International Workshops on Accelerator Alignment (IWAA) 2018

Horst Friedsam (Fermilab)

International Workshops on Accelerator Alignment (IWAA) IWAA are normally held every two years at particle accelerator laboratories around the world. They are devoted to large scale and high precision positioning of particle accelerators and photon science experiments, focusing on the exchange of information between geodesists, surveyors, physicists and other specialists. The fields of geodesy, geomatics, metrology and traditional surveying overlap in this unique gathering.

Location: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ( map and direction )
  Room One West ( floor plan )
  Wilson Hall
  Kirk and Pine Streets, Batavia, Illinois 60510


***    Download IWAA 2018 poster    here

           Download IWAA 2018 Group Picture   here

    • 16:00
      Reception 15th Floor (Wilson Hall)

      15th Floor

      Wilson Hall

    • Welcome by the Directorate 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

    • Keynote The Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility: Supporting a Global Neutrino Experiment [ Mr. Mossey, Chris ] 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

      • 1
        The Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility: Supporting a Global Neutrino Experiment
        The Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility: Supporting a Global Neutrino Experiment
        Speaker: Christopher Mossey (FNAL)
    • Preliminary Remarks 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

    • Survey & Alignment Aspects of Beamline and machine Components 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

      Convener: Horst Friedsam (FNAL)
      • 2
        Alignment Activities at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
        Currently the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is transitioning to an institution functioning like CERN to provide the foundation for an International Neutrino research facility. For that a Short and Long Base Line Neutrino program has been established. With the recent installation of the ICARUS detectors the Short Base Line Neutrino (SBN) construction is nearing completion. Over time the long Base Line Neutrino Facility (LBNF) has evolved to now include a proton driver for the increased production of neutrinos. Recently this Proton Improvement Program (PIP II) achieved Critical Decision CD-1 by DOE. In addition to the Neutrino activities, the laboratory is moving forward on finishing the construction of the Muon campus and is working together with CERN on the CMS improvements and High Luminosity -LHC upgrades. In a cooperative program between Jefferson Laboratory and the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center the laboratory is constructing cryo-modules for the Linear Coherent Light Source II. All these activities require our services that will be briefly addressed in this presentation.
        Speaker: Horst Friedsam (FNAL)
      • 3
        Geodetic and Alignment Concepts for the LBNF/DUNE
        In the context of today’s global interest in the neutrino research programs, with special emphasis on long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments, the LBNF project at Fermilab receives special attention as the world's highest-intensity neutrino beam to be sent 1,300 kilometres straight through the earth's mantle to the massive high-precision DUNE experiment’s detectors located one mile deep underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota. This paper presents an overview and an update of the concepts and proposed methodology to implement geodetic and industrial alignment procedures to support the project recent reconfiguration and optimization design of the LBNF particle beam line and the DUNE detectors.
        Speaker: Dr Virgil Bocean (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
    • 10:15
      Coffee Break / Poster-Vendor Sessions
    • Survey & Alignment Aspects of Beamline and machine Components 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

