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Lepton flavor violation and lepton universality violation in meson and baryon decays



Sacha Davidson (IN2P3), Angelo Di Canto (BNL), Bertrand Echenard (Caltech), Stefan Meinel (University of Arizona)

Zoom link: click here

This workshop will explore theoretical and experimental aspects of lepton flavor universality violation and lepton flavor violation in meson and baryon decays. The goal is to discuss questions such as the following:

  • What are the future prospects for improved or novel experimental tests of LFU and searches for LFV in hadron decays?
  • How far can the uncertainties be reduced, and what input is needed from theory and from other measurements?
  • How can we further narrow down the possibilities for new-physics models that may explain the anomalies seen in b -> s l+l- and b -> c l nu decays?
  • What correlations are expected between different observables in different models?

This meeting is part of a series of events in the context of Snowmass 2021, and is organized jointly by the topical groups RF1: Weak decays of b and c quarks and RF5: Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (electrons, muons and taus).


Meeting recording at

  • Monday, 28 September
    • 08:00 08:05
    • 08:05 08:45
      Theory overview (30'+10') 40m
      Speaker: Diego Guadagnoli (LAPTh-CNRS)
    • 08:45 09:20
      LFV+LFU in neutral-current b/c decays at LHCb (25'+10') 35m
      Speaker: Flavio Archilli (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
    • 09:20 09:35
      Break 15m
    • 09:35 10:10
      LFV+LFU in neutral-current b/c decays at Belle II (25'+10') 35m
      Speaker: Karim Trabelsi (IJCLab Orsay)
    • 10:10 10:35
      LFV+LFU at Atlas+CMS (20'+5') -- CANCELED 25m
      Speaker: Alessandro Cerri (University of Sussex)
    • 10:35 11:00
      LFV+LFU at FCC-ee (20'+5') 25m
      Speaker: Marcin Chrząszcz (Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics)
    • 11:00 11:25
      Addressing R_D(∗), R_K(∗), muon g−2 and ANITA anomalies in a minimal R-parity violating supersymmetric framework (20'+5') 25m
      Speaker: Bhupal Dev (Washington University in St Louis)
  • Tuesday, 29 September
    • 08:00 08:25
      Theory of LFU/LFV in charm decays / dineutrino modes (20'+5') 25m
      Speaker: Hector Gisbert Mullor (TU Dortmund)
    • 08:25 08:50
      LFV at BESIII and STCF (20'+5') 25m
      Speaker: Dayong Wang (Peking University)
    • 08:50 09:15
      LFV at NA62 (20'+5') 25m
      Speakers: Joel Swallow (University of Birmingham), Joel Swallow (The University of Birmingham (UK))
    • 09:15 09:30
      Break 15m
    • 09:30 09:55
      LFU in charged-current b decays at Belle II (20'+5') 25m
      Speaker: Florian Bernlochner (University of Bonn)
    • 09:55 10:20
      LFU in charged-current b decays at LHCb (20'+5') 25m
      Speaker: Manuel Franco Sevilla (University of Maryland (US))
    • 10:20 10:45
      Novel observables for b->c tau nu decays (20'+5') 25m
      Speaker: Alakabha Datta (University of Mississippi)
    • 10:45 11:15
      Final open discussion 30m