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22–28 Jul 2018
Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center
EST timezone

The eta^prime mass on 2+1 flavor DWF lattices

25 Jul 2018, 16:10
104 (Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center)


Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center

219 S Harrison Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824
Parallel Chiral Symmetry Chiral Symmetry


Mr Duo Guo (Columbai University)


We report on measurements of the eta^prime mass on some of the 2+1 flavor DWF ensembles that have been generated by the RBC and UKQCD collaborations. We investigate the accuracy of our statistical errors, given the observed evolution of topological modes on these ensembles.

Primary authors

Mr Duo Guo (Columbai University) Prof. Robert Mawhinney (Columbia University)


Dr Aaron Meyer (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Christoph Lehner Dr David Murphy (MIT)

Presentation materials