      Convener: Dr Johannes Prenting (DESY)
      • 4
        Geodetic Activities at CERN for Current and Future Projects
        A number for geodetic activities are in progress to provide the necessary infrastructure for the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project. The results from these activities will also provide the opportunity to investigate and resolve known anomalies identified in the CERN geodetic reference systems, and related parameters, which would benefit this and future projects. A new high precision GNSS measurement of 15 pillars of the surface geodetic reference network has been integrated into the network, and the Gyromat-2000 and Mekometer ME5000 instruments have been put back into service. Work to control and establish reference azimuths for the HL-LHC, at two points around the LHC ring for the new civil engineering works, are in progress, and our long distance geodetic baseline has also been re-measured with the Mekometer ME5000, for the use of the civil engineering teams. These activities, together with the ongoing and planned future work, are presented.
        Speaker: Mr Dominique Missiaen (CERN)
      • 5
        Preliminary design of CEPC survey & alignment
        China Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a huge particle collider aim to measure the precise properties of the Higgs boson, its collide energy will be 240 GEV. The CEPC was first proposed in 2012 and by June 2018 its conceptual design report is finished. The CEPC mainly includes a 1.6km length Linac and LTB transport line, a 100km booster and a 100 km double-ring in which electron and positron beams will circulate in opposite directions in separate beam pipes and collide at two interaction points. The Linac will be built on the ground, the booster and the double-ring will be built in one tunnel underground. This report will introduce the preliminary design of CEPC survey and alignment, includes precision requirement, alignment control network design, component fiducialization, tunnel installation alignment, interaction region alignment, component position monitor, workload estimate and main challenges.
        Speaker: Mr xiaolong wang (IHEP)
      • 6
        CLIC pre-alignment strategy: final proposal and associated results
        A Project Implementation Plan for the Compact LInear Collider (CLIC) is under preparation for consideration by the European Strategy Update process. The document will integrate all changes and improvements since the Conceptual Design Report submitted in 2012. One of the technical challenges covered is the pre-alignment of CLIC. This paper presents the final strategy chosen, and more particularly the configuration of alignment sensors defined following the results obtained on different test setups. It proposes two methods for the fiducalisation of the components, based on the results obtained in the PACMAN* project combined with R&D on an adjustment platform. The paper concludes by an estimation of the budget of error for the pre-alignment stage. *PACMAN is a study of Particle Accelerator Components' Metrology and Alignment to the Nanometer scale.
        Speaker: Dr Helene Mainaud Durand (CERN)
    • Vendor Presentations: API, Etalon, Exact Metrology 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

      Convener: Dr Johannes Prenting (DESY)
    • 12:30
    • Other Geodetic and Survey Topics 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

      Convener: Mr Dominique Missiaen (CERN)
      • 7
        Survey and Alignment of the Fermilab ICARUS Neutrino Detector
        The ICARUS neutrino detector, which measures 20 meters long and weighs 760 tons, serves as the Short-Baseline Program Far Detector. It consists of two cryostats, ICARUS1 and ICARUS2. Each cryostat holds liquid argon time projection chamber modules and photodetectors. ICARUS1 and ICARUS2, also known as Cold Vessels, are installed in a Warm Vessel inside the Short-Baseline Neutrino Far Detector Building at Fermilab. This paper summarizes the survey and alignment of the ICARUS Neutrino Detector using the Laser Tracker. The installation and survey of the detector was completed in August 2018.
        Speaker: Dr Babatunde O’Sheg Oshinowo (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
      • 8
        Our experience with vibration and damping material
        The KEKB accelerator is being upgraded to SuperKEKB, using the same tunnel as KEKB. The upgrade is based on the “Nano-Beam” scheme, wherein the beam size is reduced to 50 nanometers in the vertical direction and 10 microns in the horizontal direction at the interaction point (IP). Vibration in the tunnel, especially at the IP, could be a critical issue that may result in luminosity degradation. Vibration in the SuperKEKB tunnel will be reported along with our test results with the damping material called "M2052" alloy, which is a manganese-based alloy containing copper, nickel and iron.
        Speaker: Dr Mika Masuzawa (KEK)
    • Vendor Presentations: Hexagon, Micro Surface Engineering, NRK, Z+F, GSI 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

      Convener: Mr Dominique Missiaen (CERN)
    • 15:00
      Coffee Break / Poster -Vendor Sessions
    • Survey & Alignment Aspects of Superconducting Devices 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

