The target audience is young post docs and advanced graduate students with a strong interest in hadron collider physics. Both theorists and experimentalists are encouraged to apply. Lectures will be reviews of both the theoretical and experimental underpinnings of hadron collider physics, as well as a number of special topics drawn from other exciting results at the forefront of research. There will also be informal discussions, tours of Fermilab experiments, and social activities. Students will also have an opportunity to visit the nearby city of Chicago.
In addition to the fundamental topics, we will devote time specifically to topics garnering recent interest including machine learning, advanced reconstruction techniques (pileup mitigation, particle flow, high momentum objects), and precision timing detectors.
- Electroweak and Higgs physics
- QCD theory and Monte Carlo tools
- Beyond the standard model theories (with special focus on connections between direct and collider dark matter searches)
- Flavor physics
- Precision Higgs and standard model measurements
- Searches for beyond the standard model physics
- Statistics
- Machine learning with hands-on tutorial
- Silicon tracking detectors
- Calorimetry
- Trigger, data acquisition, and computing
- Event reconstruction including high momentum objects and pileup mitigation
- Heavy ion physics
- Particle accelerators and colliders
- Special topics:
- Neutrino physics and experiments
- Precision timing detectors
- Quantum detectors