NuInt12 is the eighth in a series of workshops concentrating on low-energy, neutrino-nucleus interactions. The goal of the whole series is to bring theorists and experimentalists from the nuclear and high-energy community together to address the many challenges to understanding these complex interactions. This edition will be the first in Latin America, showing the scientific growth of the field.
After reviewing the motivation for these studies and the ongoing experimental efforts, the topic of nuclear effects will be introduced and each of the neutrino-nucleus scattering channels that contribute in the low-energy regime will be covered.
Recent scattering results from oscillation experiments as well as the potential of experiments specifically designed to study these interactions will be discussed. The work of both nuclear and high-energy theorists to provide improved theoretical descriptions of these channels will also be reviewed.
NuInt12 will consist of sessions covering the following topics:
Session 1. Summary of NuInt11 and goals of NuInt12
Session 2. Electron scattering and Meson Exchange
Session 3.CC and NC quasi-elastic scattering
Session 4.Pion production and other inelastic processes
Session 5.Deep and shallow inelastic scattering, quark hadron duality
Session 6. Systematic effects on CP violation measurements
Session 7. Confronting theory and experiments, event simulators.
Session 8. Very low energy neutrino interactions
Session 9. Future experiments.
Session 10. Path forward and future prospects
Session 11. Posters
Considerable time for discussion is being planned into these sessions.
We invite you to attend NuInt12 to continue the study of these important interactions.