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15–19 Apr 2024
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
America/Chicago timezone

Participant List

86 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Abhishek Deshpande Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Adam Branch Cal Tech - LIGO
Alex Zuxing Chen Fermilab
Allen Bujak Fermilab
Ana Martínez Carboneres Max IV Laboratory
Andreas Kraemer GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Austin Chaires Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Bob Donahue FNAL - AD/MSD
Bob Steinberg Fermilab
Brandon Ewert FRIB
Brian Hartsell Fermilab
Christopher Whiting Cornell University
Curtis Baffes Fermilab
Dan Lambert Fermilab PIP-II
Dan Vrbos FNAL
David Kelly MKS Instruments, Inc
Don Mitchell Fermilab
Doug Childers Kurt J. Lesker Company
Edward Gordon Agilent Technologies, Inc. - Vacuum Solutions Group
Enrico Maccallini SAES GETTERS
Gerardo Brucker MKS Instruments, Inc.
Gerardo Moreno Ciriano California Institute of Technology
Giulia Lanza SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Gregg McElwee Cornell University
Hans Luedi Midwest Vacuum, Inc.
hosun choi Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH
hsiao-chaun hseuh FRIB
HYUNGJOO SON Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
Ian Malloch Pfeiffer Vacuum, Inc.
Ippei Yamada J-PARC
Jacopo Bernardini Fermilab
Janni Eidam European XFEL
Janos Csizmazia Caltech, LIGO Hanford Observatory
Jason Carter Argonne National Laboratory
Jason Morin Fermilab
Jose Antonio Ferreira Somoza CERN
Josef Sestak CERN
Joshua Kaluzny Fermilab
Joshua Willard Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
José Villanueva Guerrero European X-Ray Free Electron Laser Facility (
Junichiro Kamiya Japan Atomic Energy Agency / J-PARC center
Katharina von Chamier DESY
Katherine Clarke STFC Daresbury Laboratory
Kathrine Laureto Fermilab
Kevin Duel Fermilab
Kyle Fenton VAT Inc
Kyle Kendziora Fermilab
kyleK Elliott FRIB
Leila Aboharb Cornell University
Leo Ketchum Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Linda Valerio Fermilab
Lucy Nobrega Fermilab
Lukas Müller DESY
Lutz Lilje DESY
Marcelo Juni Ferreira European Spallation Source ERIC
Marek Grabski MAX IV Laboratory
Marino Alvarado Fermilab
Matt Fillion Commonwealth Fusion Systems
Mayling Wong-Squires Fermilab
Melina Fuentes-Garcia Caltech LIGO Lab
Michael Seegitz Brookhaven National Laboratory
Nicholas Bechtold Argonne National Laboratory
Nils Plambeck DESY
Oliver Mulvany Commonwealth Fusion Systems
Paul Palecek Brookhaven National Laboratory
Raul Campos Fermilab
Raúl Morón Ballester Fusion for Energy (F4E)
Robert Coy SLAC National Accelerator Lab
Robert Todd Brookhaven National Laboratory
Robert "Bob" Cottingham LIGO Lab
Roger Ruber Jefferson Lab
Scott Dix Vacuum One
Sehyun Kim POSTECH, Pohang Accelerator Laboratory
Simone Callegari VAT VAkuumventile
Sol Omolayo Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Steven Wulfsberg SAES Getters/U.S.A., Inc.
Taekyun Ha Pohang Accelerator Laboratory
Tim Clute Argonne
Todd TeVogt Edwards Vacuum
Torsten Wohlenberg DESY
Tug Arkan Fermilab
Ty Funk Fermilab
Xianghong Liu SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Yulin Li Cornell University