      Convener: Dr Mika Masuzawa (KEK)
      • 9
        Deformation and Alignment of the Cryostat in the CADS Injector II
        Thermal contraction and expansion of the Cryostat will affect its reliability and stability. To optimize and upgrade the Cryostat, we analyzed the heat transfer in a cryo-vacuum environment from the theoretical point first. The simulation of cryo-vacuum deformation based on a finite element method was implemented respectively. The completed measurement based on a Laser Tracker and a Micro Alignment Telescope was conducted to verify its correctness. The monitored deformations were consistent with the simulated ones. After the predictable deformations in vertical direction have been compensated, the superconducting solenoids and Half Wave Resonator cavities approached the ideal “zero” position under liquid helium conditions. These guaranteed the success of 25 MeV@170 uA continuous wave protons of Chinese accelerator driven subcritical system Injector II. By correlating the vacuum and cryo-deformation, we have demonstrated that the complete deformation was the superposition effect of the atmospheric pressure, gravity and thermal stress during both the process of cooling down and warming up. The results will benefit to an optimization for future Cryostat’s design.
        Speaker: Mr jiandong yuan (Institute of Modern Physics , Chinese Academy of Sciences)
      • 10
        A Precision 2-D Laser Scanner for Measurement of Thermal Shift in Superconducting Devices
        A novel method developed at Argonne National Laboratory for laser scanning two-dimensional (2-D) profiles has been applied to a new instrument, the Cryoscanner, for measurement of cold mass thermal shift within the cryostat vessels of superconducting devices for particle accelerators. This paper presents the hardware, controls and data acquisition / processing methods utilized for the Cryoscanner, as well as the measurement results for the first deployment of the instrument to measure thermal shift within APS Helical Superconducting Undulator (HSCU), commissioned in 2018. Recent progress toward improving the internal laser targets for the Cryoscanner will also be presented.
        Speaker: Mr William Jansma (Argonne National Laboratory)
      • 11
        Measurements with laser tracker through different media: the MIDAS system
        The request of high precise 3D-monitoring of a superconducting component in cold condition regarding the deformation of a cold mass along with movements vs. cryostat, was the trigger to develop a measuring system, capable to provide absolute coordinates with high accuracy of points in vacuum behind a glass window. Based on the presentation of the last IWAA2016, the independent validation of the measuring method presented at that time will be shown here. The largely commercially available hardware has been supplemented by an easy-to-use software that includes the inevitable necessary mathematic model for obtaining corrected distance and angle measurements, and that leads you carefully through the necessary measurement steps. The so-called MIDAS system (Measurements In Different media Adaptation System) will be used in the near future in the general magnet test program for the superconducting multiplets for FAIR.
        Speaker: Mr Vasileios Velonas (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ions Research)
    • Survey & Alignment Aspects of Medical Accelerator Developments 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

