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8–10 Oct 2016
California Institute of Technology
US/Pacific timezone


Parallel X: Photodetectors

9 Oct 2016, 11:15
Hameetman Auditorium, Cahill (California Institute of Technology)

Hameetman Auditorium, Cahill

California Institute of Technology

1200 East California Blvd Pasadena CA 91125


Bluejeans Meeting ID: 100849290

+1.408.317.9254 (BlueJeans U.S. Toll)
+1.866.226.4650 (US Toll Free)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Minfang Yeh (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
09/10/2016, 11:30
Dr Szymon Manecki (Queen's University)
09/10/2016, 11:55
Andrey Elagin (University of Chicago)
09/10/2016, 12:20
Mr Ardavan Ghassemi (Hamamatsu Photonics USA)
09/10/2016, 12:45
Dr Sen Qian (The institute of High Energy Physics)
09/10/2016, 14:30
Dr Tom Feusels (University of British Columbia)
09/10/2016, 14:55
Dr Jonathan Eisch (Iowa State University)
09/10/2016, 15:20
Ranjan Dharmapalan (Argonne NAtional Laboratory)
09/10/2016, 15:40
Mr Ako Jamil (Stanford University)
09/10/2016, 16:50
Prof. Randy Ruchti (University of Notre Dame and National Science Foundation)
09/10/2016, 17:10
Dr Craig Woody (Brookhaven National Lab)
09/10/2016, 17:30
Prof. Bob Hirosky (Virginia)
09/10/2016, 17:50
Hongwei Li, Jidong Lyu
09/10/2016, 18:10
Building timetable...