AD), George Deinlein, Jason Crnkovic (Fermilab)
    • 13:10 13:15
      AIP 5m
      Speaker: Kyle Hazelwood (FNAL)
    • 13:15 13:20
      NOvA 5m
      Speakers: Joshua Barrow (UMN, FNAL visitor), Maria Martinez-Casales (Fermilab), Travis Olson
    • 13:20 13:25
      Test beam / ITA 5m
      Speakers: Evan Niner (Fermilab), Dr Mandy Kiburg (Fermilab), Nathaniel Pastika
    • 13:25 13:30
      ICARUS 5m
      Speakers: Filippo Varanini (INFN Padova), Matteo Vicenzi (BNL)
    • 13:30 13:35
      ANNIE 5m
      Speakers: Carrie McGivern (FNAL), Marvin Ascencio Sosa (Iowa State University), Marvin Ascencio sosa
    • 13:35 13:40
      SBND 5m
      Speakers: Lauren Yates (Fermilab), Michelle Stancari (Fermilab), Peter Wilson (Fermilab)
    • 13:40 13:45
      2x2 5m
      Speakers: Kevin Wood (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Luis Zazueta (Syracuse University)
    • 13:45 13:50
      SpinQuest 5m
      Speakers: Ievgen Lavrukhin (University of Michigan), Kun Liu (LANL)