      Convener: Mr Markus Schloesser (DESY)
      • 12
        Introduction of the Alignment of Wuwei Heavy Ion Medical Machine
        Wuwei heavy ion medical machine is the most compact heavy ion accelerator cancer treatment device in the world. The perimeter of the synchronous ring is as small as 56.1m, and the height difference between the high energy line climbing section of the device is about 19m, which is the height difference in the domestic accelerator. The device with the largest span spans tens of thousands of components, and many critical components require sub-millimeter installations. Wuwei heavy ion cancer treatment installations require high positioning accuracy components including beam position detectors, high-frequency cavity, electrostatic deflection plate, peeling film, etc., in which the accuracy of the synchronization ring quadrupoles requirements 0.1mm, part of the oversized, overweight components problems such as narrow installation and installation space and inadequate visibility conditions have caused many difficulties in the installation of collimation. Through the application of new techniques and methods in alignment, the technical difficulties of various alignmentinstallations are solved, and all the components of the device are installed in place with high efficiency and high precision in a short time.The collimated installation of Wuwei's heavy ion cancer treatment equipment began in April 2014 and completed the installation of the global control network, the encryption of local control networks, and the placement and scribing of various beamline components. Completed installation in September 2014, from the ion source to the cyclotron injection system, to the alignment of the medium energy transport line, the synchronous storage ring, to the high energy transport line, and the various treatment terminals. It took more than a year . Through the continuous efforts and cooperation of the staff of various systems of heavy ion cancer treatment devices, Wuwei’s heavy ion cancer treatment device successfully emerged in December 2015, enabling the Wuwei heavy ion medical machine to achieve full-line carbon ion beam acceleration and The nonlinear resonance of the synchronization loop leads slowly. The injected energy is 7 MeV/u, the flow intensity is 11euA, and the terminal energy is more than 400 MeV/u, which fully meets or exceeds the original physical design index. This also proves that the basic work of Wuwei Heavy Ion Accelerator is perfect and in place, and the alignment work has also been fully affirmed.
        Speaker: Dr wenjun CHEN (Institute of Modern Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
      • 13
        Abstract The use of Protons to treat cancer tumours was first proposed by R R Wilson in 1946 [1], the first experimental treatments were done at Berkeley and Uppsala in the 1950’s and Massachusetts General Hospital in 1961. Over the past 50 year some 50 clinics are now in operation worldwide. All clinics use cyclotrons or synchrotrons to produce protons or other heavy ions. The facilities employ beam transport systems, rotating gantries and patient positioning systems. The accelerator and beam transport system use conventional alignment techniques such as laser trackers and FARO arms. Determination of isocenter and patient positioning present unique challenges.
        Speaker: Dr James Volk (ProNovasolutions)
      • 14
        Alignment of the Mu2e Experiment
        The Mu2e experiment is a physics experiment at Fermilab. It will probe a fundamental symmetry of the Standard Model with the potential to probe physics well beyond the reach of collider experiments such as the LHC. The experiment mainly consists of several large volume, high magnetic field, solenoids: the Production Solenoid, Upstream and Downstream Transport Solenoids, and the Detector Solenoid. The construction of the Mu2e experiment poses many alignment, metrology, and geodesy challenges. Some of the challenges will be described, along with overview and status of the project, in this presentation. In particular, a novel method for non-contact characterization of vibrations is presented.
        Speaker: Jana Barker (Fermilab)
    • 10:00
      Coffee Break / Poster-Vendor Sessions
    • Survey & Alignment Aspects of Large Linear Research Structures 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

      Convener: Horst Friedsam (FNAL)
      • 15
        LIGO: The alignment requirements and strategy
        In Sep 2015, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) initiated the era of gravitational wave astronomy with the first direct detection of gravitational waves (ripples in the fabric of space-time), resulting from the merger of a pair of black holes. In Aug 2017 the U.S.-based LIGO, the Europe-based Virgo, and some 70 ground- and space-based observatories jointly made the first direct detection of gravitational waves associated with a gamma ray burst and subsequent kilonova afterglow emission (visible, infrared, radio) from the collision of two neutron stars. This marks the beginning of multi-messenger astronomy. The two LIGO detectors (Hanford, WA and Livingston, LA) employ coupled optical cavities in a specialized version of a Michelson interferometer with 4 kilometer long arms in a ultra-high vacuum system. The initial alignment of these observatories was accomplished with differential GPS and optical surveying techniques. Optical lever sensors are used to retain alignment reference for key optics. Active feedback control using wavefront sensors enables precision alignment of the resonant optical cavities. The alignment requirements and strategy are described.
        Speaker: Dr Calum Torrie (Caltech employee giving invited talk)
      • 16
        SLRS revisited
        Update on the Status of the Straight Line Reference System for the European XFEL.
        Speaker: Dr John Prenting (DESY)
      • 17
        Alignment Activities for the LCLSII Project at SLAC
        The LCLS-II (Linac Coherent Light Source II) project is an upgrade to the world’s first hard X-ray free-electron laser moving from 120 pulses per second to 1 million pulses per second. The LCLSII project includes a new 700 m long superconducting Linac, 3 km of beam transport lines, a new beam switch area to switch between the superconducting beam source and the Cu beam source, 2 new undulators and 4 new experimental hutches. We installed and mapped a new monument based network in 3km of tunnels, aligned stands and components in the warm sections and the gun area. Supported the development of undulators with interferometer and autocollimator measurements, fiducialized undulators, magnets and other beam components and monitored floor movements for the new experimental hutches.
        Speaker: Mr Georg Gassner (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
    • 11:45
      Photo Shot Outside North Main Entrance (Wilson Hall)

