Parallel Session 8: G - SUSY Higgs
- Milada Margarete Muehlleitner (Institute of Theoretical Physics (TP), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Parallel Session 8: F: Hurricane session
- Adam Martin (Fermilab)
Parallel Session 8: A - SUSY, neutrinos, flavor models
- Stephen Parke (Fermilab)
Parallel Session 8: B - SUSY pheno
- Stephen Martin (Northern Illinois University)
Parallel Session 8: C - Alternatives
- Graham Kribs (Fermilab/U Oregon)
Parallel Session 8: D - SUSY experiment and pheno
- Shufang Su (University of Arizona)
Parallel Session 8: E - Flavor exp and pheno
- Andreas Kronfeld (Fermilab)
Piyush Kumar
(Columbia University)
9/1/11, 11:15 AM
It is well known that R-symmetric models dramatically alleviate the SUSY flavor and CP problems. We study particular modifications of existing R-symmetric models which share the solution to the above problems, and have interesting consequences for electroweak baryogenesis and the Dark Matter (DM) content of the universe. In particular, we find that it is naturally possible to have a strongly...
Ayres Freitas
(University of Pittsburgh)
9/1/11, 11:15 AM
Takumi Ito
(The University of Tokyo, Tohoku University)
9/1/11, 11:15 AM
I discuss LHC phenomenology of low-scale SUSY breaking scenario that the gravitino mass is around 10 eV and that the NLSP (in this talk, stau) decays well inside the detector. Even if the stau decays before hitting the inner detector, the tau-jet from the stau decay may have a large impact parameter, which is useful to identify the decay products of the stau. I show that the impact parameter...
Nuno Girao De Almeida
9/1/11, 11:35 AM
Christian Gross
(TU Dortmund)
9/1/11, 11:35 AM
The significant progress regarding Bbar --> Kbar(*) l+ l- decays led to improved bounds on the Wilson coefficients C9 and C10. We analyze the implications on squark flavor violation in supersymmetric models. The left-right mixing mass insertion parameter in the up-sector --which so far is mostly unconstrained by flavor data-- is the most sensitive flavor parameter in this regard. We also study...
Frank Golf
9/1/11, 11:35 AM
Joshua Berger
(Cornell University)
9/1/11, 11:45 AM
We study a new type of CP violating observable that arises in three body decays that are dominated by an intermediate resonance. If two interfering diagrams exist with different orderings of final state particles, the required CP-even arises due to the different virtualities of the resonance in each of the two diagrams. This method can be an important tool for accessing new CP phases at the...
Warren Huelsnitz
9/1/11, 11:45 AM
The MiniBooNE experiment at Fermilab observed an excess of electron antineutrino events in a beam of muon antineutrinos, consistent with oscillations in the 1.0 eV2 ∆m2 range, and also consistent with the evidence for antineutrino oscillations from the Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Oscillations at this mass scale are not compatible with the...
Sophio Pataraia
9/1/11, 11:55 AM
Thomas Wright
(University of Michigan)
9/1/11, 11:55 AM
Jing Shao
(Syracuse University)
9/1/11, 12:05 PM
The Higgs boson may dominantly decay to 4 light jets through a light pseudo-scalar intermediary: h -> 2 eta -> 4j, making reconstruction at the LHC particularly challenging. We explore the phenomenology of such "Buried Higgs" scenarios in which the primary discovery channel of the Higgs is in cascade decays of superpartners. QCD backgrounds that would otherwise overwhelm the Higgs decay are...
Yue Zhao
(Rutgers University)
9/1/11, 12:10 PM
We focus on the early searches for new physics at the LHC. We present a complete classification of multi-lepton signatures, that provides a framework for an exclusive multi-lepton channel search. This formed the basis for a CMS search for new physics in the Fall 2010 data. We study slepton co-NLSP and stau NLSP scenarios as examples of such multi-lepton physics. We also study the di-photon +...
Joachim Kopp
9/1/11, 12:10 PM
Recent results in short-baseline neutrino oscillation physics have led
to a renewed interest in sterile neutrinos. In this talk, we present a
global fit to short-baseline oscillation data, and we study to what
extent the anomalies in these data can be explained by sterile
neutrinos. We also discuss how sterile neutrinos can affect dark matter
searches in IceCube and in direct detection...
Fernando Martinez-Vidal
(IFIC, Universidad de Valencia-CSIC)
9/1/11, 12:15 PM
Radovan Dermisek
(Indiana University)
9/1/11, 12:15 PM
We show that a Z' with suppressed couplings to the electron compared to the Z-boson, with couplings to the b-quark, and with a mass close to the mass of the Z-boson, provides an excellent fit to forward-backward asymmetry of the b-quark and R_b measured on the Z-pole, near the Z-pole and above the Z-pole, and to A_e obtained from the measurement of left-right asymmetry for hadronic final...
Finn Rebassoo
9/1/11, 12:15 PM
Joseph Haley
(Northeastern Univ.)
9/1/11, 12:15 PM
Joshua Sayre
(University of Oklahoma)
9/1/11, 12:35 PM
Higgs: phenomenology
We study the prospects for detection of neutral Higgs bosons in
associated b production at the LHC, where the Higgs decays into b-quarks
leading to a 3-b signal. We consider unified frameworks such as mSUGRA,
AMSB, and GMSB to determine the searchable phase space in these models, taking into account constraints from EWSB and chargino searches. We also consider predictions for rare decays...
Daniel Pidt
(TU Dortmund)
9/1/11, 12:35 PM
Supersymmetry without R-parity provides a natural way to generate experimentally viable neutrino masses without the need to add new particles to the MSSM. The most general ansatz for R-parity violation introduces 48 potentially complex parameters to the superpotential. We present an economic way, based on a generic lepton-flavor-symmetry, to reduce the number of independent couplings to four....
Aoife Bharucha
(Hamburg University/DESY)
9/1/11, 12:35 PM
SUSY: phenomenology
We calculate chargino production at a future linear collider, and heavy Higgs boson decays including full one-loop contributions in the MSSM with complex parameters. To achieve this, we require a comprehensive approach to renormalization in the chargino and neutralino sector, for the case where parameters can be complex. This is non-trivial in the on-shell scheme, as interference with the...
Joshua Cogan
9/1/11, 12:35 PM
Alexander Moreno Briceno
(SUNY at Buffalo/Universidad Antonio Narino)
9/1/11, 12:35 PM
SUSY: phenomenology
We study the CP violating MSSM one loop contributions to top pair
production in hadronic collisions. We focus on the SUSY electroweak
and QCD contributions to the two main mechanisms of the top pair
quark production at the LHC, q-qbar annihilation and gluon fusion. We
present preliminary results on the total production cross section and
kinematic distributions.
Martin Bauer
9/1/11, 12:45 PM