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RDC 4 Meeting (Updated to add RDC4 - RDC11 presentation)


Zoom Meeting ID: 969 9391 5885
Angelo Dragonne (SLAC), Mitch Newcomer (U.Penn)

 Electronics and ASICs   

  • Particle ID by time-of-flight - Roger Rusak University of Minnesota
  • Demonstrator Proposal for ASIC readout of Smart Pixel Hybrid, Corrinne Mills  University of Illinois @Chicago
  • RDC4 - RDC11  Coordination on development of Precision Timing Systems,  Matt Wetstein, Iowa State University


Mitch Newcomer or Angelo Dragone Contact
    • 11:00 11:05
      Introduction 5m
      Speaker: Mitch Newcomer (U.Penn)
    • 11:05 11:25
      Demonstator for Smart Pixel Redout using Smart ASICs with attached pixel arrays. 20m

      The smartpixels project has shown using simulation [1] that we can reject clusters from low-pT tracks using the cluster shape and ML in the readout ASIC. Other work is underway to test regression algorithms that would output track angles instead of (or in addition to) pixel hits, and explore low-power analog algorithms. The algorithm development, ASIC development, and simulation work is being mostly funded through money dedicated to AI/ML and/or ASICs. We would like to build a demonstrator by hybridizing an ASIC with a pixel sensor of the appropriate size and pitch and measuring the angular resolution of these devices, but it will require separate funding.

      Speaker: Dr Corrinne Mills (University of Illinois)
    • 11:30 11:50
      Particle ID by time-of-flight 20m

      Development of a TOF detector system for TOF with 1-3 pico seconds time resolution.

      Speaker: Dr Roger Rusak (University of Minnesota)
    • 11:55 12:15
      Potential for a RDC4 -RDC11 collaborative submission 20m

      The success of precision timing sub-detector systems will depend on capable front end sensors and readout ASIC's well integrated with multiple co-developed custom detector services to provide reliable monitoring, precision time marking, support for innovative triggering techniques and high bandwidth data management and throughput. There are multiple areas / layers of overlap between RDC4 and RDC11 that will need to be developed for successful deployment of a Precision Timing Detector.

      Speaker: Matt Wetstein (Iowa State University)