Session Start Time (CDT) |
Duration (minutes) |
# |
ZoomRoom |
Session Title |
EF |
NF |
CF |
AF |
RF |
TF |
UF |
IF |
CompF |
Tuesday 11:00 |
30 |
1 |
Zoom 1 |
EF Intro |
EF |
Tuesday 11:00 |
30 |
2 |
Zoom 2 |
NF Intro |
NF |
Tuesday 11:00 |
30 |
3 |
Zoom 3 |
CF Intro |
CF |
Tuesday 11:00 |
30 |
4 |
Zoom 4 |
AF Intro |
AF |
Tuesday 11:00 |
30 |
5 |
Zoom 5 |
RF Intro |
RF |
Tuesday 11:00 |
30 |
6 |
Zoom 6 |
TF Intro |
TF |
Tuesday 11:00 |
30 |
7 |
Zoom 7 |
UF Intro |
UF |
Tuesday 11:00 |
30 |
8 |
Zoom 8 |
CEF Intro |
Tuesday 11:00 |
60 |
9 |
Zoom 9 |
IF Intro and LOIs |
IF |
Tuesday 11:00 |
60 |
10 |
Zoom 10 |
CompF Intro and LOIs |
CompF |
Tuesday 11:30 |
90 |
129 |
Zoom 1 |
Higgs Factories |
EF |
AF |
TF |
Tuesday 11:30 |
120 |
109 |
Zoom 2 |
Determining the Masses and Nature of Neutrinos |
NF |
RF |
TF |
Tuesday 11:30 |
60 |
77 |
Zoom 3 |
Quantum Sensors for Wave and Particle Detection |
NF |
CF |
TF |
UF |
IF |
Tuesday 11:30 |
120 |
108 |
Zoom 5 |
Accelerator Probes of Light Dark Matter (keV-GeV) |
EF |
NF |
CF |
RF |
TF |
Tuesday 11:30 |
105 |
125 |
Zoom 6 |
EFTs for new physics sensitivity studies |
EF |
RF |
TF |
CompF |
Tuesday 11:30 |
60 |
92 |
Zoom 11 |
Non-perturbative QCD dynamics at colliders |
EF |
TF |
Tuesday 11:30 |
60 |
130 |
Zoom 12 |
Enabling technologies for low mass and ps timing detectors |
EF |
RF |
IF |
Tuesday 11:30 |
60 |
136 |
Zoom 13 |
Heavier particle dark matter >~ 10 GeV |
EF |
CF |
Tuesday 11:30 |
60 |
72 |
Zoom 14 |
Dark Energy, Origins (Inflation), and Light Relics |
NF |
CF |
TF |
Tuesday 11:30 |
30 |
145 |
Zoom 17 |
QCD phase transitions and ultra-high density matter |
EF |
CF |
Tuesday 11:30 |
60 |
171 |
Zoom 19 |
AF2 organization with contributors |
AF |
Tuesday 11:30 |
60 |
175 |
Zoom 20 |
Accelerator research centers and test facilities for future accelerators |
AF |
Tuesday 11:30 |
60 |
179 |
Zoom 21 |
AF7 Targets and Sources organization with contributors |
AF |
Tuesday 12:30 |
60 |
131 |
Zoom 12 |
Physics requirements for HEP detectors at colliders |
EF |
RF |
TF |
IF |
Tuesday 12:30 |
30 |
139 |
Zoom 14 |
Testing LambdaCDM cosmology at low and high redshifts |
CF |
TF |
Tuesday 13:00 |
90 |
102 |
Zoom 3 |
The Roles of QIS in HEP |
AF |
RF |
TF |
IF |
CompF |
Tuesday 13:00 |
90 |
126 |
Zoom 4 |
BSM: direct and indirect searches |
EF |
RF |
TF |
Tuesday 13:00 |
90 |
122 |
Zoom 7 |
Capabilities needed to execute underground experiments in a broad range of research categories |
UF |
IF |
CompF |
Tuesday 13:00 |
60 |
118 |
Zoom 8 |
Cross-community Mobility in Science |
UF |
IF |
CompF |
Tuesday 13:00 |
30 |
69 |
Zoom 9 |
Instrumentation for Future Optical Surveys |
CF |
IF |
Tuesday 13:00 |
90 |
124 |
Zoom 11 |
Lattice Gauge Theory for High Energy Physics |
EF |
RF |
TF |
CompF |
Tuesday 13:00 |
90 |
74 |
Zoom 13 |
Atomic to Cosmic: Wave Dark Matter and Beyond |
CF |
TF |
Tuesday 13:00 |
60 |
149 |
Zoom 15 |
Organizing the Early Universe: origins, relics, and BSM |
CF |
Tuesday 13:00 |
30 |
146 |
Zoom 16 |
Small Projects to Enhance Stage IV photometric surveys |