      Outside North Main Entrance

      Wilson Hall

    • 12:15
      Lunch Break
    • 13:30
      FNAL Tour [ SBN, Mu2e, gm2, LCLS II ] Outside North Main Entrance (Wilson Hall)

      Outside North Main Entrance

      Wilson Hall

      SBN, Mu2e, gm2, LCLS II

    • 18:00
      Dinner at Two Brothers Round House in Aurora 205 N. Broadway, Aurora, IL

      205 N. Broadway, Aurora, IL

    • Survey & Alignment Aspects of Light Sources 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

      Convener: Dr David Martin (ESRF)
      • 18
        Vibrating wire technique is mainly used in NSLS-II project to fulfil the alignment specification of ±30 micron to 6 or 7 main magnets in each girder assembly. The center of magnet can be characterized with an accuracy of better than 10 micron. The magnets have been fiducialized mechanically so that they can be coarsely aligned on girder within 100 micron accuracy. Although vibrating wire technique makes the fiducialization process less important, each magnet has been precisely surveyed mechanically. By comparing the mechanical center deviation of magnets when they are aligned with respect to each other by vibrating wire technique, the fiducialization precision of mechanical method can be estimated. This information is useful for the accelerators which adopt the method of fiducialization mechanically.
        Speaker: Dr Chenghao Yu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 19
        Configuration and Operation status of HLS and WPS system installed in PAL-XFEL
        All components of PAL-XFEL (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory’s X-ray free-electron laser) were completely installed in December 2015, and Hard X-ray 0.1nm lasing achieved through its beam commissioning test and machine study on March 16, 2017. The beam line users are use the hard x-ray since March 22, 2017. Several parts that comprise the large scientific equipment should be installed and operated at precise three-dimensional location coordinates X, Y, and Z through survey and alignment to ensure their optimal performance. As time goes by, however, the ground goes through uplift and subsidence, which consequently changes the coordinates of installed components and leads to alignment errors ΔX, ΔY, and ΔZ. As a result, the system parameters change, and the performance of the large scientific equipment deteriorates accordingly. Measuring the change in locations of systems comprising the large scientific equipment in real time would make it possible to predict alignment errors, locate any region with greater changes, realign components in the region fast, and shorten the time of survey and alignment. For this purpose, HLS and WPS system are installed in PAL-XFEL.
        Speaker: Mr Hyo-Jin Choi (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
    • 10:00
      Coffee Break / Poster-Vendor Sessions
    • Survey & Alignment Aspects of Light Sources 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

