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18–20 May 2015
Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone
MC4BSM @ LPC is the 9th installment in the series of workshops on Monte Carlo Tools for Physics Beyond the Standard Model. Click here for links to previous workshops in this series. The focus this year is on reviewing recent progress in model building and tool development, and preparing for new physics searches in the Run 2 of the LHC.  (See below for program updates under additional information.)
Organizing committee:
Robin Erbacher (UC Davis), Christophe Grojean (IFAE, Barcelona), Roni Harnik (Fermilab), Boaz Klima (FNAL), Sudhir Malik (University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez), Konstantin Matchev (University of Florida), Stephen Mrenna (Fermilab), Meenakshi Narain (Brown University), Maxim Perelstein (Cornell University), Peter Skands (Monash University), Andrew Whitbeck (Fermilab)

To contact the organizers, please use email:
Wilson Hall
One West
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
A registration fee of $36 is being charged for participation in this meeting. This fee covers coffee breaks, supplies, and administrative costs of organizing the meeting. A reception, hosted by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC, will be held on Monday evening, May 18, 2015, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Gallery on the Second Floor Crossover. All participants and companions are invited to attend. In addition, there will be a workshop dinner on Tuesday night, at Mapo Restaurant, 1563 Naperville Wheaton Rd. Naperville, IL 60563. This is not included in the registration fees.

=> MC4BSM Update:
On Thursday May 21st, immediately after MC4BSM, we will hold a data challenge in the morning, and all are welcome to attend.  During the MC4BSM afternoon tutorials on Tuesday and Wednesday we will be generating BSM events and simulating them with Delphes.  On Thursday morning, we will have a joint MC4BSM and LPC "data challenge" that all are welcome to participate in, and you may find very instructive.  Please make your travel plans accordingly, and make a note on the registration page if you plan to participate.   If you have already registered, send us a note of your plans to participate.

Note for CMS Experiment participants: The workshop would be followed by a day (21 May, 2015) of "Open tutorials and CMS talks" at the LPC - Click Agenda