CF |
Tuesday 13:00 |
90 |
61 |
Zoom 18 |
Energy and Power and Time structure goals for Neutrino Frontier programs |
NF |
AF |
Tuesday 13:00 |
30 |
172 |
Zoom 19 |
Near-term applications of plasma accelerators |
AF |
Tuesday 13:00 |
90 |
176 |
Zoom 20 |
Physics limits of Ultimate Beams (colliders: e+/e-, mu/mu, p/p, p drivers, etc) |
AF |
Tuesday 13:00 |
30 |
180 |
Zoom 21 |
SRF and magnets for Higgs factories |
AF |
Tuesday 13:30 |
105 |
128 |
Zoom 6 |
From Amplitudes to Precision Theory for Future Colliders |
EF |
TF |
CompF |
Tuesday 13:30 |
60 |
54 |
Zoom 9 |
Machine Detector Interface for Future Colliders |
AF |
IF |
Tuesday 13:30 |
60 |
81 |
Zoom 10 |
Computing Requirements/Opportunities NF |
NF |
CompF |
Tuesday 13:30 |
60 |
140 |
Zoom 14 |
Future medium to ultrahigh energy gamma-ray detectors |
CF |
IF |
Tuesday 13:30 |
30 |
147 |
Zoom 16 |
Novel Ideas in Astronomical Observations |
CF |
Tuesday 13:30 |
60 |
173 |
Zoom 19 |
AF5 organization with contributors |
AF |
Tuesday 13:30 |
30 |
181 |
Zoom 21 |
Technology for rare searches (magnets, RF) |
AF |
Tuesday 14:00 |
120 |
127 |
Zoom 1 |
Searches for dark sectors |
EF |
CF |
AF |
RF |
TF |
Tuesday 14:00 |
30 |
71 |
Zoom 2 |
Instrumentation for Future radio intensity mapping surveys |
CF |
IF |
Tuesday 14:00 |
30 |
70 |
Zoom 12 |
Instrumentation for Future sub-mm Surveys |
CF |
IF |
Tuesday 14:00 |
30 |
68 |
Zoom 15 |
Computing in Cosmic Frontier Surveys |
CF |
CompF |
Tuesday 14:00 |
30 |
182 |
Zoom 21 |
Energy and power limits for plasma accelerators |
AF |
Tuesday 14:30 |
45 |
142 |
Zoom 15 |
Analysis/theory techniques for joint cosmological constraints |
CF |
Tuesday 14:30 |
90 |
132 |
Zoom 16 |
Collider Data Analyses Strategies |
EF |
CF |
RF |
TF |
CompF |
Tuesday 14:30 |
60 |
80 |
Zoom 17 |
Computing Requirements & Opportunities for the Energy Frontier |
EF |
CompF |
Tuesday 15:00 |
60 |
97 |
Zoom 2 |
Neutrinos as Probes of Standard and BSM Particle Physics |
NF |
CF |
TF |
CompF |
Tuesday 15:00 |
60 |
101 |
Zoom 4 |
Higgs as a probe of new physics |
EF |
TF |
Tuesday 15:00 |
60 |
29 |
Zoom 5 |
Low-energy precision experiments |
EF |
NF |
RF |
TF |
Tuesday 15:00 |
60 |
51 |
Zoom 9 |
Requirements for low background and underground detectors |
NF |
CF |
RF |
UF |
IF |
Tuesday 15:00 |
60 |
123 |
Zoom 10 |
Data Handling and AI/ML |
RF |
IF |
CompF |
Tuesday 15:00 |
60 |
40 |
Zoom 11 |
Exotic Hadron Spectroscopy and Interpretation |
EF |
RF |
TF |
Tuesday 15:00 |
60 |
64 |
Zoom 12 |
Computing Needs of the Accelerator Frontier |
AF |
CompF |
Tuesday 15:00 |
60 |
174 |
Zoom 19 |
AF1 organization with contributors |
AF |
Tuesday 15:00 |
30 |
177 |
Zoom 20 |
AF7rf organization with contributors |
AF |
Tuesday 15:00 |
60 |
183 |
Zoom 21 |
Intermediate lepton collision energies between 500 GeV and 3 TeV |
EF |
AF |
TF |
Tuesday 15:15 |
45 |
143 |
Zoom 15 |
Simulations for joint cosmological constraints |
CF |
Tuesday 15:30 |
30 |
141 |
Zoom 6 |
Gravitational wave source modelling |
CF |
TF |
Tuesday 15:30 |
30 |
178 |
Zoom 20 |