      Convener: Jaromir Penicka (Argonne National Laboratory)
      • 20
        Construction and alignment of test half-cell of SPring-8-II
        SPring-8 upgrade plan (SPring-8-II) has been discussed and examined to realize an ultra-low emittance storage ring with two boundary conditions to be cleared; high alignment precisions and 10 months of short replacing period. Comprehensive system and scenario of both installation and alignment have been designed for these above conditions. Half-cell with actual components has been assembled and constructed at experimental hall in SPring-8 in this year. We present the alignment scenario and an alignment system for girders and magnet supports. Also, an alignment procedure and effects of girder transportation with magnets are estimated and discussed.
        Speaker: Dr Hiroaki Kimura (JASRI/RIKEN)
      • 21
        A numerical alignment error estimation for the SPring-8-II
        Trends of accelerator components coordinates on the storage ring, which are designed as the SPring-8-II, are calculated with ground deformation growth rates. The rates are evaluated based on survey data measured since 1996 for the existing SPring-8 accelerator components. Next, alignment errors for all neighboring two magnet-girders are numerically estimated as relative error ellipses via a surveying network analysis assuming our current measurement schemes and confirmed to be settled within a tolerance, which is designed by our beam optics group. Levels of the storage ring components are known to be displacing ~2.5 mm for almost 20 years clearly depending on underground components such as underpasses, RF wave-guides, tunnels and cutting or banking structures. A necessity of the realignment for the upgrade configuration are estimated. In addition, a verification of the ATL-law application via a classical approach for variances of the storage ring level is briefly introduced and discussed.
        Speaker: Dr Yuichi Okayasu (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (SPring-8))
      • 22
        Alignment of the ESRF Extremely Brilliant Source (EBS)
        After 20 years of success and scientific excellence, the ESRF, embarked upon an ambitious and innovative modernisation project – the Upgrade Programme. The first phase of this programme was completed over the period 2009-2015. In May 2015, the ESRF launched the second part of this programme, the Extremely Brilliant Source (ESRF – EBS) project. The highlight and major technological challenge of the ESRF EBS project is the creation of an ultra-bright synchrotron source with performances 100 times superior to present day synchrotrons. This new light source will produce more intense, coherent and stable X-ray beams. It is a strategic project for the future of the ESRF that will open new perspectives for X-ray science. The EBS is sum of the myriad related sub-parts and pieces. The quality of assembly, alignment and control of the key accelerator components are critical for the ultimate success of the EBS. The importance of alignment is expressed in the requirement that close to 900 magnetic elements comprising the EBS accelerator must be placed to within of 50 µm to 80 µm of their nominal positions for the new machine to function correctly. These tolerances include all of the possible positional errors from fabrication to final placement in the tunnel. In this paper, we will examine the full alignment of the EBS accelerator. We will pay particular attention to the expression of the measurement and alignment uncertainty as expressed by the GUM: Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement published by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM).
        Speaker: Dr David Martin (ESRF)
    • 12:00
    • Other Geodetic and Survey Topics
      Convener: Dr Helene Mainaud Durand (CERN)
      • 23
        A high-precision Measurement Design to Obtain Super Instrument Height
        Abstract: Since the accuracy of centering leveling and instrument height measurement is poor when the permanent point of device area in tunnel of the Chinese spallation neutron source (CSNS) being observing in the conventional GPS tripod observation mode, a high precision measurement scheme is proposed. In the scheme, the fine-tuned roof bracket and the hemisphere plumbing mirror are designed to ensure stable placement and precise alignment; GPS antenna head bracket is modified to be suitable for placing the target ball and use laser tracker to obtain high-precision large instrument height. Finally, six permanent points are measured twice individually using laser tracker which result is compared with the measurement result using the ruler and the results show that the scheme can achieve a high accuracy of 0.2mm in centering and 0.2mm in height measuring , Which avoids the influence of stretching using ruler to measure, and effectively improve the precision of centering and large instrument height measurement of the permanent point of device area of the CSNS. In addition, the new scheme also provides reference for centering and instrument height measurement of similar points.
        Speaker: Na Ma (Institute of high energy physics, Chinese academy of sciences)
      • 24
        Frequency Scanning Interferometry to monitor the position of accelerator cold components inside their cryostat
        In the frame of the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project, we propose a novel method to monitor the position of accelerators components inside their cryostat, based on Frequency Scanning Interferometry (FSI). We achieve such a result by installing retroreflective measurement targets on the internal cold components and by using specialized feedthroughs or viewports for the FSI laser beam delivery. This configuration allows micrometric ditsance measurements between the FSI beam origin and the target. The final accuracy depends on the number of distance measurements and their configuration. We present two examples of application: the position determination of two crab cavities inside their cryostat, in a cold and radioactive environment, and the monitoring of a cold mass inside a dipole cryostat, at cold. In both cases, we introduce the context of measurements, the chosen configuration after simulations, the results achieved and lessons learnt. We conclude by extrapolating these two setups to the HL-LHC project.
        Speaker: Dr Helene Mainaud Durand (CERN)
      • 25
        The photogrammetry application R&D in CEPC
        Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) will be a very huge accelerator, current alignment methods can not significantly increase efficiency when it still demands the same precision requirement. So we introduced photogrammetry into accelerator tunnel measurement, because of its high efficiency. But accelerator tunnel which is a long and narrow space with few targets is very different form the usual photogrammetry circumstances, lots of research need to be done, this talk will cover several parts of the research work.
        Speaker: Ms Hongyan zhu (IHEP)
    • 15:00
      Coffee Break / Poster-Vendor Sessions
    • Other Geodetic and Survey Topics 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

