Richard Gran
(University of Minnesota - Duluth)
We exposed a scaled-down version of the MINERvA detector to a beam of pions, kaons, and protons with momenta between 400 and 2000 MeV. These data are important for constraining the detector response to hadrons for our neutrino analyses in many respects: calorimetry, tracking, and PID response, and to constrain detector and Geant4 model uncertainties. For this, we built and operated a new tertiary beamline at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility in Summer 2010, and operated our detector with reconfigurable absorber in a tracker + ECal and ECal + HCal configurations. This poster will include the preliminary results from the analysis of calorimetric response in the
ECal + HCal configuration.
Primary author
Richard Gran
(University of Minnesota - Duluth)