August 28, 2011 to September 2, 2011
US/Central timezone
Slides available on Indico -- there are no formal proceedings

Improved ΔB=1 constraints on SUSY flavor

Sep 1, 2011, 11:35 AM
E: West Wing Wilson Hall 10NW

E: West Wing Wilson Hall 10NW


Dr Christian Gross (TU Dortmund)


The significant progress regarding Bbar --> Kbar(*) l+ l- decays led to improved bounds on the Wilson coefficients C9 and C10. We analyze the implications on squark flavor violation in supersymmetric models. The left-right mixing mass insertion parameter in the up-sector --which so far is mostly unconstrained by flavor data-- is the most sensitive flavor parameter in this regard. We also study the expected enhancement from near-future data, in particular from the LHCb. Some possible consequences for SUSY flavor models are briefly discussed.

Presentation materials