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8–12 Oct 2018
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Alignment of the Mu2e Experiment

10 Oct 2018, 09:30
1 West (Wilson Hall)

1 West

Wilson Hall

Paper Survey & Alignment Aspects of Medical Accelerator Developments Survey & Alignment Aspects of Medical Accelerator Developments


Jana Barker (Fermilab)


The Mu2e experiment is a physics experiment at Fermilab. It will probe a fundamental symmetry of the Standard Model with the potential to probe physics well beyond the reach of collider experiments such as the LHC. The experiment mainly consists of several large volume, high magnetic field, solenoids: the Production Solenoid, Upstream and Downstream Transport Solenoids, and the Detector Solenoid. The construction of the Mu2e experiment poses many alignment, metrology, and geodesy challenges. Some of the challenges will be described, along with overview and status of the project, in this presentation. In particular, a novel method for non-contact characterization of vibrations is presented.

Primary author

Jana Barker (Fermilab)


Charles Wilson (Fermilab) Craig Bradford (Fermilab) Doug Swanson (Fermilab) Ed Dijak (Fermilab) Gary Coppola (Fermilab) Gary Teafoe (Fermilab) Mr John Kyle (FNAL) Mike O'Boyle (Fermilab) Mike Smego (Fermilab) Randy Wyatt (Fermilab)

Presentation materials