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Dec 5 – 6, 2018
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Registrants List

88 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Aaron Sauers Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Albert Cox MWRD
Benjamin Bowers Anderson Dahlen - Applied Vacuum Division
Boyang Lu Illinois Institute of Technology
Brahim Mustapha ANL
Bruno Coriton General Atomics
Carley Bennett College of DuPage
Carol Johnstone Fermilab
Charles Thangaraj Fermilab
Charlie Cooper Fermi National Accelerator Lab
Chel Lancaster Argonne National Laboratory
Cheng Cheng Illinois Institute of Technology, Department of CAEE
Chip Starns ScanTech Sciences INC
Christophe Malice IBA Group
Christopher Anton Meyer Tool & Mfg. Inc.
Christopher Peters Argonne National Laboratory
Chuck Mansfield DOE SC CH ISC
Dale Shields TechniCoil, LLC
Daniel Broemmelsiek Fermilab
Daniel Mihalcea Northern Illinois University
David Neuffer fermilab
Dolan Falconer ScanTech Sciences
Dominic Civettini Missouri University of Science and Technology
Don Moore Anderson Dahlen - Applied Vacuum Division
Edward Bonnema Meyer Tool & Mfg.
Efim Gluskin ANL
Eileen Cunningham Meyer Tool & Mfg.
EUGENE BOTSOE Ability Engineering Technology Inc
Evan Niner Fermilab
Gregory Halder Argonne National Laboratory
HUAN-JUNG FAN Illinois Institute of Technology
Iman Salehinia NIU
Jakob Hillenberg Allied Metals Corporation
James WELSH Loyola University
Jeffrey Margolis Innovation Strategies Inc.
JIACHUN SUN Illinois Institute of Technology
John Byrd ANL
John Kula Chronis Imaging
John Parker Ability Engineering Technology Inc
John Power ANL
Josh Andah Ability Engineering Technology Inc
Josh Wickler Magnetic Shield Corporation
Junjie Zhu Illinois Institute of Technology
Lauren Boldon Argonne National Laboratory
Leo Holland General Atomics
Levi Johnston Rock Valley College
Luke Freeman Northern Illinois University/ Rock Valley College
Manoel Conde ANL
Marcel Demarteau ANL
Marcin Chojnowski Meyer Tool & Mfg. Inc.
Mark Pasmore Baxter Healthcare
Mary Anne Cummings Muons, Inc.
Melkie Tega Department of Energy - Chicago
Michael Borland ANL
Michael Geelhoed Fermilab DI/IARC
Michael Maurisak Ability Engineering Technology Inc
Mike Kelly ANL
Osman Akpolat GTI
Paul Anderson Illinois Institute of Technology
Quentin Sims US Department of Energy, Integrated Support Center, Chicago
Ram Dhuley Fermilab
Robert Abrams Muons Inc.
Roman Gromov Argonne National Laboratory
Sam Posen Fermilab
Sasha Zholents ANL
Scott Catey Richardson Electronics Ltd
Scott Doran ANL
Sergey Chemerisov Argonne
Slavica Grdanovska Fermilab
steven hanuska APS Argonne Ntl Lab
Steven Krave Fermilab
Tao Jiang IIT
Thomas Kroc Fermilab - IARC
Timothy Caravella TechniCoil, LLC
Timothy Nellis Meyer Tool & Manufacturing
Tiziana Spina FNAL
Tom Kunetz MWRD Chicago
Tom Roberts Muons Inc./Fermilab
W Chuck Salsbury DOE Integrated Service Center Chicago
William Young Sterigenics
Xin Zhang Oxford Instruments
Yipeng Sun Argonne
yubin zhao Euclid Techlabs LLC
Yury Ivanyushenkov ANL
Yury Shvedenkov CardioMed Supplies Inc.
Zachery West Meyer Tool & Manufacturing Inc.
Zhangwu Zhu Sterigenics