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Indico will be unavailable on Monday Feb 17th from 4:30-5PM CST due to server maintenance.

11–14 Sep 2018
Argonne, Building 402
US/Central timezone
Ultrafast imaging and particle tracking instrumentation and methods are needed to match the continuous advances in accelerator-driven photon and particle sources. ULITIMA 2018 is an international forum to discuss the status of current and new ultrafast imaging and particle tracking instrumentation, novel data collection schemes through sparse sensing, hardware performance enhanced by computational and other novel methods, megahertz and gigahertz electronics, and their applications. The topics will be grouped into four tracks: • Imaging • Tracking • Methods • Applications The conference will accept applications for invited and contributed oral sessions. Invited talks will review the current status and near future opportunities in different topical areas. The oral sessions are plenary. Registration fee includes participation in all conference sessions, administrative support, coffee/tea breaks, and working lunches. The conference dinner will be on Thursday evening. A separate registration charge of $65 is requested to attend. The dinner program includes the announcement of the Best Image Award winner(s). Travel grants will be available, students and postdocs are particularly encouraged to apply. Accepted papers will be peer-reviewed and published in Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods or Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials.
Argonne, Building 402
APS Conference Center