      Convener: Mr Georg Gassner (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
      • 26
        Recent developments for a photogrammetric system to measure offsets to stretched wires at CERN
        Manual offset measurements with respect to stretched wires are used since decades for accelerator alignments at CERN, e.g. for the SPS and the LHC. A measurement system based on photogrammetry offers appreciated possibilities of automation in comparison to the manual method used so far for the radial offset measurement. Such a system built with pre-calibrated cameras is under development for different possible applications e.g. measurements in the LHC arcs or the upgrade of the LHC collimator measurement train. The article deals with the use of image processing techniques like morphological operators and the Hough transformation for the identification and precise sub-pixel edge measurement of the stretched wire in the 2D images. The magnet fiducials are measured by means of an ellipse operator in the images. In addition, the calculation process to get the positions of the straight wire and the fiducials in 3D with CERN’s compensation software LGC is described. The related algorithms have been evaluated based on image data acquired in the LHC accelerator. The attained accuracy is typically of a few hundreds of millimetres.
        Speaker: Mr Dominique Missiaen (CERN)
      • 27
        Validation of Wire Measurements in the LHC Tunnel
        The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is an upgrade of the LHC accelerator to achieve instantaneous luminosities a factor of five larger than the LHC nominal value This challenging project requires the installation of new high-technology components along more than 200 m of the current machine on each side of Interaction Point 1 (ATLAS) and Interaction Point 5 (CMS). The radiation level will increase during beam operation after Long Shutdown 3 (2024-2025). Therefore, in order to reduce dose to personnel during the alignment, all these new sections will be online monitored by Hydrostatic Levelling System and Wire Positioning System sensors and equipped with motorized jacks. The HL-LHC component positions need to be taken into account for the alignment process during the LHC smoothing activities. The survey sections of the EN-SMM group (Engineering Department - Survey, Mechatronics and Measurements) are studying various wire measurement solutions in order to be able to geometrically link the HL-LHC components, monitored by sensors, and the LHC components measured by standard methods. While the design study and R&D are still in progress, a global comparison of different solutions, including all the constraints and working conditions, has been organized inside the LHC tunnel environment during the last winter technical stop. A common “wire measurement” campaign along 80m of LHC magnets has been performed with the following techniques : offset manual measuring device, oWPS associated with laser tracker (AT40x), photogrammetry (D3X, Aicon software) and micro-triangulation with a Leica TS60 total station. The paper will give an overview of the methodologies used, the issues and the results.
        Speaker: Mr Jean-Frederis FUCHS (CERN)
      • 28
        Technical challenges for High Luminosity LHC alignment and associated solutions
        The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is an upgrade of the LHC to achieve instantaneous luminosities of a factor five larger than the nominal LHC values. The project will comprise the replacement of 1.2 km of accelerator components such as magnets, collimators and radiofrequency cavities in 2024. The upgrade relies on a number of key innovative technologies. The alignment solutions chosen to answer the requirements of the project are challenging as well. They consist of alignment systems including Wire Positioning Sensors (WPS), Hydrostatic Levelling Sensors (HLS), and Frequency Scanning Interferometry (FSI) to determine the position of components, combined with motorized jacks and adjustable platforms. This paper introduces first these concepts. It then details the R&D undertaken to develop low cost alternatives of HLS and WPS, to improve the acquisition chain of the WPS, to make easier and quicker the installation and maintenance of the WPS and to propose innovative solutions of adjustment. It presents the direction of studies followed and the first results achieved.
        Speaker: Dr Helene Mainaud Durand (CERN)
    • 17:30
      International Committee meeting at FNAL User Center 10 Che Che Pinqua Street

      10 Che Che Pinqua Street

    • Other Geodetic and Survey Topics 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

