15–19 Jul 2019
US/Eastern timezone

QCD Calculation for hadronic B decays

16 Jul 2019, 14:25
2213 B Chair : Wolfgang Altmannshofer

2213 B Chair : Wolfgang Altmannshofer

Heavy Flavor/Top Heavy Quarks/Top


Prof. Cai-Dian Lu (IHEP, Beijing)


All B decays are electroweak decays, but their QCD calculations are very complicated, due to large non-perturbative effects. Since the b quark mass is heavy, we can use a perturbative expansion of 1/m_b to prove factorization. After many years development, theory of hadronic B decays has been developed well using factorization. I will summarize the current situation and recent progress including the QCD factorization, perturbative QCD factorization and factorization assisted topological diagram approach for the hadronic B decays.

Primary author

Prof. Cai-Dian Lu (IHEP, Beijing)

Presentation materials