The search for evidence of New Physics is in the viewfinder of current and forthcoming analyses at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and at new-generation hadron, lepton and lepton-hadron colliders. This is the best time to shore up our knowledge of strong interactions though and, more in particular, of the hadron structure in terms of parton distributions.
Although significant steps toward the...
Rapid developments of atomic clocks and other precision spectroscopy techniques are making possible phenomenologically interesting searches for bosonic dark matter and new force carriers. Furthermore, it is realistic to expect in the next decade many orders of magnitude improvements in the sensitivity of these experiments. To take full advantage of new opportunities presented by these...
To test $T$- and $P$-violation by proton EDM requires an electric storage ring (SR) with simultaneously counter-circulating, frozen-spin proton beams. The CPEDM feasibility study proposes a low-energy prototype ring with superimposed electric and magnetic bending storing frozen-spin 49.65 MeV (clock-wise) protons and pseudo-frozen spin 24.73 MeV (counter-clockwise) protons; $pd$ combinations...
Understanding the nature of dart matter has been a long-standing conundrum in particle physics. While most theoretical and experimental efforts in the search for dark matter have been focused on the weakly interacting massive particles, the fact that there have been no conclusive signal observations increasingly motivates searches for other dark-matter candidates. Of them, keV-scale...
We will present a novel approach to detecting dark matter axions in a Superconducting RF cavity. The approach relies on axion-mediated transitions between nearly-degenerate resonant modes, leading to parametrically enhanced signal power for light axions. This approach could probe axion masses across fifteen orders of magnitude, all in a metre-scale cavity.
HEP finds itself at a most interesting time exploring energy and matter at its deepest level. There is more today that we do not understand about the universe than before and the community is bubbling with new ideas that have the potential to drive a new revolution. Currently, however, the field is dominated by mega-projects that leave little room for a broad spectrum of experimental research....
The FCC-ee is a frontier Higgs, Top, Electroweak, and Flavour factory. It will be operated in a 100 km circular tunnel built in the CERN area, and will serve as the first step of the FCC integrated programme towards a 100 TeV and above proton-proton collisions in the same infrastructure. In addition to an essential and unique Higgs program, it offers powerful opportunities for discovery of...
The successful search for millicharged particles with the milliQan demonstrator has proved the feasibility the detector design as well as providing important lessons for background mitigation and signal performance. For Snowmass, we are planning a publication that will use data and fully calibrated simulation from the demonstrator to provide projections for the reach of full-scale...
We describe two complementary strategies that utilize superconducting transmon qubits to enable future dark matter searches. First, we discuss a novel photon counting technique harnessing the quantum non demolition (QND) nature of the qubit-photon interaction, which allows us to subvert the quantum limit. We have demonstrated an unprecedented counting error rate equivalent to noise 15.7 dB...