Common accelerator goals/technology at the energy frontier |
AF |
Wednesday 12:15 |
45 |
150 |
Zoom 3 |
Dark Matter Complementarity |
EF |
NF |
CF |
AF |
RF |
TF |
IF |
Wednesday 12:15 |
45 |
190 |
Zoom 4 |
Discussion of accelerator project implementation |
AF |
Wednesday 12:15 |
45 |
151 |
Zoom 6 |
Dark Energy Strategy |
CF |
Wednesday 12:45 |
60 |
84 |
Zoom 10 |
Computing Requirements & Opportunities in Theory |
TF |
CompF |
Wednesday 13:00 |
90 |
26 |
Zoom 1 |
Energy Frontier discovery machines |
EF |
AF |
TF |
IF |
Wednesday 13:00 |
60 |
110 |
Zoom 2 |
Baryon and Lepton Number Violating processes |
NF |
RF |
UF |
Wednesday 13:00 |
90 |
75 |
Zoom 3 |
Cosmic Probes of Dark Matter Physics |
CF |
TF |
Wednesday 13:00 |
60 |
44 |
Zoom 4 |
New accelerator concepts for high intensity muon beams |
AF |
RF |
Wednesday 13:00 |
60 |
41 |
Zoom 5 |
Anomalies in Flavor Physics |
RF |
TF |
Wednesday 13:00 |
60 |
115 |
Zoom 7 |
Neutrinos, dark matter, and underground facilities |
NF |
CF |
UF |
Wednesday 13:00 |
90 |
119 |
Zoom 9 |
HEP and Accelerator Workforce Careers and Training |
EF |
NF |
CF |
AF |
RF |
TF |
UF |
IF |
CompF |
Wednesday 13:00 |
90 |
28 |
Zoom 11 |
Theory Challenges in Precision Measurements |
EF |
RF |
TF |
CompF |
Wednesday 13:00 |
90 |
99 |
Zoom 12 |
Advances in Event Generation and Detector Simulation |
EF |
RF |
TF |
CompF |
Wednesday 13:00 |
60 |
148 |
Zoom 13 |
Future gravitational wave facilities |
CF |
Wednesday 13:00 |
60 |
137 |
Zoom 14 |
High and ultrahigh energy neutrino experiments |
NF |
CF |
TF |
IF |
Wednesday 13:00 |
60 |
184 |
Zoom 19 |
Sources and targets for high power beams |
AF |
Wednesday 13:00 |
30 |
186 |
Zoom 20 |
High field (Schwinger limit) physics with intense electron and laser beams |
AF |
RF |
Wednesday 13:00 |
60 |
189 |
Zoom 21 |
AF7 magnets organization with contributors |
AF |
Wednesday 13:30 |
30 |
187 |
Zoom 20 |
Machine Detector Interface with plasma lens and plasma accelerators |
AF |
IF |
Wednesday 13:45 |
60 |
105 |
Zoom 6 |
The Reach of Formal Theory |
TF |
Wednesday 14:00 |
60 |
57 |
Zoom 8 |
Connection with industry |
AF |
IF |
Wednesday 14:00 |
120 |
210 |
Zoom 10 |
CompF Planning |
CompF |
Wednesday 14:00 |
60 |
144 |
Zoom 13 |
New facilities for dark energy |
CF |
Wednesday 14:00 |
60 |
138 |
Zoom 14 |
Synergy of astro-particle physics and collider physics |
EF |
CF |
Wednesday 14:00 |
30 |
185 |
Zoom 19 |
High power proton beams for rare searches |
AF |
RF |
Wednesday 14:00 |
30 |
188 |
Zoom 20 |
Plasma acc for fixed target experiments |
AF |
TF |
Wednesday 15:00 |
60 |
201 |
Zoom 1 |
EF Planning |
EF |
Wednesday 15:00 |
60 |
202 |
Zoom 2 |
NF Planning |
NF |
Wednesday 15:00 |
60 |
203 |
Zoom 3 |
CF Planning |
CF |
Wednesday 15:00 |
60 |
204 |
Zoom 4 |
AF Planning |
AF |
Wednesday 15:00 |
60 |
205 |
Zoom 5 |
RF Planning |
RF |
Wednesday 15:00 |
60 |
206 |
Zoom 6 |
TF Planning |
TF |
Wednesday 15:00 |
60 |
207 |
Zoom 7 |
UF Planning |
UF |
Wednesday 15:00 |
60 |
208 |
Zoom 8 |
CEF Planning |
Wednesday 15:00 |
60 |
209 |
Zoom 9 |
IF Planning |
IF |