      Convener: Dr James Volk (ProNovasolutions)
      • 29
        Fiducialization for the CBETA Magnets
        The Cornell-BNL Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) Test Accelerator (CBETA) is a prototype for the future Electron Ion Collider (EIC) to prove the principle of accelerating electrons with energy recovery. There will be more than 200 magnets to be installed. Currently the major survey work is the fiducialization of magnets. The fiducials, measurement method, instrument and frame definition will be presented. Measurement plan (MP) is used to automate the data collecting and analyzing and it improves efficiency significantly.
        Speaker: Ming Ke (BNL)
      • 30
        Vibrating Wire Method and related positioning study at NSRRC
        The vibration wire method for magnets centering alignment is restudied at NSRRC. It is prepared for the replacement of magnets on a girder at TPS in case of out of order. The good resolution data as NSLS II had shown is admired and expected. Moreover, due to the quick decay of the laser PSD system between straight section girders, the wire method to replace the laser PSD system is also studied simultaneously. This paper presents the study results.
        Speaker: Mr Tsechuan Tseng (NSRRC)
      • 31
        The alignment of the drift tube linac for the Compact Pulsed Hadron Source
        The Compact Pulsed Hadron Source (CPHS) at Tsinghua University is one multi-purpose pulsed neutron source. The linac of the CPHS mainly consists of a proton source, a low energy beam transport line (LEBT), a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) and a drift tube linac (DTL). DTL is positioned downstream the RFQ accelerator and accelerates the beam from 3 MeV to 13 MeV with the peak current of 50 mA, so as to meet the energy demands for the beam bombarding the target. The main structure of the DTL consists of 2 cavities, 39 drift tubes, 2 base plates and 2 flanges. There are 41 permanent magnet quadrupoles (PMQs) mounted in drift tubes and flanges to focus the beam. The mechanical design and machining process of the drift tubes are complicated, and each PMQ needs to be installed within the error tolerance of ±0.2mm in the transverse direction and ±0.3mm in the longitudinal direction. The machining and alignment measurement of the drift tube are one of the key technologies of the CPHS DTL. This paper presents the progress of the CPHS project, together with the alignment result of the drift tubes inside the cavity and the DTL cavity in the beam line.
        Speaker: Mr Qiankun Guo (Tsinghua University)
    • 10:00
      Coffee Break / Poster-Vendor Sessions
    • Other Geodetic and Survey Topics 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

      Convener: Dr Hiroaki Kimura (RIKEN Harima Institute)
      • 32
        Leica Absolute Laser Tracker operation in magnetic field environment
        Leica Laser Trackers provided by Hexagon have a long-standing relationship with alignment groups of several particle accelerator facilities. In recent years customers requested information about possibilities and limitations of operating laser trackers in special environments, exposing the instruments to magnetic fields. At Hexagon we have followed up this new interest and investigated in a dedicated experiment the effect of magnetic fields of up to 400 Gauss on two types of our instruments, Leica Absolute Tracker AT403 and Leica Absolute Tracker AT960. In this paper / poster we would like to present an overview of our findings and give some guidance to customers on the operation of our instruments exposed to this environment.
        Speaker: Dr Angelika Lippitsch (Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence)
      • 33
        Current developments of Laser Tracker testing standards
        Author: Matthias Saure Address: Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Leica Geosystems AG Metrology Products Moenchmattweg 5 CH-5035 Unterentfelden Switzerland Three major standards have been published defining an acceptance and verification test procedure for Laser Trackers. • ASME B89.4.19 • VDI/VDE 2617-10 • ISO 10360-10 However, these standards have not reached a wide acceptance by Laser Tracker users when testing the performance of a system due to the large effort performing the test. Currently the test procedures of ASME B89.4.19 and ISO 10360-10 are being reviewed to improve usability and user acceptance. This paper will give an overview about the current state of the revisions of ASME B89.4.19 and ISO 10360-10 and an outlook about the goals and timeline for both standards.
        Speaker: Mr Matthias Saure (Leica Geosystems AG)
    • Conference Summary & Announcement 1 West (Wilson Hall)

      1 West

      Wilson Hall

      Convener: Horst Friedsam (FNAL)
    • 12:00